? "Ahhh...Buggy, stay away from me, you big liar!"

In the jungle of Mount Kolbo, Luffy is running desperately, as if there is a scourge behind The same as chasing him.

"Hey, little Luffy, don't run, come and talk to Uncle about life and ideals!"

Buggy chased after Luffy with a smile on his face, but he Although it is a smile, it always makes people feel like they are far away from others.

This little demon is the grandson of the hero Garp...

Buggy's heart is smiling secretly.

If you put this little demon in Marine, and let the hero Garp owe him a favor, wouldn't his career take off in the future?

Buggy wiped the corners of his mouth, and chased Luffy while shouting: "Luffy, why are you so stupid?"

"You are a fool!"

Luffy turned his head back to Buggy, and because he couldn't see the road ahead, he rolled a sturdy somersault...

Buggy tirelessly persuaded him from behind Said: "You brat are obviously stupid.

Your eldest brother Ace wants to be Pirate, and your second brother Sabo wants to be an adventurer. So what is left for you is just Marine? ( Sabo and Ace were born in the same year, and Ace’s birthday is in January)

Luffy, you must be a general (Commodore who has not taken office)!"

"I don’t want it!"

Luffy, who fell down, got up and continued to run wild. By the way, he did not forget to explain: "I want to be Pirate, Pirate is the freest person in this sea!"

Luffy Buggy’s voice came from behind: "How can Pirate be the freest person?"

"Why not?"

"Are you stupid? When Pirate is going to be Marine is chasing and catching you. If you catch you, you will be put in prison. If you can't catch you, you will keep catching. This is the freedom of a fart!"

Luffy suddenly froze: "what you said make sense." Looks like...oh!"

Luffy felt like he had hit a big tree.

After a few rolls, he looked up: Buggy...

Buggy shook his head and said earnestly: "Even if you are afraid that your grandfather will beat you, you don’t want to be Marine, you can be as adventurous king ah! What is the Pirate King? arrived at the legendary island Raftel who is Pirate King! Adventure King can go Raftel ah!

What is Pirate King? The freest person on this sea is Pirate King!

The Adventure King can also be the freest person on this sea!

And more free than Pirate King, Marine will not arrest adventurers!"

Luffy's eyes suddenly lit up.

Buggy thought Luffy had been convinced by himself, and just grinned at Issho when two dark shadows suddenly fell from the sky.

"Don’t bully our younger brother!"


Ace and Sabo holding the water pipe together knocked Buggy to the ground, carrying Luffy ran away.

Buggy was not stunned. He just lay on the ground with his head supported on one hand, and knocked on the ground with the other, wondering how to convince Luffy this little demon.

Why did Hailan Sir give such a problem to himself?

I won’t take this kind of errand next time I am killed.

Hailan can do nothing about this.

The tendon in Luffy's mind is really overwhelming.

It doesn't have much pressure to let Hailan Hang people, but it would be a bit difficult for him to educate people.

even more how Rosinante has already told Luffy countless times, even more how.

Koala's music fruit ability has also been tried, but it has no effect at all. I don't know if it is because Luffy has only one muscle in his mind that it can't work, or this little demon has Haoshoku qualifications.

Now I can only hope that Buggy can make any coincidence with his innate talent of "Invincible Lucky Star".

Although Hailan has never watched anime, after so many years of getting along, he has also learned about Buggy’s "lucky" attribute.

Hailan brought Buggy to East Blue not just for training, but Buggy was also an odd card for him to persuade Luffy.

"Koala, if Buggy doesn't work, then you can only do it. Even if you can't convince Luffy to be Marine, you can't let him be Pirate.

Come on, tell me Come here, let me calculate your strength."


Koala geared up and attacked Hailan with a "Hi".


"Did you throw it away?"

The three little demons, Ace, Sabo, and Luffy, have been running for a long time. I couldn't see Buggy's silhouette, and I couldn't hear Buggy's voice, and finally stopped gasped for breath.

Ace panting with rage when he said: "It's hateful, the original adventurer Buggy is a Marine, is a big liar!" Luffy back Korpo Mountain time with Sabo, Ace told the story of Buggy, the adventurer in Foosha Village. At first, Sabo and Ace yearned for a while, saying they wanted to meet that Buggy.

It turned out that he turned out to be a Marine.

Sabo is okay, Ace is particularly disgusted.

His mother Portgas ・D·Lujiu speaking from a certain perspective was forced to death by Marine.

The adult Ace can still let go of the "Marine" camp, but the current Ace is resolutely unbearable.



"What sound?"

The three moved towards the direction the sound came from, just Seeing that a grass-green giant lizard came slowly in the tall grass!

This is the overlord of Kolbo Mountain, a ferocious wild beast that can change its body color with the color of the environment, and its size is comparable to a dinosaur!


Three little demons stand tall. They have defeated Tiger and Crocodile together, but this monster is not something they can deal with.

bang! bang! bang!

The giant lizard runs faster and faster, covering up Buggy's "hehehe" laughter in the grass.

It turned out that this giant lizard was attracted by Buggy's split arm holding a piece of dried meat.

"Little child likes heroes the most, as long as I can go out and save them...perfect!"

Just when the giant lizards bite towards the three brothers, silhouette flashed past, knocking the three of them into flight.

Ace and Sabo fiercely fell to the ground. Buggy doesn't care about their feelings. Who is your grandfather?

As long as you don't die.

Only Luffy was held in Buggy's arms.

The giant lizard looked towards Buggy angrily, only to find that Buggy was staring at him with the same eyes.

What kind of look is that? overbearing? anger? proud? ...? ? ?


Just when the giant lizard hasn’t figured out what kind of emotion this human is trying to convey to itself, Buggy spit out A dagger hit the lizard’s eyeball.

The lizard ate pain, uttered a miserable cry, turned around and ran away from the scene of the accident.

Buggy felt like Luffy wu wu was sobbing in his arms.

He gently Issho: "It's okay, isn't it okay?"

Unexpectedly, hearing Buggy's words, Luffy's cry became louder: " But...but Buggy...your hand..."

"My hand?"

Buggy was startled, thinking what happened to my hand?

He looked towards his right hand holding Luffy: okay?

Looked towards his left hand again, UU read www.uukanshu. com is already empty there.


Buggy remembered.

I just took the dried meat to seduce the lizard's left arm and forgot to take it back.

Buggy laughed triumphantly, wondering if this is a good opportunity for me to show my ability?

"hahahaha...little demon, my hands are fine!"

"Huh? Why are you still crying? My hands are really fine!"

Luffy's hand gripping Buggy's collar has tightened, and the cry is getting louder and louder...

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