? In the last chapter, a friend said that Luffy would not say "Kill you". It was indeed my mistake. It should be "Flying". emmmmm... Let me talk about it here, I won't modify it in the previous chapter.

Also, the first two chapters mentioned "Koala is not tall". This is not a setting that Li Zhi forcibly added. Koala is only 160cm in adulthood. Like Perona, this is in the eyes of Three Great Admirals. More loli than loli...

Mountain Bandit, who was blown away by Buggy with a punch, knocked over a dining table with a loud knock. Fortunately for the guests next to him Respond promptly, otherwise it must have suffered along with it.

"Okay...so handsome..."

Luffy in front of the bar was stunned when he saw this scene.

This is a martial world, and Luffy at this age is obsessed with those who are powerful.

Originally, Luffy only thought that Buggy was a frivolous and serious bastard. He didn't expect Buggy to have such a "man" side.

"This, this, this..."

Lady Boss Makino in the bar covered her mouth in surprise, and didn't know what to say.

If she hadn't seen Hailan and "Dark Crow" there, she would have ran out to report to the village chief.

There are two of them here, this red-nosed adventurer and the incredible Mountain Bandit. It shouldn't be a mess, right?

"Sorry, Miss Makino."

Buggy took out a piece of Beli with a denomination of 10,000 and placed it in front of Makino. After thinking about it, he took it back and replaced it with A Beli with a denomination of 1,000: "Just treat it as the table that compensates you."

"No...no use..."

Makino is kind The girl, anyway, this red-nosed adventurer is also trying to fight Mountain Bandit, so she never thought about asking for Buggy's money.

"How can this work? How can this Uncle ask a girl to pay for her actions?"

Buggy left the banknotes at the bar, and then looked towards Luffy beside him "Luffy, did you know that? Mountain Bandit like this kind of asshole who bullies people and grabs things...you should beat him up!"

Mountain Bandit Sun Bear was punched by Buggy and broke the bridge of his nose.

The blood couldn't stop his chin and his chest.

After finally getting up, Hikuma just pulled out the western sword and wanted to order the younger brother to rush up. Buggy’s silhouette has already come to Hikuma and dragged him out directly by the collar of Hikuma. Fiercely fell to the ground: "If you want to fight, come here to fight, or else what should I do if it breaks other people's stuff?"

Luffy hurriedly chased it out and was seeing the scene of Buggy greatly showing divine might , Could not help muttering to himself: "So adventurers are so good..."

Buggy efficiently knocked this group of Mountain Bandit to the ground, and didn't even let the escape. Looking at the villagers of Footha Village who were gradually encircling them, Buggy let out his neurotic laugh: "Mountain Bandit, you have now been arrested by me-Marine Headquarters Commodore Buggy Master!"

Luffy was shocked and mouth opened wide: "Ah!!! You turned out to be a Marine??!!!"

"Grandfather will not come too, right?"

Garp's "Iron Fist" appeared in his mind for an instant, and Luffy disappeared all the way.

Just as Buggy was enjoying the praise of the villagers, the sound behind him made Buggy quickly regain his senses.

"Hey, you are not Commodore now."

"Hey...Hailan Sir, don't I preheat this first... Anyway, it's fast." .."

The villagers spontaneously stepped forward to tie up the Mountain Bandit gang one after another, and this group of bastards harassed them.

Hailan pulled Buggy aside and sighed: "How did you tell your identity as Marine? Didn't I ask you to encourage that little demon to join Marine as an adventurer?"

"No way, no way, no..."

Buggy's head shook like a rattle.

Hailan frowned and said: "Why not?"

Buggy explained confidently: "I can feel that this little demon has a different kind of temperament. This kind of temperament makes me very uneasy."

Buggy would not say, this little demon gave him the same feeling as the red brat when he was on Captain Roger’s boat. He hated it very much. .

"If you let him join Marine, then Marine will be finished in the future. Heaven knows what kind of big trouble this little demon will cause to Marine in the future, and how many big disasters it will cause.

It’s better to let him be Pirate, so that it can harm those Pirates. The enemy’s enemy is our friend..."

I feel that Hailan’s eyes are getting more and more dangerous , Buggy's voice is getting smaller and smaller.

"Oh ..." Hoi sighed: "? Do you know who this little demon is not it."


"He is the grandson of Vice Admiral Garp..."

Buggy's eyes widened unbelievably, like a copper bell: "Ka...Ka...Ka... Vice Admiral Garp?"

Vice Admiral Garp, who is it?

That's Hero of the Marines, that's the monster Marine that chased Captain Roger and ran the world all over the world.

This little demon turned out to be the grandson of the old man?

Thinking of this, Buggy’s face was filled with a sun-like smile: "When Marine is good, I have already felt that this child is really talented, dignified, he shows talent, handsome like a jade tree ..."

Hailan turned white and Buggy ignored him.

But he also felt that Buggy's previous remarks were not unreasonable.

This child feels a bit different...


At the same time, East Blue is not well-known On the island, the entire group of Red Hair Pirates is camping.

"Boss, where do you plan to go next?"

Akagami Shanks laughed: "I heard that Goa Kingdom is the most beautiful country in East Blue. Why not go there? " At this time, the · Beckman getting in the way, he's holding a newspaper:". Shanks you see, the day tiger Vice Admiral Kingdom just recently arrived in Goa "

This is not the information leaked by the Marine side, but the news spread by the vain King of Goa Kingdom. After all, Suntora was the man who defeated the Golden Lion.

However, because of fear of angering Marine completely, the king did not dare to cross Marine's bottom line, so no photos of Hailan were published.

But the Red Hair Pirates group knows exactly who the day tiger is.

"That's it..."

Akagami's eyes flickered, UU reading www. uukanshu.com grinned after thinking about it for a moment. Issho said: "Since he is there, we won't go to that country. Let's go again when he is gone!"

A new member of the Red Hair Pirates group Newbie's newbie whispered: "Isn't the boss hurting the abuse right? ..."

Although the voice was small, it clearly fell in the ears of Akagami and the others.

The expressions of several cadres became serious, and the atmosphere was a little depressed for a while.

In the Red Hair Pirates group, jokes can be made, but some words can't be said nonsense.

Akagami laughed heartily and broke the deadlock: "Who said I'm scared? It's just that it's not the time to fight the day tiger Vice Admiral. There is no adventure and fun in fighting!

Little ones, next I will take you to find the mysterious treasure of the golden thieves Unan!"


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