? "Are you special..."

If it weren't because the bear is a gentle person, this would definitely be the first sentence he said after he got up.

At this time, the bear just stared at Hailan silently. Although Hailan could not feel the bear’s eyes through the bear’s eyes without pupils, it’s not difficult to see through the bear’s facial expressions. At this time, the heart is quite angry.

"Bear's paw impact" is the most powerful style of Xiong's destructive power. He is confident that even Hailan can't take his move.

But what Xiong didn't expect was that Hailan simply didn't plan to give him a chance to accumulate energy and amplify his moves, which made Xiong suffer a big loss by surprise.

The fleshy ball fruit has given Bartholomew Bear various incredible abilities, making him possess extremely strong destructive power, which is the advantage of bears.

The advantage given to Hailan by the Aurora Fruit is "instant launch", and most of Hailan's styles can be released instantly.

In fact, Hailan also has styles that require "time to read", such as his "Furious Mode", but the speed advantage of Aurora Fruit can make him instantly distance himself from his opponents and earn enough for himself "Reading time".

If it is against the "drought" Jack, Xiong's ability may have a greater advantage than Hailan, but unfortunately, Xiong's current opponent is Hailan.

Xiong and Hailan confronted each other. The two of them watched each other vigilantly, moving slowly as if they were walking around something.

In fact, both of them are looking for each other's weak spot, looking for a chance to strike first.

"oh la la ..."

Hai Lan suddenly stepped on a pile of gravel under her feet, and her center of gravity was slightly unstable.

The Xiong opposite him seized the opportunity of Hai Lan's "mistake", his silhouette disappeared in place, and he came to Hai Lan's back in an instant.

Pressure gun!

The bear's palm gently pushed, and the bear's paw-shaped air cannon slammed Hailan's forehead.

At the moment when the pressure gun hit Hailan, the bear's movements were delayed for an instant.

Because he actually felt the breath of Hailan coming from behind him, but Hailan was clearly in front of his own eyes...

Aurora. Afterimage technique!

What remains in front of the bear is nothing more than a "three-dimensional projection" created by Hailan using aurora.

Hailan’s "mistake" just now was a weak spot he deliberately sold to the bear.

It's not that the bear didn't take this into consideration.

But Xiong is very confident of his own strength-whether you make a real mistake or a false one, as long as you show a weak spot, this is a good opportunity for me to attack.

However, Hailan will not let the result of "the unsuccessful routine is counter-killed" appear on his body. He not only sells a weak spot, but also uses the afterimage technique.

Hailan knows that "Aurora afterimage" is just a visual deception, which has too much effect on the impossible bears who are proficient in Kenbunshoku Haki.

The fact is true. In less than a second, the bear has already sensed the danger coming from behind.

Vision and Kenbunshoku Haki captured two different signals, which made the bear’s thinking startled for a moment, and in reality, the bear’s movements were delayed for a moment.

The strength is so powerful that they are both at this level, and they can perform extremely powerful kills in an instant.

The bear who had no time to dodge can only hurriedly tilted his neck.

Hailan held the "Demon Snake" with his left hand, and slashed the bear on the shoulder with a sword.

The bear's coat was immediately cut open by the demon snake and there were signs of being scorched by fire.

Hailan’s right hand's "Leiqie" followed, steadily slicing in the same position with the "monster".

Under the control of Hailan's Level 10 computing power, "Demon Snake" and "Rae Che" instantly merged into one, becoming a crimson Aurora Sword entwined with an electric arc, which was brought to the bear A stronger sense of crisis.

The pitch-black Busoshoku Haki covered the bear’s shoulders, but under the powerful cutting ability of "Demon Snake Raicchi", accompanied by the sound of "pu 呲", a bloody blood appeared on the bear’s shoulders. Wounds.

The blood spilled from the wound splashed on Hailan's body, making Hailan's whole body a bit fierce.

It is not that Hailan can't avoid this splash of blood, but can't avoid it.

Because he is competing with the bear for strength at this time, Hailan has not kept his hand at all. At this time, he seems to be the bear’s life and death enemy, trying to cut off half of the bear’s shoulder, just like before. Unleash the "bear paw impact" bear.

Although it is just a "comparison duel", the power that the two erupted is almost like Life and Death Battle.

The only difference from the real Life and Death Battle is that one of them will not hit the dead hand after severely injuring the opponent.

Hailan's purpose is to win over the kingdom of Thorbe, and naturally will not kill the king of Thorbe.

Xiong knew that he could not offend the "Marine" force, and of course he would not be so stupid as to really kill a Marine Vice Admiral.

"Bang! !"

There was a dull crash between the two.

Hailan groaned and flew out on the spot.

The bear who has suffered continuously from Hailan finally can't bear it, and he no longer uses any "gentleman" style.

Taking advantage of Hailan's opportunity to wrestle with her, use Busoshoku Haki to cover her upper body, which is stronger than a real bear, and then activate the instant flash ability of the flesh ball fruit to directly hit Hailan into the air. Got out.


Hailan’s body that flew out like a cannonball directly smashed a sturdy tree at the waist, but fortunately, Logia Ability User was not afraid The physical attack, Hailan himself did not suffer a second injury.

The colorful aurora particles regrouped together, and Hailan stood on the opposite side of the bear again.

He clutched his forehead, and sighed: "The impact of the meat bomb...Is this the correct way to open the fruit of the meat ball?"

If not because of just now Hailan's reaction was swift. He lowered his head and used his forehead to bump into the bear. Now it is time for Buggy's "Red Nose Family" to add the new member of Shanghai Lan.

"Meat bomb impact?"

The bear was silent and did not speak, but in the heart repeated the name several times.

The bear is a nameless, his style name is very grounded, such as "pressure gun", "push pressure gun", "bear paw impact" and so on, so he now feels "meat bomb" The name "Impact" is quite suitable for my own style, and it fits well with the name "Fruit Ball Fruit".

The impact of the "meat bomb impact" used by the bear is still very powerful. Hailan's "electromagnetic field" was directly smashed by the bear instantly, if it weren't for Hailan covering his forehead in time After a layer of Busoshoku Haki, his forehead should have been red.

Hailan’s “electromagnetic force field” is not a protective shield with defensive power that is extremely strong and difficult to break like in some sci-fi worlds. In fact, it is just a “buffer zone”. Will be easily crushed by a bear.

The protective cover is an "electromagnetic barrier", but the electromagnetic barrier is double-protected and can only be used at certain specific moments. Just like Bartolomeo's barrier fruit, the enemy outside cannot attack the inside. , Hailan inside could not attack the outside either.

Even if Hailan’s electromagnetic force field is not as good as some of the sci-fi world’s force fields, it’s different from those machines that are slaughtered like fish after being broken. Hailan’s own anti-attack ability is still Very tough.

If ranked by strength, the current Hailan is stronger than the electromagnetic barrier in the flesh, and the electromagnetic barrier is stronger than the electromagnetic force field.

"Electromagnetic force field" is like Busoshoku Haki, it is a protection method that Hailan has more than others.

The bear who suffered a big loss from the "charged attack" finally understood that he couldn't give this day tiger Vice Admiral a chance to breathe.

Hailan had just condensed his figure, and the bear opposite him was already standing on the spot with a heavy waist and staggered steps, just like a "Horse-Riding Stance" posture.

Then the bear's two paws moved violently towards Hailan like a sumo wrestler.

Push the pressure gun!

This is the same style as the "pressure gun", but at this time the bear’s hands are like a Gatling gun that turns faster and faster. The speed of pushing is also faster and faster, with countless bear paws. The air bomb in the shape of strong wind and swift rain moved towards Hailan pouring away.

Hailan wants to boldly try to see if the bear’s long-range attack can harm Logia Ability User.

If not, this will give Hailan a huge advantage in this battle.

But when the pressure gun at the front was about to hit Hailan, Hailan's pupils shrank suddenly, and he dodged subconsciously in a hurry.

Because an unreasonable intuition just now told him that if he hadn't avoided the bear's pressure gun just now, he would have been seriously injured.

Of course, the bear is impossible to hit Hailan with one palm, but as long as the first palm is hit, the action is affected and delayed, and subsequent bear paw pressure guns are difficult to avoid.

Hailan feels weird. The bear's style does not feel like Busoshoku Haki or Kairoski. He is a bit like...like...like Jinbe's Fishman unarmed!

As a Fishman unarmed gathering Great Accomplishment person, Jinbe can interfere with the blood in the Ability User's body by controlling the water flow, and then attack the Ability User's entity.

Even if you don't use Busoshoku Haki, Jinbe can still fight Gomu-Gomu No Mi Ability User Luffy or Logia Ability User.

Although the bear will not be unarmed by Fishman, his ability to "fruit of flesh balls" has been developed by him to the extent that it can impact the Logia Ability User entity.

The bear can use the flesh ball fruit to eject even the pain of the human body, even more how Logia Ability User’s energy body.

Hailan just avoided one of Xiong's "pressure guns", and other pressure guns have already followed.

Hailan raised his hand with a sword and slashed at the pressure gun closest to him, blasting the sound of steel collision in the air.

Hailan felt as if she had used a long sword to slash on a heavy hammer drawn by a strongman. With this shock, Hailan's sword was sore and numb.

More and more "pressure guns" were photographed by Xiong in Hailan's direction. The silhouette of Hailan, who knew he could not hard-wire these pressure guns, flashed and flew directly into the sky.

Fast speed, you can avoid most attacks.

The attack range is large enough to make the opponent's speed useless.

Obviously, the range covered by the bear's "shocking pressure gun" is far from limiting Hailan's speed.




There were a few loud sounds in the air, Xiong Na The huge body chased Hailan in the air like a light Swift.

The bear does not understand "Geppo", but by using the ability of "Fruit Ball", he can use more agile and quick air steps than Geppo.

The bear stepping on the air and struggling with Hailan, walking on the ground.

"What's the matter with this colorful rays of light...?"

A gradually doubtful mind appeared in the bear's mind during the fierce battle.

Have you already fought Hailan above the rainbow?

Xiong glanced at the sea and islands below... it doesn’t seem to be that high?

No, there is something tricky!

The bear felt surging energy fluctuations in this colorful rays of light.

Just like the high temperature of the volcanic crater, the strong wind in the rainstorm, the air-conditioning of the Extreme Cold ice field... This is a kind of energy fluctuation like nature.

In the colorful rays of light, there seems to be an arc surge.


A bolt of lightning as thick as a bucket is crossed over like a cunning snake. Numerous weird and twisted arcs hit the bear in the sky.

The Thunder of Judgment!

This move is the "Justice from Heaven" developed by Hailan after obtaining the [Lightning Conversion] ability. However, the name "Justice from Heaven" is really second in the middle, and was later given by Hailan Changed its name to "Thunder of Judgment".

Bartholomew, who was stupefied by the lightning. The bear has just successfully resisted the attack of lightning, and a golden laser beam of light fell from the sky following closely from behind.

Super electromagnetic gun!

Hailan, who had already flashed above the bear's head, unceremoniously performed a combo on the bear.


The bear, who was too late to dodge and resist, was banged upright, and could only use his powerful fleshy body and Busoshoku Haki to shake hard.

Like a meteor, with a golden streamer and thick black smoke, the bear fell to the sea below with a huge body of nearly seven meters.

Although bears can use the ability of "fruit of flesh balls" to walk flat in the air, it is not a real flight after all.

Only the person who can really fly is the Sovereign of the battlefield in the sky.

"Bang! !"

The bear that was hit in succession finally successfully performed a trick shortly before falling into the sea, and the sea under him was struck out by the bear strikes The high water column soared into the sky.

But Hailan is not a person who celebrates victory in advance.

Until the last moment to confirm the result, he will never give up the attack.

Just as the bear’s huge silhouette was shooting towards the island, an aurora hammer that was bigger than a bear landed firmly on the bear’s head.


"pu tong! !"

Like a hamster, the bear's body finally fell into the sea without any suspense .

It is a pity that the posture of the bear falling into the water is not very elegant.

0 points!

Hailan originally thought that he would have a death fight with the bear, just like the life and death fight with Akagami Shanks in Alabasta.

Can didn't expect that this duel will end in this dramatic way.

Since he was not seriously injured, Pikachu is no longer needed.

Hailan directly weaves a large aurora net, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com took out the Bartholomew Bear who had fallen into the water.

"Cough cough..."

The bear knelt down on the ground in embarrassment, coughing violently.

No matter how elegant the Ability User is, it can only be battered and exhausted in front of the sea and Kairosaki.

"I... lost!"

After his breathing returned to calm, Xiong generously admitted his failure.

"Didn't expect Marine Vice Admiral already has such a powerful strength..."

Xiong sighed unwillingly.

"Or... Only the Day Tiger Vice Admiral is so strong?"

Hailan spoke to Issho Xiong and said: "In Marine Headquarters, Vice Admiral is as good as me. Admiral Rear Admiral...There are six more."

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