? The three Admiral candidates of Kizaru, Akainu, and precognition, plus the three Vice Admiral Rear Admiral of Garp, Jiaji, and Gion. This is what Hailan mentioned is as powerful as him. six people.

Although the strengths of the seven of them are high and low, they are not weaker than the powerhouse of Barosolomi Bear, so Hailan is fine to say that to the bear.

even more how, since it is a "known" to the outside world, it is natural to exaggerate Marine's strength, otherwise how can it scare others.

Counting Shanghai Lan, there are only seven such powerful Vice Admiral Rear Admiral, so how powerful should the legendary Marine Headquarter and Marine Fleet Admiral be?

Thinking of this, a deep sense of powerlessness gradually flooded the bear's heart.

He originally thought that by relying on his own strength, he was able to protect the Kingdom of Solbe as a paradise in South Blue. However, in front of the World Government, which has a large number of powerhouses, he is still so weak.

Large countries can mediate the United Nations because the United Nations has only a name, and large countries have true strength. On the contrary, World Government has no country in the world that has the strength to compete with World Government.

Since the Kingdom of Sorbet has been targeted by the World Government and has become the prey of the World Government, there is no probability of resistance, so what I can do now is to take advantage of the trend and seek as much as possible for my country Some interests now.

Xiong, who had gradually recovered his condition, gave Hailan a deep look.

This Marine Vice Admiral Day Tiger is different from the Rear Admiral Doberman who came some time ago. He looks like a reasonable person. If you can have a good relationship with him, Sol The road of Bei Kingdom should be more stable in the future.

Xiong thought for a while, looked towards Hailan and asked: "Excuse me, Vice Admiral, do you need a massage?"

Hailan startled: "What?"

What is this operation?

Xiong's sudden question was completely out of Hai Lan's expectation, making him a little confused.

Seeing Hailan’s puzzled look, Xiong explained earnestly: "I am Paramecia ・ Meatball Fruit Ability User. I can eject the damage, pain, and internal injury suffered by the creature into the body of the creature. , Vice Admiral tiger day you have just gone through a battle, presumably should be tired of it, so you have no interest in a test on the test? " this meatballs fruit still has in the martial arts The healing effect of internal strength,

Hailan hadn't expected it at all.

Is this a bear's conspiracy, he intends to plot against himself while he is unprepared?

After thinking for a moment, Hailan judged Xiong It shouldn't be so short-sighted.

When Marine Rear Admiral is called, Marine Vice Admiral is called. If Marine Vice Admiral is also called, Marine Headquarter will be the next visitor. Xiong is a very sensible person. He It shouldn't be this kind of death, right?

Having made such a judgment in her heart, Hai Lan looked confident: "Okay, how can I cooperate with you?"

"You can jump on my palm ."


During the previous battle, Hai Lan just said that he would never fly out of the bear’s palm. Now this big bear really thinks of himself as the Tathagata Buddha. Huh?

Hailan doubts if this product has a Giant Race bloodline.

After a few words in her heart, Hailan jumped onto his left hand according to Xiong's instructions.

As Xiong lifted Hailan to a suitable height, Hailan wondered: "What do you want me to do?"

"You don't have to do anything, just relax. Now."

Xiong slowly pushed the palm of his right hand to Hai Lan’s chest, Hai Lan’s intuition did not notice any danger.


Then Hailan felt it.

Behind Hailan, a bear's paw-shaped "red balloon" gradually inflated.

The bear bubbles have 3 types of colors.

The "pressure gun" is white, the big move "bear's paw impact" is blue, and now the bubbles that can pop up human fatigue and internal injury are red.

As the red bubble behind Hailan expanded and expanded, Hailan's expression also changed.

"Ah, ♂ comfortable..."

To put it in a less elegant way, Hailan now feels as if she is suffering from a stomach rush.

"Okay, it's over."

"So fast?"

The person being massaged always feels that time passes extremely fast, in fact , Xiong's this move "Yin Healing bullet" does not take long.

Hailan jumped back to the ground, and a wonderful and comfortable feeling spread all over his body.

It's as if the weight-bearing training person has unloaded the weight, and the patient with a high fever is fully recovered... Hailan feels that her whole body is now full of vitality, not just the fatigue from the fight with the bear just now, as if Even the exhaustion from fighting Jack and Red the Aloof before the drought, and even the soreness of training when I was young, were in this brief moment away from myself and passed away with the wind.


If this draws the bear into the World Government, Sora, Sengoku, Garp, Zephyr and the others must not be ten years younger and return to their Peak period?

"So big?"

Hailan turned around, startled by the huge red balloon behind him.

Are these the fatigue that is ejected from your body?

The curious Pikachu touched the red balloon, and then he was beaten out on the spot as if he was beaten by a continuous punch by who, almost unconscious.

"What should I do with this thing?"

Hailan frowned and asked Xiong.

The bear's expression unemotional: "If someone is free, someone is destined to bear it. These pains can only be absorbed by other creatures.

Wait for me to catch an elephant."

"Let me come."

Hailan turned into an aurora fishing rod and caught a marine fish in the sea.

Xiong shook the head: "This one is too small, not enough."

Hailan continued to fish, and asked by the way: "What if I don't deal with the red balloon?"

Xiong explained patiently: "Then it will drift far away, and sooner or later it will fall on other creatures."

Hailan didn’t reply. Soon, he fished. I got a big fish of seven or eight meters long, almost of the Sea Beast level.

"Is this enough?"


The bear pushed the red bubble towards the big fish that was still alive and alive when it was stranded on land , When the big fish absorbed the bubbles, it was like being detonated in the body by a bomb, and it exploded on the spot into scattered flesh and blood.

Xiong silently prayed for the dead fish.

"I didn't think about praying when I was eating fish, so don't do that now."

Hailan still didn't say this sentence because he felt that he should respect The beliefs of others.

"After I go back, I will report to the headquarters that the two of us have already negotiated. We can send officials from the World Government to discuss the details. Do you have any comments, Daxiong?"


Xiong said he had no opinion: "You can come to my palace to sleep tonight. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

"Then I will not You are polite."

Hailan, Xiong, and Pikachu each launched their own abilities and flew towards the direction of the kingdom of Solbe.

At the same time, "Holy Land" Mariejois, in the meeting hall of Gorosei.

"I don't understand. Why do you like this weird number. Can't you make it up? Even if it is less than 300 million, you will set a 295 million Beli bounty. Ah."

A Gorosei complained to his four colleagues.

On the coffee table in the middle, there is a brand new bounty order.

"Tyrant" Bartholomew Bear, bounty 296 million Beli, regardless of life or death.

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