Early morning.

The sky is clear and the air is clear, and the breeze is peaceful.

"It's really nice weather..."

Hailan got up, finished washing, walked to the window and stretched out.

Last night I elated a hot bath, and there is no feeling of losing strength when drowning.



A burst of sea water came from the West Blue shore, followed by a loud beast cry.

"Leviathan is back!"

Soldiers from the original G5 branch quickly surrounded them. The newly arrived G5 soldiers thought that Sea Beast had invaded the base, so they picked up their guns. Going into battle, ready to go to war at any time.

"Holy Land Yage, what is she talking about?"

"gu gu gu...Mad!"

Octopus Hachi was covered in circles "New? How do you curse the pigeon?"

Holy Land Yage ignored Hachi’s complaint and continued to translate: "The monster with two horns on his head is really good at fighting. , I’m almost exhausted, that guy has the energy to keep fighting.

In the end, I really couldn’t hold on anymore, and had to give up the battle with that monster and swim back.

It’s not that I’m afraid of death, I’m the overlord of the ocean, I just can’t bear my child!"

Hearing the narration of the Holy Land Yage, and then seeing the bruised Leviathan and Hailan It was known that Leviathan lost to Kaido Kaido.

"There really is a set of the strongest creatures in the sea, land and air..."

There are many powerhouses on the sea, but the fleshy body is so terrifying to Kaido. Charlotte Linlin, who has a steel skin, can't mention on equal terms with him.

"How did he get this powerful fleshy body?"

"Is it an acquired exercise? Or is it a natural mutation?"

"It's Devil Fruit’s ability? Or is it a modified creature that incorporates the bloodlines and genes of a variety of organisms?"

"Is this guy Kaido really a human? Or,

he really Is it a creature that can be born in nature?"

shook the head, Hailan can’t really guess the secret of Kaido.

Even Marine Headquarters and World Government can’t interpret Kaido’s secrets, otherwise Kaido’s execution would not be so laborious.

"Ain, take good care of Leviathan, her injury will be left to you."


Hailan's medical skills Far above Ayin, but he did not personally heal Leviathan.

The closest six-eyed flying fish is the octopus Hachi, because Hachi is its breeder, Fishman bloodline is also easier to get close to marine life.

The second is Ai Yin, because Ai Yin healed its injury.

Hailan left the task of healing Leviathan to Ai Yin in order to make her feel good about Leviathan.

Hailan doesn't need these things, so leaving this opportunity to Ai Yin is good for Ai Yin and the G5 branch.

"It's all gone, it's okay, don't be afraid."

Wagner dispelled the nervous soldiers.

After some busy schedule, Hailan took Momousagi's Battleship and started the journey to Golden City together.

Momousagi came to the G5 branch to review Golden City with Hailan. The battle between Marine and Pirate was an accident.

Fortunately, the duration of the war was not very long, and it did not delay the opening of the Golden City "Carnival".


""Golden City" Guran Tesoro, the world's largest entertainment city.

The entire city of Guran Tesoro is made of gold. It is a huge ship with a length of ten kilometers and a large number of entertainment facilities built on it.

Oh my god, doesn't this mean that Golden City is just a small drifting island? "

On Momousagi’s Battleship, Lilith is reading the relevant explanations about Golden City.

"The power of the giant ship named Guran Tesoro is two giant sea turtles, so no matter what Golden City can sail smoothly in any weather, and it can even easily crossed over the Calm Belt to reach any corner of the world.

But it is precisely because of this characteristic that makes Golden City a drifting city, and there is no record pointer pointing to this island.

If you want to go to Golden City, you must hold an invitation letter issued by the Golden Emperor, and the Golden Emperor’s life card will be attached to the invitation. "

Hailan’s hand is playing with the Golden Emperor’s invitation letter.

There are two copies of this kind of invitation letter from World Government, one in Cipher Pol’s hands and the other Here at Marine.

The Golden Emperor made a request: I hope the World Government will define Gulan Tesoro as a country with independent sovereignty and join the World Government.

In order to investigate the Gulan・Tesoro, the World Government sent CP and Marine teams.

"The owner of Guran Tesoro is a man named Gild Tesoro, known as the Golden Emperor, he is Paramecia Gold-Gold Fruit Ability User, can control gold at will, is extremely powerful, and is also an extremely flexible-minded businessman. The legend..."

Lilith's breathing became hurried when she read this: "Legend that Gild Tesoro owns 20% of the world's Beli, a full 500 billion!

Is this true? Hailan Sensei, Gion Sensei! "

Hailan glanced at Momousagi, then looked towards Lilith: "Fake. "

Lilith was surprised to mouth opened wide: "Huh? Fake? "

"I'll do the calculations for you." "

Because of the future Marine's military expenditures, Hailan is particularly sensitive to money-related matters.

"Haoshoku Haki knows, right?" The ability to only appear in a million people. "

Lilith was puzzled: "I know, but what does this have to do with Tesoro?" Does he also know Haoshoku? "

Hailan didn't answer, he continued: "The known Haoshoku Haki awakened is far more than ten people. Just count as ten people. Then the population of this World is at least 10 million. "

Momousagi smiled: "The population is reduced. "

"Let me make an analogy, you listen first." "

Momousagi shrugged, an expression that you continue.

"Tesoro owns 500 billion Beli, which is 20% of the total Beli in the world, that is, the total amount on this World There are 2.5 trillion Beli, and if Tesoro's 500 billion is removed, there is still 2 trillion.

Make a division. The remaining people have an average of 200,000 Beli per person. Lilith, don’t you think this average is too small? "

Lilith looking thoughtful: "It's true..."

The purchasing power of Beli is about equivalent to Earth’s yen.

The average person has only With 200,000 yen... This is simply an international joke... You know, a broken katana can be sold for 50,000 Beli.

Considering the assets occupied by Celestial Dragon and the world’s large population More than 10 million, the average value of 200,000 will only be lower.

In fact, Marine’s military expenditure alone is more than 100 billion annually.

Lilith seems to understand. Understand: "So that Tesoro doesn't actually have 500 billion? "

Momousagi explained: "You foolish child, your Hailan Sensei is saying that 500 billion is far less than 20% of the world's total Beli. That Tesoro is bragging. "

"Then why does the Government preach this statement for him?" "

Lilith is almost a hundred thousand why.

Hailan explained patiently: "Push such a big hero into the sight of the public, and those who want to rob heaven and gold in the future Pirate is most likely to turn its attention to Golden City.

This is called brought trouble to others. "

"I'm 80%, maybe, I probably understand... In other words, this Tesoro doesn't have much money? "

Hailan almost sprayed.

"500 billion is not called rich?" Enough to buy a small country. "

Lilith quit: "Aiya, I'm really getting messy, I'm just not good at these things!" "

A soldier came to Momousagi to report: "Report Vice Admiral, Battleship is close to Guran Tesoro. "

"Very well, get ready to dock." "

"Yes! ”

On the surface of cyan, a huge gold and jade in glorious splendor slowly came into the eyes of everyone.

Lilith’s eyes have appeared small Star: "It's so beautiful..."

Under the control of the Marines, the Battleship steadily sailed into the tunnel of the giant ship "Guran Tesoro", which is the only ship that can land in Golden City Entrance.

"Damn it, why is it so dark? illumination! "

Under the command of the Navigator, the searchlight on the Battleship is on.

The golden light is shining.

Something seems to be reflecting in the air. rays of light.

Momousagi blinked his eyes and asked in doubt: "This is...golden powder? "

"You two don't move." "

Hailan stood up suddenly and grabbed the second woman by the arm.

"What's wrong?" "

Momousagi became vigilant.

Although her Kenbunshoku Haki did not perceive anything, Hailan’s behavior was definitely not groundless.

As Hailan's body surged, Momousagi and Lilith soon felt numb.

"Sensei, what are you doing?" "

"Don't move after you have said!" "


In the high-end room of Golden City gold and jade in glorious splendor, Gild Tesoro is slightly frowned "Golden Emperor".

" This is the second person to discover this secret today. The person who came is unkind..."

"Tanaka, go and see what kind of force is the latest to enter the port. Don't use golden splashes.

Ask Baccarat to entertain them. "

"As you bid!"

A weird man with a very big head, wearing a black uniform, and black hair fixed on top of his head like two little devil horns penetrated the floor disappeared.

"The previous blind It shouldn't be right? I don’t remember having invited such a person. "

On Battleship.


Momousagi's calm voice came from Hailan's ears. Although this voice is calm and audible In Hailan’s ears, it was like a demon whispering.

Crossed over the end of the tunnel, the rays of light on the Battleship.



The soldiers on the Battleship covered their mouths, showing an internal injury.

In the reflection of their pupils, Goddess Gion Vice Admiral and Unearthly The vitality girl Lilith Captain, both of them have their hair soaring into the sky.

Hailan's mouth couldn't help but twitch for a while.

If Momousagi would love him this way Saying the last sentence "forgot to love" is absolutely no sense of violation.

Congratulations to the funeral family for adding two new members.

"Accident, purely an accident ! "

Just before Momousagi went crazy, Hailan opened his hands and two gold powder appeared in Hailan's hands.

"This is...? "


Hailan motioned not to let other soldiers hear, to avoid panic: "This was taken out of your body.

Don’t you really feel the least? "

The second girl shook the head and realized the seriousness of the matter.

"You guys... better go back to the room and clean up first, so how can you meet people?" "

Realizing that this is the business, Momousagi and Lilith are no longer entangled with Hailan, and turned their heads into the houseboat.

Momousagi's words were left on the deck: "If you want to laugh, please Laugh, it won't be possible to hold your body. "

"pu hahahahaha......"

The soldiers finally couldn't hold back, and the deck was filled with a pleasant atmosphere for a while.

Hailan is preparing to take the gold powder Sprinkle to the sea.

Thinking of something, he stopped and called a soldier: "Prepare a box and put this thing away. This is gold. "

"Yes! "

"Is it because the physique of my Logia Ability User repels other substances?" Or was it because of lightning's ability to generate magnetic fields that made me notice these dangers that Kenbunshoku Haki couldn't catch? "

Hailan looking thoughtful.

"This Tesoro is really courageous." "

"Welcome to Guran Tesoro, distinguished Marine friends. "

Hailan and the others have just landed, a tall girl with red silky long hair and a cool and bold beautiful and alluring girl walked over.

, This woman has been waiting for a long time.

Hailan took a look at the girl: "Are you? "

"My distinguished guest, you can call me Baccarat. You must be Marine Vice Admiral Hiru Hoi Lan. This is Marine Vice Admiral Momousagi Gion. This... Uh, sorry. Forgive my eyesight. "

"My name is Lilith, I'm a Marine Captain, headquarter!" "

"Hello, Miss Captain." "

Baccarat bent over and smiled and greeted Lilith.

I don’t know if he has received professional training. The angle at which Baccarat bends is just right for the male Sir Hailan. Seeing the gulf of capital in her chest.

"Then, I will be your tour guide next, please come here. "

Baccarat walked to a nearby luxury car: "This is Guis Royce, Guran Tesoro's most luxurious and comfortable sports car. Please take a seat. "

This is a world dominated by the ocean. The world's fascination with luxury cars is far less than that of Earth people.

But just look at the decoration of the turtles Royce, I know that this car is definitely worth a lot.

"No, we just need to change it ourselves. "

Hailan rejected Baccarat's enthusiastic "kindness".

"Don't be so shy, this Marine brother." "

Baccarat walked to the opposite of Hailan, bent over and made a please gesture, which is another excellent angle to show the capital of women...

Luxury cars and girls, There is a fatal temptation for men.

"There are still a bunch of brothers behind me, should you accompany them? "

Hailan pointed her thumb back, and there are a group of Marines behind her.

"That way, I understand. "

Baccarat is not stupid. After being repeatedly rejected by Hailan, she knows that this group of Marines has a defensive heart against herself: "That's right, it seems that Guislais can't carry so many people. Then, you can explore the fun of Guran Tesoro by yourself. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. "

Handing out a business card to Marine Sirs alone, Baccarat blows a kiss and drives off with Turtles.

"Big brother, didn't expect They are also here, do you want to do it? "

Secretly, Charlotte Cracker asked in a low voice.

His big brother Charlotte Katakuri stopped him: "Don’t be impulsive, we are not their opponents. Now we will only bury the troubles. ourselves. "

The death of Snack made Hailan and the Charlotte Family form a beam.

But Katakuri did not take a sneak attack Hailan, because he predicted that he would die.

"Cracker, I warn you, never hit those ordinary Marine's ideas. Killing them can only give a sigh of relief, but it will cause more trouble. If you want to kill, you have to kill first. That day tiger.

Mama is mentally abnormal, you can't learn from her. "

Cracker gnashing teeth: "Don't worry, big brother, I remember. "

The two disappeared in the alley.

"You can move freely in groups. Each group must be led by a sergeant or above. "

"Yes. "

Momousagi disbanded the team.

She walked to Hai Lan's side: "Will you still watch?" Have you seen enough? "

"What are you looking at?" "

"What did you say to watch?" "

"Look at the car!" "

Momousagi narrowed his eyes: "Do you think I believe it?" "

Hailan really wants to cry without tears.

His soul is from Earth, and the attraction of luxury cars to him is beyond the imagination of people in this world.

In the previous life, Hailan was also known as the "F" character. Luxury cars are completely irrelevant to him. Now they can afford luxury cars, but there is no point in buying a car in this World.

Momousagi sighed: "What a nice girl, I've been pissed off by you. "

Hai Lan was stunned: "Which girl?" "

"Anilu." "

"Huh? "

"Huh what?" Isn't she your girlfriend? "

"Of course not. "

"Don't lie to me. She doesn't like how you come to help you. She is not Marine. People are fighting desperately for you, and the injuries are not light. You can't bear them."

An aurora fruit, a Goro Goro no Mi, I think you guys are pretty good! "

"What are you talking about?" She has nothing to do with me! "

"The young couple quarreled?" I understand... I said, why did that Anilu suddenly go away..."

"Why don't I understand..."



Hailan has always cheated others, but this time she really cheated herself.

He hasn’t been able to explain it yet.

Tell Momousagi the truth that Anilu is a man, then Momousagi may tell Tsuru out of trust, Crane tells Sengoku out of trust, Sengoku tells Garp, and Garp tells...

So this kind of "out" The thing about trust" simply cannot begin, and once it begins, you can’t stop.

If you don’t explain it, there is a feeling that you can’t cleanse it even if you jump into the Calm Belt.

When Hailan saw Momousagi's suffocating smile, he suddenly wanted to understand: "Are you kidding me? "

Although Momousagi doesn't know that Ai Nilu is a man, she can see that there is simply no such complicated relationship between Hailan and Ai Nilu.

It's purely repaying Hailan's previous revenge...

Hailan and the soldiers laughed all the way with her own haircut just now.

I see now. Hailan looks anxious, and she herself has to laugh.

Seeing Hailan seems to be sobered up, Momousagi is ready to slip away: "I'll go there and go around. "

"You go alone...Aren't you afraid?" "

"I'm not afraid!" "

Others may not understand the conversation of these two people, but they know each other very well.

Hai Lan is talking about the kind of "golden powder" that can invade the human body.

Although Momousagi can't perceive gold dust, since she knows that this thing is dangerous, she can catch these gold dust with her eyes alone, so she said she is not afraid.

He can't get the gold in his body out of the body, but he can keep the gold powder out of the body.

"This sister...has never let me since I was young, absolutely not I’m willing to lose my temper..."

Hailan murmured, and turned around and stepped into the prosperous golden city.


Now the ancient Lan Tesoro has not joined the World Government. In order to show the prosperity here, Golden City has not yet become the city of slaves that forcibly deprive others of their freedom in the original work. The overwhelming majority service facilities here are all legally operating, so Hailan also Did not encounter any mess.

"Gulan Blacksmith's Shop? "

Hailan unconsciously turned to the door of a blacksmith's shop. He couldn't imagine that there would be a blacksmith's shop in an entertainment city like Golden City.

Thinking of himself With the broken wind, Hai Lan walked in.

There is a sturdy uncle in the smithy with a cigarette in his mouth and a big hammer in his hand. Stop.

Seeing this uncle, Hailan has a feeling that this person's strength cannot be underestimated.

"Forging or maintenance? "

Uncle didn't turn his head, feeling someone walking in, and asked casually.

Hailan frowned, not because of Uncle's attitude, but because of this blacksmith shop. The odor, temperature and other environmental factors inside.

"Excuse me, uncle..."

"Just call me Linus. "

"Uh... Linus, hello... No, I want to ask if you can restore the broken O Wazamono?" "

"One hundred million Beli." "

"I said O Wazamono, not Saijo O Wazamono. "

"I know. "

Hailan smiled: "Then why don't you grab it?" "

Linus stopped the action in his hand and looked towards Hai Lan: "Aren't I grabbing this?" "

"You make a lot of sense..."

Linus also smiled: "If you don't make more money, how could Tesoro let me work as a blacksmith here?" shop?

But young man, it's really time for you to come. I will move out next month. "

"Why?" "

"It's...it's not peaceful here." "

Linus took a breath and sighed: "Let's talk about your O Wazamono first, let me have a look?" "

Hailan handed over the prepared Lian Feng, which means that he has acquiesced to Linus’s asking price.

The market price of O Wazamono is generally around 10 million. , But there is no market.

If this Linus can really fix the wind, Hailan can afford 100 million Beli.

"You knife...no That's right..."

"What's wrong? "

"This is a demon knife." "

Hailan is happy: "Uncle, don't be kidding, this knife is the wind of 21 O Wazamono, you can't know the goods, right?" "

"Call me Linus, don't call me uncle." "

Linus corrected Hailan's statement again, and seemed to disagree with the old look.

"I know it was windy before, but he has faded now, no It is the old black blade again, so the old wind has completely disappeared from the world.

And your knife, it has evolved. "

Hailan came with interest: "Evolution? What does evolution mean? "

Linus took a breath: "Do you know how Black Blade came from?" "

"How did you get here?" Isn't it made by the forge? "

"The blacksmith just made a good knife. The real black blade was tempered by the great swordsman himself." "

"The great swordsman himself tempering weapons?" The great swordsman still knows forging? "

Hailan thought of Hawk Eyes, the Greatest Swordsman in the World who learned to forge from baboons......

"No, that's not what it meant.

The black blade is a great swordsman who used his Busoshoku Haki continuously to cover the good knives in the years and months of battle. Over time, the good knives will absorb energy and grow by Busoshoku Haki tempering for a long time. For a real black blade.

Black blade is not forged, it is forged by a great swordsman. "(Note①)

"Wipe? Is the black blade produced? "

When Hailan communicated with Hawk Eyes before, I heard Hawk Eyes say: As long as you master Busoshoku Haki, any knife can become a black blade.

Hailan thought at first Hawk Eyes means to cover the weapon with Busoshoku Haki. Any knife can be as hard as the black blade. After doing it for a long time, it means that.

The king... ?

If there can be a King of Force in this world, Candidate is definitely Kaido and Hawk Eyes.

Kaido is the initiative to pretend to be forced everywhere, and the key is to repeatedly pretend to be successful. .

Hawk Eyes is an invisible pretence, and there is an elegant force in every gesture.

Linus corrected: "It's not a disc, it's a practice. What does it mean? "(Note ②)

Hailan waved his hand: "It's okay, my mouth is bald, you continue. "

Linus paid no attention to this episode and continued to explain: "Your black blade has faded, which means that Busoshoku Haki, his previous master tempering, has disappeared, and he is no longer alive. The wind is gone, but a brand new knife. "

Hai Lan asked in doubt: "Then why did he become a demon sword?" "

Is it because of the cursed gem?

Because Linus is about to witness the birth of a legend, Linus's words today are much more special: "Brother, do you know the truth about the demon sword?" ? "

"I haven't studied this. "

"The demon blade and the black blade are actually the same in essence. They are both treasured swords tempered by the master of a certain generation of weapons.

The difference is that the owners of Black Blade are all normal swordsmen, and the owners of Demon Blades often follow an evil path, such as madness, bloodthirsty, etc...

Therefore, the weapons that they grew up with are relatively unreliable and have stronger attributes. Except for a very few black blades, the attributes of the demon sword can surpass the overwhelming majority of the same-level sharp knives.

And as a price, the demon sword generally has the attribute of killing the master.

However, it is not the original master that the Demon Blade kills, but the one who gets him later.

This is like a horse that has been with a certain owner for several years and has developed a deep affection when it is accidentally captured by another person, and it naturally wants to throw the new owner off.

If you tamed the steed, you can get the foot power of the steed, and if you surrender the demon sword, you can enjoy the demon sword power cultivated by the previous master, such as the Ghost Qi Liu sword technique of the Ghost Qi clan.

By the way, brother, do you know what a horse is? I'm not talking about the seahorse. "

"Ah, I know this." "

"So I have said so much, you should understand, right?" "

Seeing Hailan nodded didn't speak, Linus asked in confusion: "I think you don't look like someone on the wrong path, how can you cultivate a demon sword?"

The demon blade is much harder to cultivate than the black blade. "

Hailan laughed: "Maybe it's because I have better luck." "

"Can this be repaired?" "

"It can't be repaired, you can only help it evolve by yourself." "

"How can I help?" "

"I don't know this anymore. The reason for the birth of each demon sword has nothing common with each other. You can only find out all of this by yourself."

But if you no longer call it Fengfeng, but give it a new name, I think it will be very happy. UU reading www.uukanshu. com"

Linus took the broken knife in his hand and looked at it carefully, as if watching an emerald.

He knew that this was the only thing he had contact with this knife Once the Demon Sword takes shape, he, an "outsider", can no longer touch it casually.

"Then call it "Soul Sorrow". "

Reminiscent of its Soul Cut attribute, Hailan thought of the name "Soul Cut".

"Okay! "

Linus' eyes flickered, and he exclaimed sincerely: "Soul Sorrow...It's a name that is elegant and full of oppression..."


Note①: The settings of "High-end Busoshoku Haki" and "black blade are produced by Busoshoku Haki tempering" that can hit the bulls in the air are the information revealed in the latest comics, not Lizhi forcibly adding two settings. Suppress the advantages of Hailan Logia.

Note②: The stalk of "pan" comes from the cross talk "Wen Wan", this cross talk is really magical...

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