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This Marine is not serious Chapter 723 sober

Listening to Katakuri’s tone, members of the Charlotte Family soon realized that Katakuri’s decision was serious and very serious.

Someone asked the core question "But...if we don’t do Pirate, what do we live on?"

The most important thing in a person’s life is to live. Then we can consider other things.

Some people become Pirate because they can't live anymore, and some people become Pirate to live better. What else can be easier to obtain wealth than plunder?

Beasts Pirates has its own complete industrial chain. Whitebeard Pirates grabs a few Sea Kings for banquets if they have nothing to eat. By the way, it will also help the poor civilian islands under its umbrella. Only big·oPirates relies on it. To make a fortune by pure looting, including the flour and cane sugar used to make desserts in normally... everything is looted from other regions.

Fortunately, if you don’t plunder, you can still rely on the civilians who squeezed Totto Land, but now the civilians have already run away, what should Charlotte Family do?

"It's too simple."

Katakuri narrowed the corners of his eyes. Although he couldn't see his mouth behind the scarf, he seemed to be smiling. "Our Charlotte Family is the biggest What is the advantage?"

Cracker questioned "because all members of our family are related by blood?"

"My silly younger brother..."

Katakuri shook the head, "...The biggest advantage of our Charlotte Family is that our overwhelming majority are all food-based Devil Fruits. Other Pirates may have food crises. Will we still do it? The last thing we need to worry about is to rely on What can you live?"

I have to say that Devil Fruit is really a magical power.

There was a question that said that if you live on a deserted island with no food sources, with only a chicken and a bag of rice beside you, do you choose to eat chicken first and then rice? Or choose to feed the chicken with rice and then eat the eggs?

If you do not consider free-range chickens and other operations, if you have to choose one of the two, the correct answer is to eat chicken first and then rice.

Because according to the "law of conservation of mass and energy", if you choose to use rice to feed chickens, there will be a certain loss in the energy of rice after it is converted into eggs. In the end, the energy obtained by humans is less than that directly. Eat chicken and rice.

But Devil Fruit’s ability does not follow the “law of conservation of mass and energy” at all. Katakuri’s glutinous rice, Cracker’s biscuits...the energy that any of them can produce is far greater than the energy they need to consume, especially At their level, there is no difficulty in feeding a small country by relying on their own Devil Fruit ability.

The power of Devil Fruit has completely subverted the laws of physics and chemistry in common sense. It is like a demon who is screaming "Fuck his science!!"

So Charlotte Family doesn't need to worry about food at all. Not only do they don't need to worry about living problems, they can even export.

"So, younger brothers, younger sisters, and big brothers, let us act together and build a truly non-discriminatory Totto Land!"

Katakuri is inherently ugly His mouth was often discriminated against when he was young, and so was his favorite younger sister Bu Lei. They really understand the taste of being discriminated against, which is completely different from the ignorant big o.

Charlotte Linlin’s original intention to establish Totto Land was actually only because her variant size was too large to be able to sit at the same table with everyone for dinner. She regarded "being able to dine together" as equal to all races, so she Only then will we study the black technology of "human beings huge", and hope that all short people can sit at the same table with her for dinner.

Looking at the unrecognizable Totto Land in the distance, Katakuri’s eyes ignited a new fighting spirit, "First of all, this 1st Step,

is to eliminate the Ice and Fire left by the precognition and Akainu. !"


New Marine Headquarters.

The dazzling sun shone on the earth, and the warm sun gradually climbed three poles.


The dazed Ai Yin couldn't help but opened her eyes by the scorching sun, and browsed tightly frowns, "...head hurts."

Looking at Ai Yin, who was curled up in the shade of the tree, leaning against the trunk, and slept on the grass for a night, finally woke up. Hai Lan felt a little distressed. He asked softly, "Are you okay?" "

Ayin's eyes are red, and it looks like he cried a lot last night.


I looked up and saw the person's appearance. Ai Yin was a little surprised. She looked around all around, and the doubts in her mind became more intense. Where is it? Why did I sleep here?"

Hai Lan frowned and tried to ask, "You...don’t remember what happened last night?"

" What happened last night?"

Ai Yin tilted her head to remember for a moment, then suddenly blushed on her cheeks and continued to flush to the base of her neck.

Bad...Broken...Last night I was ashamed...

Although Li Ain dared to express his feelings boldly, UU reading www.uukanshu.com But she still couldn't do something as unrestrained as last night, that was the courage that she had with the help of Jiujin.

Now when I wake up, Ayin feels embarrassed when I think of the things I did last night.


"Don't tell me!"

Ai Yin took a step forward and stretched out her index finger to gently press against Hailan’s Lips.

"I don’t want to mention yesterday’s thing, and...I believe in you."

I really didn’t have the courage to remember the unrestrained self yesterday, and I was a little bit ashamed. Yu Qichi's feeling.

As for who...Hai Lan, he and himself have not yet developed to that point. He has no reason to hide his charm now. Isn't his charm comparable to a flat little girl?

Furthermore, for Hailan this piece of wood, I can only have this patience with him, right?

Hai Lan held Ai Yin's wrist, lightly moved her finger away, "Are you really all right?"

"Don't talk about it."

Ai Yin hurriedly changed the subject, the blush on her cheeks gradually faded, "I will take you to see Xiaoqing."

Hai Lan was surprised, "Don't ask who Xiaoqing is. "

"You will tell me at the right time, right?"

Ai Yin looked directly into Hailan’s eyes, and the ruby-like pupils showed thick Strong trust.

Hai Lan did not look away from her. The two looked at each other for a long time before Hai Lan gradually sighed in relief, "Thank you."

Ai Yin smiled, with swollen eyes. , The warm smile seemed to have a tinge of sadness, "Thank me, don’t let me wait too long, okay?"

Hai Lan knows that Ai Yin means before the sea is stable He doesn't want to get married yet.

Faced with the empathetic Ai Yin, Hai Lan had a faint guilt in his heart. He smiled and said nodded to Ai Yin, and said firmly, "I will work hard."

This Marine is not serious

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