"Pikachu, you have powered up the Princess in this country, let's run away!"

Hailan launched the Kenbunshoku electric field to collect some information, and hurriedly took Pikachu to run away. go.

As for whether the little girl with long pink hair will be electrocuted, Hai Lan is not worried at all.

Pikachu has a strong ability to control his golden lightning. Since it just wants to teach the Brat who upset him, then the other party will naturally not have mortal danger.

"That duck is amazing...Kira, let's go and follow those two people to see what's going on."

Kid, who was watching the scene on the side of the road, caught it at a glance. Pikachu who can release golden lightning.

Unlike Luffy, who is still playing mud with Ace in East Blue and playing tigers with Sabo all day long, Kid has had ambitions for hegemony since he was a child.

In addition, humans are a kind of strange creatures that are very ruthless to the same kind, but easy to be sentimental to animals, so even Kid, who has extremely high requirements for companion screening, wants to win Pikachu at this time Not surprisingly.

"Damn... what kind of monster is this..."

Bonnie's intestines are almost regretful, she didn't expect her casual words to make herself uneasy Such a crime is terrible.

"It's so uncomfortable..."

Enduring the discomfort on her body, Bonnie, covered in dirt, continued her escape journey without forgetting to drop by on the ground. Picked up a sausage...

Hailan, who ran to another street, looked up and saw a sign: "Badak Cold Drink Shop?"

He I always feel that the name "Badak" seems a bit familiar, but I can't remember it anymore.

After all, his ability to "remember to remember" was only obtained after crossed over, and he still needs to memorize it carefully. It is not surprising that he can't think of it.


Pikachu shouted beside Hailan.

Seeing his pitiful appearance, Hailan knew that he was still worried about the ice cream that had just been knocked into the air, so Hailan opened the door of the cold drink shop: "Let’s go and have a good time. !"


Pikachu immediately opened his eyes and smiled.

A few minutes later, 10-year-old Kid and 14-year-old Kira also followed sneakily...

"Hello, sir...Huan... Welcome!"

The waiter was stunned for a moment when he saw Pikachu, and soon put on a professional smile again.

This year, there are all kinds of strange animals that raise cats, dogs and baboons... What happened to this customer with a duck?

The money is the uncle.

"Hello sir, what do you want?"

Hailan glanced at the pictures on the wall and saw that Pikachu had been staring at "Authentic North Blue "Bingyuan Ice Cream (Special Offer from Ice Cream Kingdom)", and pointed to the most expensive one: "Bring me a big ice cream."

"Sorry sir, this one is only here ." It’s a big cup..."


Hailan interrupted the waiter, "Aren’t you three big, medium and small glasses? I want the big one. Cup."

The waiter pointed to the cheapest poster: "Sorry sir, this is the big cup."

Then she pointed to the poster in the middle: " This is an extra large cup."

Finally, she pointed to the poster Hailan said: "This is the South Blue invincible big cup!"

Hailan sucked in a breath of cold air: "I don't care what you call, I just want the big cup in your three cups."

The waiter has a smile as always, and his tone is as calm and patient as ever: "I'm sorry Sir, this is the big cup...You mean the South Blue invincible big cup..."

"Kid, what do you want to do?"

In the corner , Kid stood up, but Kira grabbed his wrist.

Kid squeezed a few words from his teeth: "I want to beat that waiter..."

Kira, who is four years older than Kid, finally pressed it down Kira’s anger: "You guy, calm me down!"

"I'll give you a chance to reorganize the language..."

Hailan raised his hand, one The handle of the aurora blade extends directly to the waiter’s neck, and the waiter can even hear the buzzing plasma sound on the blade...

Devil Fruit Ability User!

This seems to be a great character.

The waiter couldn't laugh anymore, she said with a pale face, crying and explained: "This is our Boss rule. If I don't say that, he will also teach me."

"Call me your Boss!"

Upon hearing that a ruthless man came, the Boss of the Badak cold drink shop hurried out.

"My lord, do you have any questions?"

Hailan pointed to the poster on the wall: "Why do you call these three cups big cups, extra large cups? , South Blue invincible big cup, not small cup, medium cup, big cup?"

Boss Hey Issho: "Isn’t this a nice name, you see, the'small cup' sounds like a big drop in price Ah, it’s completely different if it’s changed to a big cup."

"Oh...it’s the same thing."

Hailan suddenly became nodded like Satori, Suddenly the complexion changed: "I'm here to collect taxes!"

Boss was taken aback: "Taxes? What taxes?"

"Personal income tax 500,000 Beli, bragging tax 50 Wan Beli, the Arctic South has adjusted taxes of 500,000 Beli, and the total is 1.5 million Beli!"

Boss was surprised: "Dare to ask you who...?"

"I am Vice Admiral of Marine Headquarters, day tiger!"


The palace of the Kingdom of Solbe, inside the prayer room.

"Thank you, Mr. Bear... The old woman's life was completely saved by Mr. Bear..."

An old lady with a withered face opened. Opening her eyes, she felt that her dying body was much more comfortable, as if she was 10 years younger.

This is not an illusion, the complexion on her face has really improved a lot.

Bartholomew ・Issho bears his lips, as if the warm sunshine can heal people’s hearts: "No effort at all, no thanks."

The bear called out his subordinates The old woman walked out of the prayer room, and she walked into another room with a bear-head-shaped bubble.

In the room, the bear pushed the bubbles towards a fish in the fish tank, and then the fish was blown up directly into a blood mist and dyed a tank of clear water.

"If someone is liberated, someone is destined to bear it, fish, please forgive my crime."

Xiong closed a book called "The Bible" and prayed silently .

"Duke Xiong is really a gentle adult. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Outside the prayer room, the palace soldier and maids who sent the old lady away Talking about their lord king quietly.

At this time, a soldier ran into the castle in a panic: "No...no, Marine has returned. The King's Army is not their opponent at all! Go report it to Gong Xiong! "

In the town, watching the soldiers lying on the street, Kid sitting on the eaves in the distance said with feelings: "Kira, have you seen it? I will do it in the future A man like that Shiraku!"

Kira asked unexpectedly: "What? Do you want to be a Marine?"

"How is it possible?"

Kid who has given up on abducting Pikachu grinned Issho: "I mean, I want to be a man with Haki like him! Whoever dares to refuse, do it!"


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