"After many meetings and discussions, we at Marine have made a decision. Since your Giant Race is also a victim, we will not hold you accountable for your joint Pirate attack on Marine Headquarters."

Marine Headquarters, after getting the approval of Fleet Admiral Sengoku, Hailan is discussing the remaining issues with the Giant Race headed by Prince Rocky on the "Marineford Event".

"You know, our human lifespan is far less than your Giant Race. We have no way to intervene in things more than a hundred years ago. If we can choose, we actually don’t want to use that shameful means. "

In front of Hailan, including the giant Vice Admiral, all the Giant Race warriors in Marineford are here.

Sengoku, who had already made up his mind to retreat to the second-tier, didn't handle this matter personally, but left Hailan the good opportunity to sell favor to Giant Race.

Sengoku didn't think about giving this opportunity to precognition, but at that time precognition didn't participate much in this matter, and giving him the opportunity didn't make any sense.

"Let him pass the past. Today, if you still want, humans still hope to be friends with Giant Race, and Marine will always open the door to you."

Some giant Vice Admiral lowered their heads in shame, and a giant warrior who followed Loki disdainfully said, "You said so nicely, can you still revive the clansman we killed by you?"

Hai Lan looked towards the giant warrior with a smile, "As for those giants Vice Admiral, we Marine are just traitors who are tortured before the enemy. Is it wrong? I really want to hear, you Giant Race How did you deal with the traitor."


"Alright, don't say it!"

Rocky stopped the angry clansman," After all, this matter is still impulsive. We should not let the current Marine pay the price of another batch of Marines more than a hundred years ago. I should be blamed for the sacrifices of those clansman."

Be brave The ground came out to bear the mistake, and Loki, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, bowed his head to Hai Lan, "Thank you for forgiving us who are impulsive. Elbaf will always remember your kindness."

Prince is Prince after all. , Consciousness, Loki knew in his heart that in the face of the absolute strength of this human Marine, even if everyone on his side was together, he would only be killed by him alone. The other party was willing to forgive himself once. This was not a kind of kindness.

Giant Race is a very pure race, belligerent, gratitude and grudges are clear, worship powerhouse, although Hailan beheaded their clansman, but because of the truth on Hailan’s side, plus Shanghai Lan's powerful strength, on the contrary, earned him Loki's respect.

"That's good, just this once."

Hailan nodded, "If you are willing to go home, you can choose to resign, and those who are willing to stay in Marine can also choose to stay. However, we have to go through the formal process."

The rest of the matter, there will be related departments responsible, so there is no need for Hailan, the Vice Admiral, to worry about it.

After sending the clansman away, Rocky Prince hesitated.

Hai Lan said curiously: "What? Something?"

"That...can you tell me why Marine wanted to take Laura?"

"What Laura?"

"Summer...Charlotte ・Laura."

Previously, the giant Race Prince, who was also dignified and dignified, mentioned Laura. In an instant, he became a shy adolescent stupid brat.


Hai Lan remembered that it seems that Laura escaped from marriage because of a Prince of Giant Race. Is it this guy?

"Laura is indeed with me, but who told you she was arrested by me?"

"Long bread, it is the chef from BIG・MOMPirates!"


Hai Lan suddenly came to Satori. No wonder Giant Race, which has always been incompatible with the Charlotte Family, will come to save BIG・MOM. Is it because of such a reason?

Prince is angry as a beauty? Speaking from a certain perspective is also a good story...

"Wait here for a while, Laura will be back in a while."

"Thanks...Thank you!"

Prince of Giant Race beamed his brows.

While he was nervous and happy, he did not forget to tidy up his hair style...

After a few hours, head to Impel Down to visit Charlotte ・Katakuri Laura finally returned to Marine Headquarters.

"I can see him, you’re a younger sister, don’t you have any regrets?"

"Thank you."

There was a moment of silence, Laura I laughed suddenly, but there was a bit of bitterness in the smile, "The big brother said, this ending is not bad for him."

"Not bad?"

Hai Lan Startled, I thought, anyone would think that being locked in Impel Down can be described as "good"?

"He said that for so many years, he has done too many unrighteous things with Mama, and now this result is a kind of punishment."

This statement is true. Hailan didn't expect it, he didn't expect Katakuri, this person is still quite complicated.

"Mr. Hailan, Gaban Old Mister, he will not be executed by you, right?"

Think of the "Dark King" Silvers Rayleigh who is at ease in Sabaody Archipelago, Hailan feels The World Government’s attitude towards the Roger Pirates remnants is really ambiguous, so he replied, "It shouldn't be."

Laura slightly relaxed, "I blame me, I'm sorry, Gaban Old Mister..."


"Don't talk about this."

Hai Lan changed the topic, "Someone has been waiting for you for a long time."

" Wait for me?"

Laura was taken aback, "Who is it?"

A smile appeared on Hailan's face, "You will know if you go and see."

Behind the Marine Headquarters, just after seeing a silhouette, the Prince of Giant Race rushed up, without seeing the resentment of waiting for hours, "Laura, is it really you? Seeing that you are safe." I'm so happy about it."


For a moment, Laura, who was frightened by Loki, wanted to escape.

Hai Lan blocked her way, "Blindly avoiding it is not the way, let's just talk about it."

sighed, Laura turned and looked towards Loki, the latter The happy smile and sincerity in her eyes made Laura a little unbearable.

But Laura's heart is very tenacious, especially when it comes to "love", no one can interfere with her choice, not even her terrifying Mama.

"I said, we are not suitable..."

"Which is not suitable?"

Loki looked anxious, "I am so strong, I can protect you. I’m still the Prince of Giant Race. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is not bad, I think I am worthy of you.

Laura, you know how much I worry about you. I heard that after you were captured by Marine, I came to rescue you without hesitation."

Laura was surprised: "So you participated in this war because of me." "


Laura held breath cold air, this idiot, unexpectedly achieved this level...

"Thank you."

"hahaha, thank you for telling me what you say!"

"I'm really touched..."


When Laura said that, Prince of Giant Race scratched the back of the head and giggled.

But Laura's next answer made Rocky's smile freeze on his face.

"But I still can't accept you, we really don't fit."

Rocky scratched his head anxiously, "Where are we inappropriate? I think it fits!"

When a woman refuses a man, she will rarely say "I don't like you" directly. "Inappropriate" is just a kind of euphemistic refusal. Obviously, Rocky doesn't understand this piece of wood.

After gritting her teeth, Laura simply replied, "We are not in the right shape!"

"The shape?"

Loki was stunned for a moment, "You mean …I’m too big?"

Patting his chest, Loki promised, "Don’t worry, I won’t bully you because of my huge body!"

" I..."

Laura opened her mouth and turned around without speaking.

Hai Lan didn't stop her this time, but stopped Loki who was about to chase him.

"Mr. Hailan, I can assure you that I will never bully Laura!"

"Laura does not mean that."

Rocky said anxiously, "Then what does she mean?"

Hai Lan's face turned black, took a deep breath and looked towards the simple Giant Race Prince, didn't know whether to cry or laugh , "Go back and ask your parents!"

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