The people   sitting in the highest Conference Hall in Marine are all sensible people. When they heard the conversation between Hailan and Sengoku, they already understood what happened. As for Hailan’s “late” event , As long as it wasn't someone who deliberately couldn't get along with Hailan, they would have forgotten beyond the topmost clouds.

Sengoku squinted his eyes and looked towards Hailan, and first asked, "Hailan, have you...entered that realm?"


For some of the speaking habits of this World, even after so many years, Hailan still feels a bit awkward, but the problem is not big.

What is "that realm" and not "that realm", you directly ask me if I have mastered the high-level Kenbunshoku Haki, can't you?

Isn't this a topic that needs to be kept secret?

I murmured a few words in my heart, Hailan smiled, "Of course."

Although everyone here has already guessed Hailan’s ability, but when they listened When Hai Lan admitted this fact in person, she was unavoidably shocked again, but on the surface she didn't show any exaggerated reaction.

"pu hahahahaha..."

Garp's loud voice rang, "In our Marine, there is finally someone who can Foreseeing Future! Hailan, Well done, the old man looks up to you!"

"The ability of this Foreseeing it powerful?"

It is precognition.

It sounds like a bit of lemon, but precognition is not really sour, just like when I suspected Momousagi why there was no way to take Titan, precognition really didn’t feel Titan, or the ability of "Foreseeing Future" What a great place.

For a character like Katakuri, he allows the opponent to win with one leg, even if the opponent can Foreseeing Future?

"He is not a problem!"

Garp waved his hand, and then took a look at Fleet Admiral and the Chief Staff Officer, "Sengoku, Tsuru, you still remember us before Let’s chase Roger Pirates together?"

Sengoku gave Garp a white look, as if he didn’t want to pay attention to this old but still lecherous, Crane’s expression was indifferent.・Gaban has the ability of Foreseeing Future, which has allowed Roger Pirates to repeatedly come to life in our pursuit of Danger Land.

Roger's high-end Haoshoku, Rayleigh's high-end Busoshoku, Gaban's high-end Kenbunshoku, It is Roger Pirates's three famous signs in the sea.

Kuzan, think about it, if a person is about the same as yours, but he can foresee your every move, what will be the consequences? The answer is You simply have no chance of winning. Do you still think that the high-level Kenbunshoku is not good?"

"Ah la la..."

Precognition tactics backwards, "Anyway, Hailan is not me The enemy of, even if other people understand the high-level Kenbunshoku, they have to keep up with my strength first, so I have nothing to worry about."

Kizaru’s muffled voice sounded. I have mastered two high-level Haki, and now the youngster is really terrifying."

Momousagi is gentle with Issho to Hailan, "Haki, congratulations."

Akainu did not speak, but he was also nodded to Hailan.

Kong Ming shook the lupin with a smile on his face, "Hai Lan Vice Admiral, can you share your high-level Kenbunshoku cultivation experience?"

Kong Ming’s Haki skills Very high,

It’s a pity that the intensity is not enough, but this does not hinder his research on Haki's skills. If he can find a general shortcut to promote it, it will be a great blessing for Marine.

"Actually, there are no skills..."

Scratching his head, Hai Lan was embarrassed by Issho, "I can break through as I practice."


Looking at the subtle expressions of the people, Hailan didn't know whether to cry or laugh, "What I said is true. Isn't Katakuri also the breakthrough? Why did I lie to you?"

Actually, everyone doesn’t believe Hailan’s words, it’s just this can break through after practicing. We haven’t been able to reach the threshold after practicing for so long. This time it’s really a bit lemon... …

"Okay, let's not mention this for now."

Sengoku pressed his hand and signaled everyone to be quiet.

"After our observations over this period of time, it is certain that on the 1st day, the remnants of Rocks will come to Marineford to hijack big o."

Garp geared up. "Haven’t those bastards suffer enough?"

Crane explained, "There are not many of the older generation, mainly the part headed by Kaido. We sent to observe the surveillance ship of the Three Emperors. Only the team responsible for monitoring the Beasts Pirates was sunk."

Akainu's face was gloomy, "This Kaido is really a mad dog, isn't he and big o being hostile? Why would you want to hijack big?・O?"

"Sakazuki, you don't understand."

Garp waved his hand, "Let’s not talk about the relationship between Charlotte Linlin and Kaido, even if they are pure enemies. This group of Pirates can also do unimaginable things. When Roger was arrested, Golden Lion rushed into the headquarters and wanted to hijack Roger. Have you all forgotten?"

On the Marine side, Garp is the most temperamental. One person, he can roughly understand the sympathy between those opponents. If it weren't because of his Marine identity, if he had the same position as Golden Lion back then, perhaps he would kill Marineford to save Roger.

Hailan asked, "Where is the remnant of big・oPirates? Has it joined forces with Beasts Pirates?"

Right will be the entire Beasts Pirates, half a big oPirates, UU reading www.uukā and all the remaining forces of the Rocks hidden in the dark. br We have a tough battle to fight."

Compared to the troubles between Pirate, Akainu is more concerned about combat issues, "How did you arrange Fleet Admiral?"

"First of all, the headquarters must have enough troops to garrison , And best soldiers.

Sihai and Paradise’s troops have basically been mobilized. As for the high level generals, your three Marine Headquarters plus Shanghai Lan and Kong Ming’s Vice Admiral must be stationed at the headquarters.

Secondly, there must be no problems with the Marine base of New World. Otherwise, even if we execute big o and lose the g1 and g5 branches, it will inevitably hurt our muscles and bones, and will also sweep the majesty of Marine. .

So Gion Vice Admiral, I need you to assist in adding Vice Admiral to stick to the g5 branch."


See Sengoku looked towards For himself, Momousagi hurriedly saluted in response.

"There is..."

Sengoku looked towards Hailan, "What Leviathan did you mean...Is it reliable?"

"Leviathan will not follow anyone's orders for the time being, but it has already regarded the Sea Territory near the g5 branch as its own territory, and no intruder will be able to taste good fruits."

"No, I mean, it won't go crazy to hurt our people?"

Hailan smiled and promised, "You can rest assured about this."

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