"Why didn't I run away?"

Hill shook the head with a smile, and took a sip of beer into his mouth. His expression looked a little bitter.

"It's boring, it's boring!"

He sighed and shook his head, looking like a decadent man who suddenly saw through life.

"You guys are really annoying, can't you say something together on the surface? What's the point of you pretending to be deep with me? I'm not your little fan.

Besides, do you really think that a little girl likes you if you behave a little bit decadently? Those uncles who are loved by girls are all really capable."

"You follow me now Like a joke I’ve heard before, the goal in life was to have a house, a boat and a savings account at the age of thirty, but what about you? The goal is half achieved, and you are thirty."

With a tease, Hill, who originally wanted to pour his own beer, put the bottle on the table: "I really didn't see that the serious Major Hailan still has a glib tongue side."

Hailan doesn't. He liked the bitter taste of beer, so he just ordered a glass of red wine for himself.

Taking a sip, Hailan smiled and looked towards Hill: "I met a photography master in Grand Line before, and he left a famous saying:

People There is only one kind of success in this life, and that is to be able to spend my life in the way I like.

Put on the Marine uniform, I am an ideal soldier in my mind, take off the Marine uniform , I am myself, of course I have no scruples."

Although Hailan is already 29 years old (16+16-3) in his previous and present lives, the maximum age of his two lives is no more than that. Only 16 years old.

It is not time, but experience that affects a person’s character.

Hailan still has the vigor of the youngster. He likes the kind of energy that belongs to the youngster very much. If he can, he does not want to become "mature", just for the sake of others. The phrase "This child has finally grown up".

A hint of surprise appeared in Hill's eyes: "It's amazing, worthy of being the best young student in the headquarters. I hope you can keep your original heart when facing those legendary Pirates in the future. "

Hailan looked a little unhappy: "Hey, don't say these compliments to me, you haven't answered my question yet."

"Why don't I run away Is it?"

Hill leaned back, showing a relaxed expression: "Don't run, it's boring, I'm tired."

"Are you tired?"

"I have been a good person-I have led a Marine soldier to fight Pirate;

I have also been a bad person-I have disclosed the specific time and route of the merchant ship to Pirate.


I used to live with trepidation.

When a good person I am afraid of being killed by a bad person; when a bad person I am afraid of being investigated by the headquarters."

Cover up the disgusting look on his face: "So you are planning to be an ordinary people now?" There are too many people like Hai Lan.

After spending a lifetime, doing countless bad things, finally said "I'm tired", and then go back to Yamada and enjoy the years; or the bully who kills people like scything flax simply finds a temple door and puts down the butcher knife Became a Buddha right away.

To put it more popularly, it means to whiten oneself.

Why is this damn good thing caught up by the bad guys?

How do you have to live to the utmost when you are a good person?

But Hill’s answer was a bit unexpected by Hailan: "I can't be an ordinary people anymore."


"I Now that I close my eyes, my mind is filled with the innocent people who were killed by me.

Sometimes when patrolling in Loguetown, I hear the children crying helplessly when they have lost their parents. I'm uncomfortable."

"No, you..."

Hailan changed a comfortable sitting position and couldn't help but smile: "To put it bluntly, it is your heart. If you are not strong enough, you can’t defeat your conscience.

I said a word to a sergeant named Werner some time ago: People who are not strong enough in their hearts cannot be bad guys."

Hill looked towards Hai Lan's gaze somewhat subtle: "Didn't expect you to have these crooked reasons?"

"It is indeed crooked, so I want to say it differently now-it should be because the heart is not enough A person who is wicked cannot be a bad person."

"What is a wicked person?"

"For example, Bellmere saved the lives of the two children, but the two children grew up. Stole Bellmere's property and ran away. This is called wickedness."

"ungrateful thankless wretch, this is not an ordinary bad person. This is also spurned in Pirate?"


Hailan did not answer Hill’s question: "So your plan now is to bring you to justice in my name, and then you will be freed?"

"I am That’s what I planned."

Hill had a broken jar of Buddhist expression, but also a trace of doubt: "Is Major Hailan going to give me a decent way to die?"

"You can pull it down!"

Hailan's expression suddenly became serious: "Want to die? It's not that easy.

It's easier to die than to live.

Pvt. Hill, stand up!"


"In the name of Major Marine Headquarters, I ordered Marine to be stationed at East Blue Loguetown Marine Base Pvt. Hill, stand up!"

Although Hill didn't want to hear Hailan's words, he still stood up due to Hailan's military force.

"Now Pvt. Hill is appointed, and he is promoted to Marine's second lieutenant in the East Blue Loguetown Marine base branch!"

With that, Hailan sent the branch's ensign epaulette to Hill's Hands.

Hill: Black question mark. jpg

Then Hailan took her seat again: "What? You are too young?"

"No... "

Hill, with a bewildered look, holding the epaulettes in both hands, a little frightened: "Aren't you going to catch me?"

"I told you at first, relying on This strength of yours can keep the stability of Loguetown, which proves that you are a person with a brain and ability.

It is a pity that such a talent kills, so I plan to let you assist Bellmere Captain .

Again, it’s easier to die than to live. Since your conscience is overwhelmed, do it hard and treat it as an atonement!"

Hailan is at First intends to hire Hill under his command.

But when he heard what Hill said, he hesitated a little.

If Hill’s answer was to be an ordinary people, maybe he would really send Hill to see God.

"But... isn't this going against justice?"


Hailan sneered and picked up the beer bottle. The two poured a glass of beer.

"Have you heard of Celestial Dragon?"

Hill nodded.

"As long as Celestial Dragon exists for one day, there will be no justice in this world!"

Just like during the Anti-Japanese War, UU Reading www. uukanshu.com has a special policy during a special period. In that era, bandits could be incorporated into the regular army.

Hailan has no time to hold high the banner of justice to delve into the past of these people. What he cares about is the future.

As long as these people can play their due value in the future and no longer violate Marine's rules, they are the talents Hailan needs.

Hailan never thinks that she is a gentleman of modest and modest. The so-called kindness is not in charge of the army, and the gentleman of modest and modest cannot be a soldier.

Hailan handed the wine glass to Hill's hand, and took the initiative to touch it gently with him.


Lieutenant Hill didn't know how he finished the beer in this glass.

Because the phrase Hailan said "As long as Celestial Dragon exists for one day, there will be no justice in this world" in his mind.

Hill looked towards Hailan's gaze changed again.

"This Major Hailan dare to say anything..."


I really didn't lie to the Alliance Leader! ! !

I'm digging holes for myself, I can't explain it clearly!

There are indeed some urgent things in this Zhou Family. In addition, the recommendation tickets are less than the collection. I originally planned to cut it-although I never asked for a recommendation ticket.. .

But when I thought about this, there are still many friends voting, so I came back cheeky again, for those who don’t like me and let down the people who like me, this kind of behavior is very fucking. Egg!

So, I really didn't save the manuscript in my hand, so please don't give me a reward.

Reading is just for entertainment. It is not good to make entertainment a burden.

If you give a reward, you can avoid it!

Voting some free referral votes every day, it would be nice to be able to support the genuine version after it is on the shelves.

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