Faced with Charlotte Linlin’s double attack, Hailan had to take the initiative to use elemental transformation to offset the opponent’s damage.


Hailan has a new position for Charlotte Linlin in her heart.

This is not to describe his mood, but Charlotte Linlin is really a monster.

The woman's vomit fell on the ground, melting the rocks on the ground alive, and green smoke curled up.

Where can ordinary human gastric juice have such formidable power? It is no exaggeration to say that she is a "monster".

Hailan judged that if you do not use Busoshoku Haki defense or actively elemental transformation to avoid it, even if your body is stronger than yourself, you will be burned by Charlotte Linlin's gastric juice.

After being huge, Prometheus, who was like a small sun, swallowed Hai Lan completely, and the silhouette of Sea Lan could not be seen outside.

The flame can't hurt the aurora.

But as Yonko, Charlotte Linlin has mixed a lot of Busoshoku Haki into the flames.

Haki captures the entity of Hailan, and the flames are eroding Haki of Hailan.

Busoshoku Haki is a kind of energy that originates from the human body. Since it can even be released externally, it can of course be mixed with other energies.

Akainu can beat Ace to death with one punch because it was mixed with Busoshoku Haki's magma punch, not because of the so-called temperature higher than Ace.

Flame is a kind of "state" and "phenomenon". It is simply not a substance. Candles can produce flames, and the sun can also produce flames. When magma flows, there are flames.

The flame is not a substance, how can it be burned to death?

The principle of Ice-Ice Fruit's flame elimination is to lower the temperature and eliminate this state from the root cause.

Even if the flame of Ace is only the temperature of a candle, the magma attack flame will only heat the flame continuously, making the temperature of the flame higher and higher.

Only when the Ability User's body is burned, magma can destroy the enemy.

Whitebeard can hurt Akainu by mixing Haki into the shock.

In the final analysis,

the Haki cultivation base between Akainu and Ace is too far apart.

If the abilities of Akainu and Ace are interchanged, Akainu will only say after killing Ace: old man is the flame that represents the sun, and your Magma Fruit has only a thousand temperatures of trifling, so you can't see enough.

"zi zi ......"

The flames and the aurora eroded each other, and Haki and Haki collided fiercely.


Charlotte Linlin controlled Prometheus's left hand with a smooth blow, and fiercely hit Hailan’s chest fiercely, blasting Hailan like a cannonball. Got out.


The aurora carrying unmatched kinetic energy smashed the rocks, and smoke and dust rolled.

Fortunately, Hailan of elemental transformation does not suffer secondary damage.

"cough cough..."

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Hai Lan's mouth, and his chest was slightly sunken. It was Charlotte Linlin's fist mark.

It is quite unpleasant to be bombarded in the chest by Charlotte Linlin, who possesses "weird power".

Hailan felt that her breath was a bit unsmooth for a moment.

There was a muffled noise from Hailan's body, and Seimei Kikan mobilized to restore the slightly sunken chest. Charlotte Linlin's fist was no longer visible.

Hailan, who was hit and smashed into the rock, looked ugly. In fact, Charlotte Linlin was even more embarrassed.

Charlotte Linlin's punch only hurt Hai Lan's body at best. The quick punch she just broke out could not exert her Peak power at all, and even Sea Lan's bones were not injured.

Hailan is different.

His "Shine Fist. Mo Ying" is that Busoshoku Haki hits Charlotte Linlin's body, Haki surges, and Charlotte Linlin's internal organs are tumbling.

"The shining little demon, have you mastered the high-level Busoshoku Haki?"

Charlotte Linlin wiped the dirt from the corners of her mouth, looking towards Hailan with silk in her eyes Silky jealous.

It is true that she has a "steel skin", but the high-level Busoshoku Haki has a penetrating effect, which can directly damage her fleshy body.


Hailan grinned Issho and returned Charlotte Linlin's previous sentence to her.

Hailan still hasn't mastered the high-level Busoshoku, but he has become more and more proficient in the use of Haki, and his Busoshoku Haki is also getting more and more refined.

Whether it is a sword or Devil Fruit ability, these can only be used as a method of combat, and cannot form a dependence on them.

Hailan thought before that "sword technique" is a shortcut to make people stronger. With the help of foreign object, one person can easily surpass the others by one or even two three realms.

In fact, "Devil Fruit" is not a shortcut to make people stronger?

The Ability User whose Devil Fruit ability was taken away by Kairosaki will only be more embarrassed than the sword tyrant who has lost the weapon.

That's why Hailan developed the style of "Shantou Fist Flow", because Shunquan relies on the pure human body's own energy: Haki.

"Mo Ying" is Hailan's new style fuse together with "Shantou Fist" after the improvement of Busoshoku Haki.

Just like Skypiea would call Kenbunshoku Haki "Mindzuna", and Kenbunshoku Haki with a large range as "mantra", in Wano Country, Busoshoku Haki is called "Ryuzakura", a kind of Flowing energy.

The sakura of "Mo Ying" is taken from Liu Ying.

As for the "ink", the higher the concentration of Busoshoku Haki, the darker the color. Of course, it refers to the purity of Hailan Busoshoku Haki.

"Little demon, don't think that if you master the high-level Busoshoku, my mother will be afraid of you!"

Charlotte Linlin roar screamed, killing Hailan again like a madman.

Hailan felt a while of fatigue.

He previously used "Aurora Slash. Breaking the Sky" to severely inflict Kaido, that sword that surpassed the limit of the world was not without cost.

Hailan cannot continue to use "Aurora Slash. Break through the air", just like no one on Earth can continuously maintain a running speed of "100 meters and ten seconds".

The consumption is too high.

Not to mention the complicated part, just say that a person wants to hold a sword that has smashed the space. How much arm strength and tenacious muscles are needed?

The big fast blade "Ling Feng" even shattered on the spot because it couldn't bear this sword.

Novice swordsman everyday all Swinging the sword countless times, is it really just Way of Sword Sensei torturing students?

Of course not, it's all because every time you swing a sword, you have to pay a price.

Whitebeard is different from Hailan.

Whitebeard's fist is actually not stronger than Garp.

Without the blessing of Gura Gura no Mi, pure body refinement, Whitebeard and Garp will win or lose.

We must know that "steel bone" Kong can beat the Red Earl to exhaustion. Garp who grows up may not be weaker than Kong.

But Garp's fist can't shake space at all.

This is normal.

Just imagine, if Garp can achieve physical fragmentation, what is the concept?

The ability to hang Whitebeard up and beat.

Garp can't, and of course Whitebeard can't.

Whitebeard's ability to shatter space depends on the ability of "Gura Gura no Mi" to destroy heaven and extinguishing earth.

After Blackbeard deprived Whitebeard of Gura Gura no Mi, his backhand shattered the space and caused a tsunami.

Has Blackbeard reached the level that Whitebeard has developed over several decades in just a few minutes?

Of course not.

But Gura Gura no Mi itself has super destructive power.

This is why Whitebeard can shatter space many times in a short period of time.

Hailan’s "Aurora Fruit" does not have the ability to shatter space. He relies on absolute speed and sharpness to cut space.

So Hailan’s impossible sword continues to be used, otherwise it will be the same as Luffy’s “second gear” in the early years, and it needs to burn life.

First, he used the fierce "Aurora Slash. Breaking the Air", and then was hit by Charlotte Linlin fiercely with a punch. Hailan's energy and blood was tumbling, and his spirit was in a trance.

At the moment when Hailan was weak, Charlotte Linlin had already killed Hailan.

"The Emperor's Sword. The Blade of Wind Slashing!"

This time, Charlotte Linlin blessed the power of "Hurricane" Hera on Napoleon's body.

Napoleon's huge sword blade is surrounded by a ring of awful air knives.

Hailan just wanted to parry, a strong sense of crisis suddenly spread throughout his body.

"Thunder and gossip!"

Kaido, who has recovered the bits and pieces, also slapped the wolf fang club to kill Hailan, and seems to be able to smash Hailan into meatloaf at any time .

Kaido, who possesses strong defensive power and resilience, is of course a real "monster".

"Monster matches monster, it's really a perfect match."

Hailan's body was shining with white light, and he had to release the "Sun Fist" again.

But with the previous lessons, Charlotte Linlin and Kaido have prepared themselves in mind, and the effect of Sun Fist is obviously not as good as before.

However, it was enough for Hailan to escape the siege of the two.

"Damn day tiger, it hurts me to cut it!"

Kaido roared angrily, two Demon King-like nostrils continuously sprayed white mist .

Scars are proof of manhood, and Kaido now has many such proofs on his body.

There are burns, there are sword injuries...

It's just that the overwhelming majority among them are all left to him by Hailan time and time again.

Charlotte Linlin's anger was even more intense: "The shining little demon, are you all left to escape now?"

Kaido was only cut and injured by Hailan, with his body Simply is fine.

But she really lost two Homitz and her lifespan.

In Hai Lan's gaze, Charlotte Linlin and Kaido look very cute now.

In order to beware of Hailan’s Sun Fist, the two Yonko’s eyes blinked and winked, just like two mischievous children, very funny.

Although Hailan in the state of [King's Heart] can't experience the emotional fluctuations, he still gently Issho, taunted: "you two...what are you afraid of?"

Being pricked by the pain in the heart, Charlotte Linlin and Kaido unanimously said: "Kill him!"

"Prometheus, stop him from escaping from elemental transformation!"

Charlotte Linlin gave an order, and "Sun" quickly took off above her head, bypassed Hailan, and stopped behind Hailan.

If Hailan turns into aurora and escapes at this time, Prometheus will burn Hailan's path of aurora.

Hailan couldn't even target Prometheus.

Because Kaido and Charlotte Linlin will never sit idly by.

Charlotte Linlin in the hurricane foot and Kaido in the form of a dragon killed Hailan from two directions. Three parties encircled and suppressed. They seemed to be able to see one person pulling Hailan’s arm and the other pulling Hailan. His thighs, the scene of Hailan tearing alive.

"Mama, kill him!"

Smoothie secretly cheered Charlotte Linlin.

"Two Yonko team up, let alone fight, I'm afraid I can't even escape, right?"

Perospero grinned.


"Inflammation" Jhin didn't say a word, UU reading www.uukanshu.com on the surface seemed to be the result, but he always felt this magic The division may have any unexpected hole cards.

"You two have no need to send Prometheus to stop my retreat."

Hailan looked at the two Yonkos, the rays of light on their bodies were prosperous, and the thunderbolt was shining.

"Because I simply never thought of running away!"


is the sound of a sharp blade unsheathed.

This voice can only be heard by Hai Lan.


The space in front of Hailan suddenly became distorted, and a terrifying force suddenly descended, covering Charlotte Linlin and Kaido in an instant.

Unexpectedly, the two of them slumped down, and even their expressions became distorted.

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