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"Master Hailan, you are finally back"

Kozuki Hiyori, who has been waiting for Hailan for the time being at Ai Yin's house, finally waited for Master Hailan.

Hiyori’s identity is more sensitive. In order not to attract too much attention from others, Hiyori, who lives in Marine Headquarters, did not continue to wear her clumsy kimono, but changed into a simple and light common dress, although Lost some unique charm, but a little more youthful and beautiful breath.

It’s true that "people depend on clothes", but beautiful people look very good in what they wear. The difference between "buyer show and seller show" is also real. It can only be said that clothes and people The foundation is complementary.

Hai Lan said curiously: "Why did you go directly to Marine Headquarters?"


Hiyori sighed, glanced at the nearby Ai Yin glanced.

Hai Lan doesn't care: "It's okay, just say what you should say, don't worry about other things."

Doesn't even this matter need to be avoided? What is the relationship between this woman and Master Hailan?

Hiyori became more and more curious about Ai Yin. She was paused and didn't get too entangled. She directly said to Hailan: "Master Shanks rescued me from Orochi's hands."


Hai Lan didn't think much about it for a while.

"What is Shanks' relationship with you? Why does he want to save you?"

Hiyori explained: "Master Shanks used to be my father’s companion."

"Your father? Kozuki Oden? Isn't he a member of Roger Pirates? Is Akagami...?"

Observing the changes in Hailan's expression, Hiyori realized that he seemed to be missing something.

Seeing through her thoughts, Hai Lan added: "It's okay, your words will not have any impact on the Red Hair Pirates group. He is now the third emperor of Pirate, and his previous identity is also It doesn’t matter anymore."

As she said so, Hailan’s thoughts drifted gradually to another person--if Shanks was a member of Roger Pirates before, then his old friend Buggy... ...? ?

It’s no wonder that Buggy knows that many adventure stories. Even Skypiea, which is considered to be legendary by ordinary people, and Fishman Island, which is 10,000 meters above sea level, are well known. It’s not because of him directly. Did you take Roger Pirates' experience and write it out? Contemporary copy of the public?

Hai Lan couldn't help but laughed: "Interesting."

Hiyori exclaimed softly: "Master Hai Lan?"


Realizing that she has some lost self-control, Hai Lan coughed and continued to ask: "But you just ran out, don’t you plan to rejuvenate Kazuki?"

Hearing these words, Hiyori bitterly laughed, "Revival? Of course I want to revive. I really want to kill the beast of Orochi myself."

Immediately, she shook the head again, "It's a pity that I It's a daughter, I can't do this."

Ai Yin said suddenly: "What's wrong with her daughter? Is it because the girl is born to treat herself as inferior?"


"It's not like that."

Hiyori shook his head vigorously, "You don't understand the country of Wa no at all!"

Ain was puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"In our country of harmony, only men have the right to inherit. No matter how good a girl is, there is no way."

Hiyori's within both eyes gradually flickered with tears, shimmering: "You Do you know? Except for Kawamatsu, the Kozuki family's other retainers don't even recognize me. What do I take to restore the country of peace? In the country of Wano, I am just an oiran of trifling, a Sakino.

If my big brother were here, even if he only showed up once, the Kozuki's retainers would definitely kneel down on the spot!"

Hai Lan and Ai Yin looked at each other. At a glance, they had heard before that women's status in Wano was very low, and they didn't expect such a big gap.

Men and women are treated differently.

"But my big brother...my big brother..."

Hiyori became a little choked,

a little speechless for a while.

Hai Lan nodded: "I remember this, your big brother seems to have crossed over into the future."

Ai Yin was curious: "crossed over?"

"This...I will explain it to you slowly in the future."

In response to Ai Yin, Hailan continued to ask Hiyori: "So you are here for?"

Hiyori stretched out his hands and hugged one of Hailan’s arms, "Master Hailan, please save the country of peace."

Seeing this scene, Ai Yin squinted and frowned. We were together, but didn't say anything.

"Cough...Don't be so excited, please calm down first."

Hai Lan pressed Hiyori's shoulders to comfort her and sat down first. He used to be in Wano Country. He noticed that this Kozuki Hiyori was very agitated, and he would hug people at every turn. He originally thought that women from the country of Wano would be more reserved. After all, compared to other countries, the place was still more feudal.

After sobbing for a moment, Hiyori's emotions eased a little: "Old Kang...no, Lord Kang Family has been killed by the beast of Kurozumi Orochi, if it wasn't for Lord Shanks who happened to come to this country, I rescued the little girl and Xiao Nanzi in advance, otherwise we would be in danger."

"Who is Kang Family? Who is Xiao Nanzi?"

"Master Kang Family used to be Bai The dancing Daimyo is a very good person, Daimyo...you can understand it as the mayor, and Kang Family is the biological father of Xiao Nanzi."

Hai Lan doesn’t understand the relationship between these people. It didn't feel much, but what he could understand was that these people should be very important to Kozuki Hiyori.

"Why did Orochi execute the Kang Family?"

"Kaido, the monster, came back to the country of Japan and threw a thunderbolt because the Red Hair Pirates group rioted his factory and prison After letting go of those who were oppressed, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Kaido directly combined with Kurozumi Orochi to retake people back, forcing them to become laborers and slaves, and intensifying them.

Many people were forced. I couldn’t live anymore and wanted to resist. It was Lord Kang Family who stopped everyone and calmed Orochi’s anger with his own death and saved everyone’s life. Until now, the little girl has not dared to tell Xiao Nan the news of Lord Kang Family’s sacrifice. Zi."

"Where is that Xiaonanzi now?"

"She lives in the furry ducky now, so she should be safe."

"So yours What do you mean?"

Hiyori gradually became a little excited: "The little girl can no longer stand by and watch one tragedy continue to happen, and the little girl doesn’t know when his brother will be able to When I came back, the little girl was so scared and hated Kurozumi Orochi, Mr. Hailan, please Marine, please save the country of peace?"

Hailan is nodded, "But before that, I have to confirm one Things, in what capacity are you asking me for help? Or asking Marine for help?"

"Of course..."

Hiyori opened his mouth and gave a sudden stop. Does she want to say that we are not friends? But thinking about it carefully, the relationship between the two parties does not seem to have reached this level.

Kozuki Hiyori’s mind resounded the last words left by father: "Momonosuke, Hiyori, you remember, after you recover the country of peace, you must let the country of peace be established and open the peace The gate of the kingdom of heaven, we can no longer stand still."

After a moment of silence, Hiyori took a deep breath, and she re-looked towards Hailan, her eyes full of firmness, as if she had decided something Resolution: "My little girl...no...I will send a request for assistance to Hiruto Admiral as the 21st-generation heir of the Kozuki family, requesting Marine to send troops to the country to crusade Beasts Pirates and suppress the forces of Kurozumi Orochi. In return, the country of Japan and I will be hereafter Willing to open the country and join the World Government!"

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