
Sengoku nodded, he still bought Hailan 's guarantee very much.

"The g5 branch has Gion, Jiaji, and Leviathan defenses, which are basically enough to deal with any impact from any force."

After arranging the military affairs of g5, Sengoku continued, " The g1 branch is located behind the g5 branch. Theoretically, it is less risky, but it must not be careless.

So I have arranged Chief Instructor Zephyr to be stationed there, and Shuzo Rear Admiral and Koala Captain are also available to assist. , I believe the problem shouldn’t be too big."

Shuzo’s military rank is Rear Admiral, but his strength is comparable to Momonga Vice Admiral, but he has a bad temper and stabbed the first one. Fortunately, he listened to Zephyr's words very much. Zephyr is there. , He can't make any waves; Koala has a large number of powerful friends around him, especially the elemental Titans. Adding these people together, ordinary people want to break the defense of g1, which is just a dream.

"This is an unavoidable war. However, it seems that we are passively defending, but in fact we are the active offensive party.

The remnants of Rocks want to rescue their Companions, let them come, we just need a chance to catch them all at once, and here is our home court, we must hit the Pirates head-on! Kong Ming!"

"Yes. "

"How many gas masks I asked you to make?"

"One hundred thousand soldiers, definitely enough, and there is surplus."

Sengoku couldn't help being shocked, "You really made it? How did you do it?"

"Make some first. If you don't have enough, you can only borrow some from Underworld."

Kong Ming stroked his beard and smiled, "If Beasts Pirates dares to use some disgraceful style, then I have to ask monarch to enter the urn."


New World, and the country.

After confirming the public execution time of big o, the fleet of Beasts Pirates has already set off, and there are not many Pirates left in the country.

But Kaido has not left yet, because he is waiting for the completion of the new weapon.

If it had been in the past, Kaido would have been alone in Marine Headquarters for three days and three nights.

But today, he can no longer do it so capriciously.

The day tiger in Marine has mastered the sword technique that can cut him.

Once he is captured alive by Marine, there will never be any other things that can't help him with a knife and axe. He will only be slashed to death by Hai Lan one sword after another.

Kaido has never really wanted to die in the past. If he really wants to die, then what is the point of developing the power of Beasts Pirates.

"Report to Master Kaido that your new weapon has been built."

"I see."

Kaido waved his hand and stood on the throne I got up and raised the wine jar to the end. With a crisp "Pa", the wine jar broke to the ground.

"Master Kaido, this is a weapon built according to your standards. Except for the special steel essence that does not contain Kairosaki ingredients, the rest of the parts are all forged by Kairoski.

You must keep your position firmly in mind, and don't let Kairoski limit your own abilities."

Kaido holds a brand new wolf fang club in his hand,

He could feel the unpleasant energy fluctuations just by holding the handle.

He tried to touch other parts with his hand, and the strong sea energy invaded into his body, not only sealed his ability, even his strength also felt obvious weakness.

"Very good."

Kaido is nodded with satisfaction. This level of Kairoski weapon is exactly what he wants. Kairoski is full of energy, and if you only hold the handle, With his monster-like physique, he will hardly be affected in any way.

Looking at a certain direction in the distance, a certain silhouette lingers in Kaido's mind, "This weapon... just call you'Fuhu'!"


"Holy Land" Mariejois, in the meeting hall of Gorosei.

"Report to the five adults that the Crocodile of Oka Shichibukai has not been able to contact..."

Gorosei, holding the demon sword in his arms, was furious, "It seems that these gangsters are It's really floating. How dare this bastard ignore our orders?"

The blonde Gorosei motioned to the former to calm down, and he asked his subordinates, "Are you sure that something went wrong? I really can't contact Crocodile. Already?"

The white suit broke into a cold sweat, "The subordinates have tried all the methods they can think of to confirm that Crocodile has disappeared."

Originally planned to steal Crocodile from Alabasta Kingdom. Since Hailan implemented the "Afforestation Movement" in that desert country, he has left that country not long after. Even Hailan, the last time he saw Crocodile was when he was chased by Leviathan in New World Crocodile. After that, he never heard of this person again.

No one knows what Crocodile did in New World.

"Deprive him of the title of Oka Shichibukai."


"What about the others?"

"Dracule El Mihawk, Donquixote Doflamingo, Bartholomew Bear, and Boa Hancock have accepted the call from the World Government. As for the newly promoted Enel...the agent who sent him to contact him has not returned any news yet."

"You go down first."

After dismissing the men, the Gorosei sighed.

"In this way, there are only five people left. If there is something wrong with that Enel, then there are only four people left."

"Under the KingShichibukai "This position is actually quite embarrassing. First of all, the World Government looks down on Pirate, because they need to be able to frighten other Pirate's ruthless people; and the more ruthless people are, the less likely this position will be, like Hawk Eyes. There are still very few people who want to provide for the elderly, which has caused Oka Shichibukai to be unable to fill the staff.

"That person...should be good too, right?"

"Don't worry, at least wait until Reverie is over before considering his problem."

"Of course ."


New World, Thundergod Island.

The agent raised his head and roar towards the sky, "Enel, you dare to refuse the call of the World Government, don't you worry about being deprived of Oka Shichibukai's identity?"

There is no silhouette of Enel in front of the officials of the World Government. Enel’s voice is heard in the rolling thunderbolt. The imposing manner is extremely domineering, but the lines are as always in the second, "Stupid mortals, don’t you really care what God cares about? Shichibukai’s location?”

Enel joined Oka Shichibukai on Hailan’s suggestion. If it weren’t for Hailan, if World Government officials contacted Enel himself, he would have been a Thunderbolt. It's chopped down.

"Enel, listen to me. If you dare to refuse, be careful. I call Hiruto Vice Admiral to clean up you!"


A thunderbolt flickered in front of the person, and Enel's silhouette appeared, "Who?"

This agent who suddenly moved out of "Day Tiger Vice Admiral" to scare people is not someone else. UU Read www.uukanshu.com is right It's Spandam, the brat who gave Hailan 300 million Beli for his dad Spandain.

Seeing the "Thundergod" suddenly flashing in front of me, Spandam "putong" fell to the ground, almost scared to pee, and the other agents held their foreheads with their hands. It was really embarrassing.

Spandam's legs were trembling, and he couldn't help swallowing saliva, "Day... Day Tiger Vice Admiral, that's the magician, Hai Lan, and someone called him the Purple Demon... Four Great Heavenly Kings Ah!"

For fear that the other party would not know who he was talking about, Spandam reported several titles of Hailan in a series.

The hooligan who wanted to take advantage of one's position to bully people against Hailan started to take advantage of Hailan.

Enel stared at Spandam blankly, "Do you recognize Sea of ​​Consciousness Arashi?"

"When...Of course...we are friends, he asked me to call him Uncle, hehe...hehe..."

After a dry laugh, Spandam broke into a cold sweat.

Relying on Xinzuna's perception, Enel felt that this looking very annoying guy didn't seem to lie.

"Since Hailan asked you to come, then this god will give you a face and come with you."

Snapped his fingers, which was originally shrouded in everyone The thunderbolt above his head was like a soldier who had been ordered to give way.

Although he has not yet awakened, as a Logia Ability User, Enel has learned how to use the fruit power to affect the surrounding environment.

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