"So, do you both support Kuzan?"

Sengoku asked Xianghe and Momousagi, and their answers confirmed Sengoku's previous judgment .

"Tokikake" took the initiative and said: "Mr. Kuzan is really a very good person. I don't know about other troops. Anyway, many soldiers in my troops admire him, oh right. , I heard more comments from civilians when I was on a mission. Mr. Kuzan was more than Mr. Sakazuki."

Tokikake, with a smile on his face, looked towards after speaking. Momousagi, I don’t know if he said this remark was from his sincerity, or just to stand on the same line as Momousagi, but based on his observations in his normally and the understanding of his subordinates’ reports, Sengoku can basically conclude that even without Momousagi, Tokikake It should also support precognition more.

"Vice Admiral, Rear Admiral, some people remain neutral...but obviously more support Kuzan than Sakazuki."

Sengoku leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes to think stand up.

"Although Borsalino supports Sakazuki for personal reasons, Crane, Gion, and Jiaji have chosen Kuzan. Even if Kong Ming and Hailan also choose Sakazuki, Kuzan can reach a tie with Sakazuki, and There is also the support of Vice Admiral and Rear Admiral. Even more how, neither of them are irritable hawks. They may not support Sakazuki. Kuzan’s success rate for competing with Fleet Admiral should not be low."

Although Sengoku has enough reasons to recommend precognition to Gorosei, the process should be followed, and those who should ask cannot ignore, "Kong Ming, Hailan, you two's opinion?"

Seeing Kong Ming staring at his feather fan, he seemed a little reserved, Hai Lan first spoke, "I support Mr. Sakazuki."


Although some signs have long been felt , But today I heard that Hailan, who has always been very easy-going in Normally, will support the irritable and tough Sakazuki, Sengoku is still a little unbelievable, "The reason?"

Hailan neither fast nor slow said, "Use heavy codes in troubled times."

"Well, use heavy codes in troubled times!"

At this time, Kong Ming finally expressed his attitude.

In fact, the justice of the three Kizaru, Akainu, and precognition are not perfectly in line with Kong Ming's ideals in mind. If the "blind man" Issho becomes the Marine Headquarter at this time, that is the justice that Kong Ming fully supports.

However, if he had to make a choice among the three, Kong Ming had to follow the rational judgment of the in mind.

Hai Lan only expressed one point of view, and Kong Ming immediately expanded it, "Great Age of Pirates can be said to be the most chaotic era. Too many Pirates violate the law regardless of the law. and of natural morality. For some reasons, there are even many people among ordinary people who think that “becoming Pirate” is a kind of glory.

Under this distorted and chaotic situation, in order to rectify this piece of Ocean, we must choose harsh punishments. Only through harsh laws to punish crimes can we finally quell the chaos of the Great Age of Pirates.

Kuzan Admiral is indeed very good, but his heart is too soft. In a peaceful and prosperous age, Kuzan Admiral can indeed become an excellent commander; love can influence the world, but it can only influence some people. For another part of the mob who persists in your own wrong doings, it can only be harsh like Sakazuki Admiral. Only through thunderbolt can justice be better maintained.

Justice cannot live alone. Before justice, we must ensure the smooth implementation of the law, that is, the order."

Kong Ming rarely meets Having said so much, it can be seen that supporting Akainu was his thoughtful choice.

Sengoku is still a little reluctant to give up, saying, "But Sakazuki is too radical. I am worried that he will lead Marine down a wrong path."

"Don't worry. Fleet Admiral, if Sakazuki Admiral can take your class, when he sits in this position, he won’t be aggressive if he wants to be aggressive."

Hai Lan’s eyes are a little playful, "I said something bad. If you ask yourself, how much is left after our upper-level rules and regulations are implemented at the grassroots level?

Sakazuki Admiral’s policy may be very radical.

When it is implemented at the grassroots level, at most It can only be called strict; but if Mr. Kuzan from the very beginning develops a gentle policy and implements it at the grassroots level... the consequences are unimaginable."

Hai Lan said it was very explicit and ugly, it was almost impossible to say it directly. The term "corruption" has come out, but Hai Lan doesn't need to worry. He wants strength and strength, military merit and military merit. No one will target him just because he says a few words. Even if he is directed against him, he is not afraid.

"This is indeed a problem."

Crane nodded, he looked towards Sengoku, "Fleet Admiral, maybe we should set up a Supervision Section."

"Supervision Section?"

Sengoku was taken aback for a moment. How could Tsuru suddenly come up with such a concept? She said something casual, right?

But "The Resourceful General" is "The Resourceful General" after all, and it quickly reacted. He is trying to find a way for Kuzan, "Indeed, if a Supervision Section can be established, the above Implementation of the following policy will better ensure efficiency."

Didn’t Hailan say that he is worried that Kuzan’s role as Fleet Admiral will aggravate Marine’s corruption? Then set up a Supervision Section. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

In Sengoku's mind, a brand-new concept gradually took shape.

For the sake of successor, Sengoku broke his heart: If Kuzan's brat is more upbeat, he won't have to work so hard.

It seems that he is also aware of the meaning of Fleet Admiral and the chief staff. Kong Ming is not willing to say, "But the establishment of a new department is not so easy, especially when the Marine base is spread all over the world. How much manpower would it be wasted? "

Tokikake also rarely took a serious look: "But this department does need to be established. When I was walking in the private sector, I saw too many scums that discredited Marine."


Kong Ming muttered, "I didn't say not to build..."

"Well, I understand what you guys mean. I will report the truth to Gorosei. What is the result? We still have to listen to the above arrangement."

Sengoku has already set up selfish calculations in the heart.

Marine's top-level votes for Kuzan and Sakazuki can be divided into courts. The middle and grassroots obviously support Kuzan more. With the support of "Hero of the Marines" Garp and his own recommendation, there is a great possibility Assist Kuzan to pass the last level of Gorosei.

"The meeting is over!"

"Worry that Sakazuki will lead Marine on the wrong path when he becomes Admiral? That's why I chose the gentle Kuzan Admiral... What does Fleet Admiral mean? Did he never think about resisting the real root of evil in this world, Celestial Dragon?

Even when he awakened himself, Haoshoku Haki's secrets have been hidden... Is he scared? What?"

After leaving the Conference Hall, Hailan muttered to herself.

"Is it the king of heaven? Is it really hiding there?"

looked towards a distant direction, Hailan was looking thoughtful.


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