"Oh, headache!"

Marine Headquarters, Rear Admiral and staff responsible for handling affairs across the world, Kong Ming is looking at the information on the desk and worrying.

"This Loguetown Marine base is really good at playing. The biggest Sir is the Captain of the headquarters, and the second only to Captain is the lieutenant?

Commander, major, and captain are all dead.

Can’t East Blue recruit troops?

But why can a small branch Captain have 3000 subordinates?"

Kong Ming Rear What Admiral didn’t know was that if time passed by Sea Calendar 1520, there would be no lieutenant in Loguetown at that time, and Captain would be a sergeant...

"If it weren’t for Hailan’s I recommend that this Bellmere has great potential. It only took a month for the Initial Mastery to shave and it was a good one. I'm afraid I have to go and talk with the problematic children under Zephyr."

As a headquarter major, Hailan is not qualified to appoint a headquarter Captain, even if it is just a headquarter like Loguetown named Captain.

At the same time, it's just a Captain. There is no need to trouble Zephyr or Sengoku. You only need to report to the staff of Kong Ming.

Besides, the soldier in the headquarters will not easily go to the world, because everyone knows that going to the world is simply equivalent to demotion.

Smart people do not have the idea of ​​"preferring a chicken head to a phoenix tail", because it is a troubled time, not a peaceful and prosperous time.

To face Pirate and the gang alone in the world, it is safer to be a follower next to the generals in the headquarters.

So the headquarter people are very resistant to going to the world. At this time, with Hailan's guarantee, Bellmere was promoted from lieutenant to headquarter and named Captain, but there is no need for too complicated procedures.

"It's Hailan, what level of credit should he give him this time..."

Shaking the feather fan in his hand, Kong Ming tilted his head and looked into the distance blue The sea.


"Sir, I don’t know if I should say something improperly."

"I don’t speak improperly."

" ......"

Seeing Lieutenant Hill with internal injuries on his face, Hai Lan was amused by this funny scene.

"If you don't tell me, how do I know if I should say it is inappropriate?

You will change your question later."


"Okay, let's talk, I don't have any taboos here."

Hill reorganized the language: "I want to say, you promote Marine Rokushiki in the branch, is that okay? Although your father is the Chief Instructor Zephyr of Marine Headquarters..."

Hill’s Marine Rokushiki cultivation manual was only obtained after becoming the headquarters Captain, although there is no guarantee that these will receive the cultivation manual. People will definitely not sell Rokushiki's skills, but this at least also means that Rokushiki also has a certain threshold.

"Have I promoted Marine Rokushiki?"

Hailan asked Hill back: "I just exercised them according to Marine Rokushiki's standards. Now except for Bellmere and Kuro, Does anyone master Rokushiki?"

"Then the two of them..."

"Bellmere is now Headquarter Captain, Kuro and Wagner will go back to Headquarter Development with me, I am not Didn’t you violate the rules?"

You are on the verge of breaking the law...

Hill slandered Hailan.

Hailan picked up his own red wine, but the bitter taste of beer in his mouth made him put down the glass: "And you look too high at Rokushiki. If you say it, you may not believe it. Grand Line has some The great Pirate, you can learn Rokushiki just by looking at it."


"Although it's just the simplest shave..."

"That's amazing too!"

The thought of having practiced for two or three years before reaching his current level, Hill naturally produced a wry smile.

The gap between people is really big. Mom!


Lieutenant Hill..."


Hearing Hailan call for his rank, Hill was sitting in distress.

"You guy on Happy Street... I suggest you, if you don't like her, you'd better break off with her; if you really like her, marry someone back. I don’t mean anything else, I just want to remind you, beware of getting sick.

If I know what disease my ensign has contracted, I will be the first to shoot you!"

" Um, Sir, you know so much..."

"This is the heartfelt words of many old helmsmen."

"Old helmsman?"

"This is also a popular saying in my hometown. Using the old helmsman who is skilled in sailing is a metaphor for people who are more experienced in Happy Street."

"I have gained knowledge..."


Just a few days later, when Hailan finished handling the trivial matters of Loguetown and was about to return to the headquarters, the Kingdom of Victoria called the Loguetown Marine base for help.

"How do you say?"

With Lieutenant Commander Kuro, Hailan has become easier to deal with many things.

"King Victoria said, I don’t know why, in their kingdom, the originally peaceful obedience people suddenly rebelled, saying that he was going to kill him!"


Hai Lan couldn't help being surprised: "This word can't be said nonsense!

Is it serious?"

"Very serious! "

"Isn't the Victorian kingdom just experiencing the baptism of the Sam Fleet crusade? They still have the energy to play some civil strife at this time?"

Kuro's face is unemotional, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com After all, it’s nothing to do with him. He pushed his glasses and explained: “It’s said that those rebels who were not capable of fighting suddenly didn’t know where they got a large number of weapons. The minister said that those weapons were left by us and Pirate."

"These nobles have made it clear that they are nonsense. Haven't I ordered you to clean the battlefield? These weapons are all money, saying that I will stay In their place, is he or I stupid? Don’t care about him!"

"I’m afraid it’s not going to work...Because Victoria is one of the countries of World Government, it pays a lot of'heavenly gold' every year According to regulations, the Government of their country has the right to request support from Marine!

And according to the latest information, the Vice Admiral of Marine Headquarters, the'hero' Garp has also arrived in East Blue."


"Uncle Garp? Did he even come here?"

Although Garp is older than Sengoku and Zephyr, this guy is not respectable and Hailan never shouted Past his uncle.

"It's just a member country of East Blue's a trifling World Government, so it shouldn't disturb Uncle Garp in any way. Is Uncle Garp worried about his grandson born this year?

It doesn't seem right, isn't the Garp family in Goa Kingdom? This is far from the Kingdom of Victoria."

"It seems that the things here are not as simple as they seem!"

After thinking about it for a moment, Hailan finally made a decision: "Kuro, you go to arrange manpower, and reply to the Kingdom of Victoria by the way. We are ready to go now."

"Also , The special operations squad called Buggy changed into casual clothes to act alone. They don’t have a combat mission this time, they just need to collect intelligence!"

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