"Gravity Knife. Chaos!"

In the distance, a blind swordsman spoke gently.

The rod knife is out of its sheath.

Turned into substance, Peiran, who can be seen by naked eye, crushed Charlotte Linlin and Kaido suddenly out of control.

"It’s not just you Pirate that can help."

Grabbing the weak spot of Charlotte Linlin, Hailan’s silhouette disappeared in an instant, and the pure Busoshoku Haki was in him. With his arms gathered together, his fists became as if they had been dyed with ink, and they actually reflected shining brilliance under the shining of the sun.

"Continuous ordinary punches..."

"bang! bang! bang! bang! bang! bang..."

Hailan’s fists are like two pilings The machine blasted Charlotte Linlin's chest, waist, abdomen, and even shoulders continuously.

Charlotte Linlin with the empty door wide open, his expression turned hideous, it was caused by pain.

Although Issho's gravity has dissipated, Charlotte Linlin still did not fight back.

It's not that she doesn't want to fight back, but there is no way to fight back.

How can a person fight back while being beaten?

The "stiffness" in the game is not made up out of thin air.

Like a meteor, Hai Lan and Charlotte Linlin, who was violently beaten by him, traversed a long trajectory of Daoist Priest in the air.

Charlotte Linlin's teeth are bitten together tightly, as if only the whites of her eyes are left in her eyes.

It can be seen what kind of pain this steel ball is enduring at this time.

Hailan’s "Continuous Ordinary Fist" is of course impossible than the destructive power of "Shine Fist. Mo Ying", but it is more important. A large number of Busoshoku Haki was beaten into Charlotte Linlin's body. , Fiercely pounded Charlotte Linlin's internal organs.


Between the teeth, Charlotte Linlin squeezed out a voice.

She is indeed the strongest woman in the world. After the initial freeze period, Charlotte Linlin actually started to have momentum to counterattack.

Hailan will not give her a chance to fight back.

The "continuous normal fist" came to an abrupt end, and all the power of Hailan's body was concentrated on the right fist.

"The Emperor's Sword..."

Just one second before Charlotte Linlin's great sword was about to hit Hailan, Hailan's fist once again hit Charlotte Linlin's body.

All this is in his precise calculations.

"Shine Fist. Mo Ying!"

Like a tight longbow, the power of Hailan gathered in the fist burst out in an instant, fiercely blasted fiercely. Charlotte Linlin's heart.


Charlotte Linlin spit out a big mouthful of filth, and the whole person fell rapidly toward the earth like a meteor, unstoppable.

This time Charlotte Linlin's vomit contains more blood and less acid.

Only a few strands of blue smoke were emitted on Hailan's "electromagnetic barrier". Under the flickering light and dark, Hailan's electromagnetic barrier easily resisted Charlotte Linlin's vomit.

But Hailan was not happy.

"It's too late."

At the same moment when Charlotte Linlin fell to the ground, agitating large swaths of smoke and dust, Kaido, who was transformed into a human form, had fallen from a high altitude. In front of Hailan.

With the dual blessing of gravity and power, Kaido fiercely hit Hailan with a stick.

"Thunder and gossip!"

The electromagnetic barrier shattered on the spot.


Hailan had only time to lift his arms to block, and then he followed in the footsteps of Charlotte Linlin, falling towards the ground like a meteor.

"Who is the sneak attack I, get out!!!"

Kaido did not chase Hailan, but cursed.

In fact, if he chooses to chase Hailan, he cannot kill Hailan. In this case, Hailan will definitely choose to escape, because Kaido has broken his left arm and the muscles of his right arm are also swollen. A blockbuster.

If Hailan hadn't fought in time, even his internal organs would have been severely injured at this time.

"Issho, don't show up yet."

As Issho was about to show up, Hailan's voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

This is what Hailan uses electromagnetic waves to transmit to Issho.

Electromagnetic waves can feel the vibration of sound and transmit the sound to Hai Lan's ears.

Now Hailan has been able to reverse the development of this ability, using electromagnetic waves to vibrate the air, and transmit sound to anyone's ears within the range of electromagnetic waves.


Although I don't know what Hailan plans, Issho chose to hide.

"Get out, damn sneak attacker!"

Hailan hopes Issho will delay time for himself!

A broken arm made his strength drop to the "Commander" level. The emperor powerhouse like Katakuri can already take him down alone.

Kaido regained his injury by opening up, while Hailan regaining his injury can only rely on drugs.

From the body protection symbol, he took out a pill specially developed by Begapunk for him, and Hai Lan swallowed it in one gulp.

The pill melts when it enters the stomach, and a warm current spreads across the body instantly.

"ka ka ......"

Hailan heard the sound of bone dislocation, and he used the right hand to force the fractured left arm back into place.

Hailan was in a cold sweat.

"Seimei Kikan. Reborn!"

The warm current that was originally transmitted to Hailan's whole body, under the control of Hailan's "Seimei Kikan", seemed to have gained traction, and it was actually towards Hailan. The left arm gathered and went away.

Begapunk’s pills are concentrated with a large amount of nutrients. "Seimei Kikan. Newborn" completely digests and absorbs these nutrients, and then guides them to the position of the broken arm, thereby breaking Hailan The arm bone was completely repaired.

The repair of the skeleton raised Hailan's pain to a level of suffering, and the sweat on Hailan's forehead rolled down like a shower.

The pain gradually weakened, and the redness and swelling of the muscles gradually disappeared.

Hailan moved his left hand, and Busoshoku Haki instantly dyed his left arm black.

"Finally recovered."

Hailan relaxed, guiding the remaining energy to the right arm, eliminating the swelling of the muscles.

Shocked by Hailan’s ability to cut through the rift with a single sword, Kenbunshoku Haki did not perceive that Hailan’s Yonko officials did not dare to chase Hailan’s landing point.

Hailan just now was basically impossible to be their opponent, they missed a great opportunity to kill Hailan.

But in fact, they can't kill Hailan at all. After all, even if only Commander's strength is left, Hailan's speed is not what they can expect.

"Get out!"

Hailan looked up, and Kaido, who couldn't find the enemy, had begun to use Longyan to bombard Sodaliga Island indiscriminately.

"Courage is little demon, do you only dare to sneak attack Lao Tzu?"

The angry Kaido yelled.

The first stream of light suddenly came to him: "Isn't it a dignified Yonko, isn't it a courage to be a little demon after two hits?"

"What did you say? …Zhouhu, you guy is okay?"

Kaido has absolute confidence in his "thundering gossip" just now, but why is this Zhouhu looking okay now?

He suddenly doubted life.

"The shining little demon, my old lady must tear you apart!"

Charlotte Linlin, who took a breath, shattered the surrounding rocks, looked towards Hailan as if in her eyes There was raging anger burning.

"BIG・MOM, how about letting you come down as your opponent?"

A blind swordsman stepped on clogs and knocked on the ground with a knife and appeared in front of Charlotte Linlin .

Issho's claim that he is "under" does not feel that he is lowered, it is just a kind of polite claim to himself.

Issho is 49 years old now, and he doesn't want to call himself "old man."

"It turned out to be you little demon..."

Charlotte Linlin is 63 years old. It is not too much for her to call Issho "little demon".

Seeing the "blind man" Issho in front of him, Charlotte Linlin finally understood why he suddenly lost control of his body just now.

Gravity fruit.

Charlotte Linlin grinned Issho: "So you have now confirmed that you are an enemy of our BIG・MOMPirates?

For a strong man like you, I originally planned to take you as me Issho’s 37th husband!"

Issho's body was shocked. He suddenly felt a chill, and his face was serious: "Here is someone who already has a family."

Charlotte Linlin grinned, as if he could swallow Issho in one mouthful: "It's okay, my old lady doesn't care about these worldly breaking rules."

"That's not what I mean..."

" The old lady has to kill your family first!"

"Impossible! Pirate like you will never be allowed to act as a nonsense!"

"Then it depends on you Do you have this ability!"

Charlotte Linlin activated his ability and slew Issho like a mad beast.

This is Yonko!

Although even the internal organs have been traumatized, they still have a strong combat capability.

If Hailan hadn’t just shot a large amount of Haki into Charlotte Linlin’s body and it was too late to gather Haki for defense, Kaido’s wolf fang club was also impossible to hit Hailan’s left arm to a fracture. .

"Zhouhu, I didn't join forces with that old lady to deal with you because I was afraid of you!"

Kaido's dragon nose continuously exhales white mist.

"If it wasn't for that old lady who had to compete with Lao Tzu for your head, of course Lao Tzu would have to challenge you!"

Hai Lan sneered: "Speaking like you The two can definitely take down my head."

Kaido roared loudly: "I can definitely take your head!"


Hailan is speechless, a lunatic like Kaido is really unreasonable.

Hailan looked towards Kaido, within both eyes burning fighting intent.

"Kaido, since you have so much confidence in yourself, then not equal to me, come and have a good fight!"


Kaido is simply desperate.

Hailan continued: "You don't use wolf fang club, I don't use sword technique, let us have a punch-to-punch, Haki vs. Haki contest!"

"Then I can blow you up!"

Kaido let go of his hand, UU reading www. The huge wolf fang club at uukanshu.com fell heavily to the ground, spitting out large tracts of sand like a meteorite.

"Have fun!"

Hailan tore off his shirt, revealing his strong muscles, and confronted the equally shirtless Kaido frankly.

In fact, Hailan doesn't really want to fight a madman like Kaido to death.

Being mad is a trivial matter, but not killing is the problem.

Let alone whether you can win, even if you win Kaido, what can you do?

"Bawang. Bang!"

"Shunquan. Moying!"

The blood vessels on the arms of the two bulged up, as if they were about to explode .

It’s just that Hailan has a faint feeling that if he comes to a fist-to-fist Life and Death Battle, his Busoshoku Haki is likely to get a breakthrough.

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