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This Marine is not serious Chapter 722 Katakuri's dream

Ellie is anxious: "Who do you think is the smelly brat?!"

"Of course you are the smelly brat!!!"

Allie was dissatisfied and said: "Why am I brat?"

Hai Lan sighed, shook the head and said: "Where did you lose Koala? Return it. Say you are not a stinky brat?"

Ellie retorted: "What did I leave her behind? She obviously left me!"

"Impossible, Koala's temper is out of the question. She’s well-known, you must have madden her away!"

"I didn't!"

Ellie didn’t admit her mistake at all, after all, in her opinion , She simply made no mistakes.

"Forget it, don't care about your stinky brat."

"You...I still ignore you!"

Allie’s The mood was not so good at first, so it became even worse, "I'm going to sleep head office?!" With a sound of "peng", Ellie slammed on her door.

Ellie originally liked banquets very much, but today this is Marine’s banquet. Her dream is Pirate, and she would not attend Marine’s banquet.

After rubbed the temple, Hailan sat on the sofa again.

Hai Lan didn't go after Ai Yin, and now it's no use talking to Ai Yin. After all, people who are drunk can't listen to anything. But in fact, the main reason is that Hailan doesn't comfort the girl either. He is good at fighting, so he is completely a layman in this respect.

"I hope she can communicate better tomorrow when she is sober..."

Sighed, Hailan lay down again, silently using electromagnetic waves to pay attention to Ai Yin's situation so as not to get drunk. What dangerous things happened to Ayin.


New World, "Totto Land" Totland.

The remnants of the original big mom Pirates, the Charlotte Family headed by Charlotte Katakuri, have finally returned to this land after suffering untold hardships.

Gorosei recruited Katakuri to become the sixth "Seventh Five Seas under Kings". He didn't want him to wave on the ocean alone. One of his goals was to hope that Katakuri could command Totto Land.

Except for Hawk Eyes' special treatment, the other kings of the Seventh Five Seas are all lords of a certain piece of land.

Bartholomew ·Bear was once a king, Boa ·Hancock was the empress of Amazon Lily, Donquixote ·Doflamingo was the king of Dressrosa, Enel occupied Thundergod Island, and the former king Crocodile was the hero of Albasta.

Even Moonlight Moria in the original work is the master of the Sea Territory in the Devil’s Triangle, and Jinbe is the diplomatic ambassador representing Fishman Island. Only after the war on the top did Gorosei, who had no choice, started who recruited .

People with land can be regarded as a force, and Gorosei can use it to get more benefits.

Charlotte·Cracker has a triumphant smile on his face: "What will happen even if we beat us? Didn't the Marines let us all out obediently?"

Charlotte Daifuku suggested: "This time, thanks to Katakuri, our Charlotte family has a chance to rise again. I recommend Katakuri as our new captain. No one has any opinions, right?"

"I agree!"

"I have no opinion anyway!"

Katakuri is very prestigious in the Charlotte Family, plus this time is because Katakuri became the King of the Seventh Five Seas, the Charlotte Family. After being free, almost no one objected to Katakuri as the captain, even the eldest son Charlotte Perospero, who always wanted to be the captain, was speechless.

"Since that woman is already not in, we don't have to bear the name of big・momPirates, right?"

There is no trace of sadness on the faces of everyone in Charlotte Family , But smiled.

Not just the civilians of Totland, even Pirate of big・momPirates, even members of the Charlotte Family who is related to big・mom,

everyone in the past lives Charlotte Linlin, the terrifying woman's high-handed rule, is in danger of death at any time.

The death of Charlotte Linlin was a relief for them.

Daifuku suggested: "How about Katakuri Pirates?"

Perospero objected: "Hey, using a person's name to name a Pirates is a bit too unreasonable, right? "

Dafu refused to accept: "What are you afraid of? Isn't Pirate King's Pirates also called Roger Pirates? Besides, we are all saved because of Katakuri, and the name is Katakuri Pirates."

Cracker grinned: "Now the Katakuri big brother has become the Seventh Five Seas under King Seventh Five Seas, but the Seventh Five Seas under King Seventh Five Seas has the legal right to plunder, so if we go to the sea to rob again, those Marines will There is no reason to trouble us, right?"

The members of the Charlotte Family talked about the future development in a word, but Katakuri has been looking at being left by precognition and Akainu. Under Ice and Fire's Totto Land Totland.


"Katakuri big brother?"

Gradually, everyone in the Charlotte Family stopped talking and looked towards Katakuri. UUReading www.uukanshu.com

Katakuri closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then opened his eyes, turned around and looked towards the family: "I decided..."

In the eager eyes of everyone, Katakuri said a sentence that no one could guess: "...no more Pirate!"


As if a bomb fell into the water, Katakuri's words shocked the audience.

"Katakuri, are you kidding me?"

"I'm serious."

Katakuri seriously said: "In the future I see Pirate will die out one day, we don’t have to go against the trend of the times."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay: "How is this possible?"

Cracker Surprised: "Big brother, your abilities have evolved again?"

"This is not a question of ability, this is...foresight."

Katakuri further explained, "If we If you insist on becoming Pirate, Marine will come to us someday sooner or later."

"But doesn't King Seventh Five Seas have the legal right to plunder?"

"Katakuri big brother, isn't it your dream to become Pirate King?"

"Legal rights of plunder?"

Katakuri sneered, "Are there any kings in the future? It’s hard to say."

Katakuri is a Haoshoku Haki owner, but Haoshoku represents a kind of unruly and fearless quality, rather than having to fight for hegemony, even if it is strong Like Whitebeard, he never thought about competing with others, he just wanted to protect his family.

In this respect, Katakuri and Whitebeard are very similar: "Pirate King? What is the meaning of that illusory thing? I can see you live peacefully and happily without being caught by others Bullying, that is my biggest dream."

This Marine is not serious

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