"Can I only promote its evolution through my own exploration?"

Thanks to Linus's guidance, Hailan, who left the " Gulan Blacksmith's Shop" , walked on the street Go up, looking down at the Broken Blade Soul in his hand, looking thoughtful.

"That's why Hawk Eyes decided to learn the forging skills from the baboon. He wants to turn the black blade ・night tempering into a black blade that belongs to him completely?

Also, after all, always It’s a bit disgusting to use something that someone else has written out.

However, how should I tempering the soul?"

Hailan's thoughts have not yet been able to get through.

Some demon swords take hacking people and bloodthirsty for fun. For example, the Ghost Qi clan, the more people slash, the stronger Ghost Qi is.

Some demon knives hate the smell of blood. They are purely made by the master’s murderous aura tempering. For example, Mura Yu. After the blade full of murderous aura kills the opponent, the murderous aura will become the substance and wash away like rain. Remove the blood stains on the blade.

"The attribute of Soul Cut is Soul Cut...... How should Soul Cut cultivation?

Will Brook have special skills for Soul Cut?"

When it comes to Soul Cut, Hailan thinks of the Revive-Revive Fruit Ability User "Soul Singer" Brook. Relying on the fruit ability, Brook can also achieve "Soul Cut".

Would you like to ask Brook for advice?

shook the head, Hai Lan denied this idea.

Brook's Soul Sword Art and Ice Sword Aura are all derived from his Devil Fruit ability, not an attribute of the weapon.

The performance is the same, but the core is completely different, which is basically of no reference value.

"The last time I played Lianfeng was against Charlotte Linlin. That time, while shattering space, it also shattered Lianfeng's sword.

The second Soul Cut It is the evolved wind, that is, the soul of the soul, it took the initiative to invite you to fight... That time... by the way! Curse Baoyu!"

Hailan suddenly realized.

The magic knives of others start tempering with a complete good knife. Different attributes are gradually cultivated, but the souls are different.

The soul of the soul itself has been shattered, no matter how to cut people, use Busoshoku Haki tempering, it is impossible to rely on the original force to recover and become a complete demon knife.

When Charlotte Linlin was slashed at the G5 branch not long ago, it was the cursed treasure of Seven Stars Sword that connected the fragments of the soul.

If I want to help the soul evolve, I am afraid I can only rely on the power of cursing Baoyu.

Thinking of this, Hailan incorporated the other two cursed jewels into his body, trying to communicate with the soul.

He is not worried about being corroded by the power of the curse. Trifling the two gems will not affect Hailan’s own mentality and personality in the short term.

Soon, Hailan felt it. The connection between himself and Cursed Baoyu No.1 was established at the same time that the curse energy emitted by Cursed Baoyu No.1 also communicated with the soul, and Hai Lan felt a trace of the consciousness of the soul.

"This emotion...probably joy?

It seems that Linus is right. From now on, I really shouldn't call it windy."

But the only change in Soulshang is this, and it has not been recast into a complete long knife like the day of the G5 defense war.

"Forget it, also unhurried for a while, good knives take time to polish, even more how demon knives, take your time."

Curse treasure jade and soul on number one The fragments of Shang were put back into the body protection symbol, and Soul of Broken Blade was carried by Hai Lan, which looked like a short blade.

After Hailan walked far away, a youngster walked out of the "Gulan Blacksmith's Shop".

"bloodfiend" Foster Brad!

In order to deal with Red the Aloof's Peak Kenbunshoku Haki, Brad has specially trained the skills of hiding his breath. In addition, the previous Hailan did not take the initiative to investigate the Gulan Blacksmith's shop, but only kept the danger Therefore, Hailan did not know the existence of bloodfiend.

"Didn't expect that little demon actually cultivated a demon knife, it really made me startled."

Looking at the street in the distance, Brad seemed to say to himself Talk to yourself.

Linus asked puzzledly: "My friend, do you know that Marine brother?"

"Yes, I have suffered a lot from that little demon's hands. "

"I don't think he is too hostile, how could he cultivate a demon sword?"


Think of the Seven Stars Sword taken away by Hailan, Brad shook the head again. After all, he is not very sure: "It might really be what he said, because of luck."

Unable to guess the secret of Hailan, Linus sighed, and the topic changed: "My friend, have you really made a decision? You don't think about it anymore?"

For a lifetime, what is the picture?

No matter how beautiful a person is before his life, after he enters the earth, he will gradually be forgotten by the world.

Many years ago, those of us on the sea Overlords, the most famous is the Golden Lion.

But the lion ended up in a bleak old age, and became a stepping stone for Marine’s propaganda like a defeated dog.

This man, either lives as a legend or is forgotten by the world.

I don’t want to end my life in such a frustrated way."

Linus disagrees. Brad’s point of view, "It’s just a fake name, is it necessary?"

Brad is light on Issho, with unshakable perseverance in his eyes: "My friends are all Waiting for me below."

Linus didn't speak any more, he had a cigarette in his mouth, and the smoke was full of smoke.

"Find a chance to leave here, this Golden City will soon be messed up."

"No... old friend, I want to witness you become a legend with my own eyes."


Golden City, in the highest control room.

"The Golden Emperor" Gild Tesoro grinned, concealing the anxiety in his heart.

In order to prove that Guran Tesoro has the capital to join the World Government, and to prove that he has the ability to control the situation, Tesoro invited many people to participate in this time Golden City carnival.

Government, Yonko, Joker...many well-known bigwigs have all received invitations from Tesoro.

In order to avoid unnecessary wars, the Government did not send Marine Headquarters, and Yonko himself did not come, but this only reduced the possibility of conflicts and could not prevent conflicts from happening.

Tesoro absolutely didn't expect, this time Golden City also had three uninvited guests.

"Red the Aloof" Patrick Redfield, "bloodfiend" Foster Brad, "Blind Man" Issho.

Tesoro didn’t invite these people. It’s not that he doesn’t look down on these three people, but that these three people’s whereabouts are erratic, and they don’t have their own fixed power like Yonko. He wants to invite them. arrive.

Golden City's "invitation letter system" cannot prevent the arrival of uninvited guests. The three people have robbed others of their invitations to locate Golden City.

But the first two are fortunate to say that the gold powder has successfully invaded the bodies of Red the Aloof and bloodfiend.

It's just this third person "Blind Man". In the perception of Tesoro's "Gold-Gold Fruit" ability awakened, the Blind Man has used a certain ability to expel the gold powder from the body.

Except for the three Marines, the blind man is the only potential danger that Tesoro can't control.

Tesoro can only pray secretly now, this blind man, don't mess with yourself.


In the "Golden Casino", a middle-aged man wearing a kimono, stepping clogs, holding a stick knife, and having two terrifying scars on his forehead that cut across his eyes He was holding his breath, his face solemn, as if he was going through a battle of life and death.

He is the "blind man" Issho.

He looks like he was born in New World Wano Country.

However, people in Wa no country always put up their hair buns. Issho only has short hair, which is not like Wa no country people.

In this World, "Harmony Culture" has a profound influence, and the shadow of He Culture can be seen everywhere in the world. Even Fishman Jinbe is a kimono and clogs.

Kimonos and clogs are as popular as suits and leather shoes on Earth. It is impossible to judge a person's origin by dressing alone.


One, three, four!


As the croupier opened the dice cup, Issho's face heavier It looks ugly.

"Under... Lost again?!"

Counting this one, Issho already owes a million Beli.

This time is the first time Golden City is open to the whole world. Tesoro dare not do any tricks, otherwise the big guys will definitely hammer him into an idiot.

Moreover, "Blind Man" Issho is also a "Paramecia · Gravity Fruit" Ability User. He is the only one who plays dice, and there is absolutely no possibility of others fooling him.

He knows that he is really memorizing today.

"Dare to ask brother, can I still get another credit for the next round?"

"You already owe a million, which is enough for you to work for a long time. , Do you want to take credit?"

If the manager had not ordered it, the croupier would definitely not take credit even with Beli.

Issho is not gambling to win money, he just wants to enjoy the excitement of gambling, so he does not use the fruit ability to cheat.

even more how, "Blind Man" Issho is out of gambling. It won't sound good if it spreads out. Where can the face of this old face be put?

A lazily's voice sounded in Issho's ear: "I will repay the 1 million owed by this friend. In addition, I still have 4 million chips, which I have given him. "

Issho hurriedly refused: "No, I won't be able to do anything, so how can I ask my brother for your money?"


The youngster, who has yellow hair and looks like a pineapple from the back, scratched his head: "...I know you, you saved my brother's life before, so this money is taken as a reward for you."

"Dare to ask my brother's name?"

Brother Pineapple waved his hand and left: "People who walk different paths cannot make plans together, don't ask."

Issho is puzzled.

During the journey, he saved too many people. Who is the owner of this lazily voice?

After walking away, a sturdy brawny asked the pineapple brother: "Marco, I think that person is not bad, why don't you invite him to join us at Whitebeard Pirates?"

"That Issho doesn't like Pirate. It is impossible for him to join us. Don't think about it, Jozu."


These two people are from Whitebeard Pirates. The first team Captain "Phoenix" Marco and the third team Captain "Diamond" Jozu.

His five million is not his own money, but the gambling money that Tesoro ordered to give them.

Marco and Jozu had no interest in gambling. They changed hands and gave them to Issho, the “blind man” who had helped the civilians under Whitebeard before.


Hailan took out Den Den Mushi, Momousagi's voice rang in her ears.

"Hailan, the auction is about to start, don't you come to see it?"

"The Golden Emperor's auction, there must be a lot of good things there, of course I want to see it I saw it."

"Lilith and I went in first and reserve a seat for you."


Hung up, Hailan stopped a "Turtles Royce" and also experienced the thrill of a drag racing.

Although he has never driven a car, his calculation power and control power are all here. As long as he is familiar with the basic operations, the drain can bend easily.

With a "squeak", the luxury car stopped at the entrance of the auction field.


The racing girl on the co-pilot who had been used to drag racing couldn't help but vomit. It can be seen how crazy and intense Hailan's drag racing operation just now.

"Sir, you...you..."

The racing girl looked at Hai Lan tenderly with a smile on her face.


"Why does it feel like you want to vomit when you see me..."

Hailan twitched at the corner of her eyebrows and muttered.

He is cool, but he suffers from this girl.

Leaving three times the rent, Hailan bid farewell to the girl.

Everyone is for work, it's not easy, there is no need to make trouble in this matter.

"Thanks...Thank you for the first...Oh~"

Hai Rankyaku stepped for a while, then speeded up and walked into the venue. He really couldn't listen anymore...

"Beasts Pirates, Red Hair Pirates group..."

As soon as Hailan entered the door, he saw the drought of Beasts Pirates. Jack was arguing with Lucky Lu of the Red Hair Pirates group .

glare like a tiger watching his prey, Yanzhin and Ben Beckman, who are facing each other, noticed Hailan entering the venue, and drank away their companions.

"Whitebeard Pirates, BIG・MOMPirates..."

Hailan looked around and saw "Phoenix" Marco, "Diamond" Jozu, Charlotte ・Katakuri, Charlotte ・Cracker and the others.

"Hailan Sensei, here!"

Lilith's shout came, and Hailan walked up to the second floor and sat next to Lilith.

Momousagi is sitting on the other side of Lilith.

There are two Sensei protecting them. Although there are many Great Pirates that are rarely seen in the venue, Lilith is full of security and not nervous at all.

The golden auction is divided into upper and lower floors. The lower floor is filled with ordinary guests, and the second floor is filled with great characters.

Whitebeard Pirates, Beasts Pirates, Marine...Each house has its own area, and even compared to the ordinary seats like lecture halls on the first floor, everyone on the second floor can also enjoy the auction at the same time A variety of drinks and food.

Few people in this world dare to convene so many big bosses at the same time, and only the Golden Emperor who can quickly defeat the enemy with gold powder dare to play like this.

A young girl dressed as a maid suddenly appeared in Marine's seat: "This...this is the guran wine of Golden City. Please enjoy it. We have already woken up for you in advance."


Lilith was puzzled: "We didn't say that we want Gulan wine?"

Hailan stopped her.

"Thank you."

Because this maid is actually Baby-5.

"You're welcome!"

Baby-5 sweetly Issho, UU reading www.uukahnshu.com quickly ran back to his position.

Hailan squinted at the past, and it turned out that the people from the Donquixote Family were exactly opposite him.

Doflamingo picked up the glass, lips slightly moving.

Looking at his mouth shape, it should mean "cheers".

Is it poisoned?

Hailan shook the head, Doflamingo impossible is so stupid to do this kind of death, and it is not so easy to poison a Logia Ability User.

I can't guess what sly plan Doflamingo is playing, but Hailan is not afraid of him, so I just want to make a move.

Hailan Issho, to Doflamingo, raised the wine glass that had just been poured with guran wine.


It is indeed Guran Tesoro's signature red wine.

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