"Although I said that, I am still a little worried about that Doflamingo..."

Akainu nodded, seriously said: "That guy’s identity is a bit Special..."

Hai Lan laughed softly: "You mean, World Nobles?"

Akainu couldn't help but be surprised: "How did you know?"

He didn't know the identity of Doflamingo Celestial Dragon when he was Marine Headquarters. It wasn't until he became Marine Fleet Admiral that he came into contact with this extremely confidential secret, but how could Hailan know this?

"In fact, I knew it a long time ago. I discovered it by accident. However, it is not convenient for me to say why for the time being."

Akainu frowned, "Even I Can't you say it?"

Hai Lan politely refused: "The only thing that she knows is her own secret."

The atmosphere in the office suddenly It solidified and remained quiet for a long time before Akainu spoke: "Nothing."

In fact, he had long felt that Hailan was hiding a lot of secrets.

Let’s not talk about where he learned his bold brains and various unimaginable operations. The growth rate of his strength is already jaw-dropping. I have seen it in Akinu. Among people, no one can mention on equal terms with Hailan.

Perhaps someone has reached his level at his age, but who can master so much knowledge and abilities at the same time like Hai Lan? Is this still something a living person can do?

Although he does not want to admit it, Akainu has to say that he has no way to defeat Hailan now. When the two basic ranks are at the same level, whoever has more abilities has a greater chance of winning.

As for the secrets hidden in Hailan, as long as he doesn't do anything against justice, why should he pursue it too deeply.

"For so many years, your contribution to Marine is obvious to all, so I will not ask your personal affairs.

Since you already know the true identity of Doflamingo, That means you have a spectrum in your heart, and I will leave this to you.

As for the crusade against the Kingdom of Japan, I recently heard from Jonathan that the Fishman shipbuilder Tom was in Bergapon. With the help of K, the construction of the floating island fortress has been completed. Wano is easy to defend and difficult to attack, so when the time comes I plan to put the floating island fortress directly into the war. It is almost a mobile military base, which is most suitable for application. We are in the long tug of war with the country of peace."

Speaking of which, Akainu looked towards Hailan, slightly embarrassed, "The only difficulty is the energy issue..."

For a giant sea fortress like a floating island fortress, the use of controllable nuclear power is the best choice. Obviously, the distorted technology tree of this World has not developed to this step, and the use of conventional energy will be a huge consumption.

Seeing Akainu showing a rare embarrassment, Hailan smiled: "Don't worry, as long as I am here, the energy of the floating island fortress is inexhaustible."

Akainu relaxed: "Just wait for your words!"

Let the dignified Marine Headquarter take on the role of the humanoid Generator. Akainu was a little bit unable to speak. Hearing Hailan’s promise, Akainu finally A trace of worries finally disappeared.


New World, Hezhi Country, Flower City, Orochi City.

"General" Kurotan Orochi sits in the private room of the castle tower with a wild grin on his face. Opposite him are a few guests wearing white suits and strange masks.


The last letter is the Arabic numeral 0, not the English letter O.

Knowing the identity of the other party well, Kurozumi Orochi has no trace of fear, because he has long been used to it.

Across from Orochi, CP0 sitting in the middle position said nothing. The person beside him said: "Kaido...hasn't come yet?"

"Hey Hey, who do you think you are talking to? Be respectful, I’m Kurozumi Orochi!"

Kairoseki is abundant in Wano country. What the world does not know is that many of the weapons of the World Government are actually Wazukuni, to be precise, it was purchased by Beasts Pirates, which is also Pirate, and Joker is the middleman who acts as the fig leaf of the World Government, so the World Government’s various behaviors towards Doflamingo have always been turn a blind eye.

Because the World Government has a country that seeks peace, Kurozumi Orochi always asks the World Government for gold and silver treasures, and even Battleship. Once he even wanted to ask for Bega Punk, but of course he did not succeed.

Providing arms is just one of the reasons Kurozumi Orochi can be so arrogant. Another reason is that his backer is the strongest creature in the world-"Tyrant Dragon King" Kaido.

The previous CP0 has always been low-pitched to himself, even if Kurozumi Orochi shoots CP0 in a rage, they dare not say anything. CP0's attitude towards himself has changed too much this time. It made Kurozumi Orochi's heart unacceptable.

CP0lightly said, with unabashed contempt in his voice: "You seem...never realize that we in front of you... are not the same people as the ones before."

Kurozumi Orochi frowned: "What do you mean?"

"If it weren’t because you don’t like the misty place where Pirate gathers on Ghost Island, you thought we would come here to waste it with you Time? You only relied on Kaido's asylum to stay arrogant to this day, Kurozumi Orochi, you never seem to realize what you are?"


Shogun Orochi, who has dominated the country of Wano for nearly 20 years, is once again Zoan ・Mythical Type ・Snake Snake Fruit・Yaki Orochi Ability User, in Wano, he is both a noble general and a terrifying Demon. Such terrifying great character, when has it been so despised? Especially the group of CP0 in front of me are just a few dogs raised by the World Government. UU reading www.uukanshu.com dare to bark at people?


Pulling out a special pistol from his arms, Kurozumi Orochi aimed directly at the CP0's forehead and pulled the trigger.

The distance between a few feet away was instant, but it was about to hit the target. The CP0 stretched out two fingers and directly clamped the Kairoseki bullet carrying the powerful kinetic energy between the index finger and the middle finger. between.


Kurozumi Orochi became more and more angry. In the past, he shot CP0, and the group of guys used Liu Sakura to defend at most, even the hat was beaten. If you don't dare to pick it up, how can you dare to provoke yourself like today?

It’s just that he didn’t have time to get angry when he saw CP0’s fingers wiggling lightly, the Kairoseki bullet came back faster than before, and Orochi’s wide-eyed eyes only saw a touch. The afterimage, accompanied by the sound of "pu 呲", the Kairoseki bullet directly penetrated Orochi's shoulder, and the blood was sprinkled on the wall behind.


Kurozumi Orochi was in pain, and a deep sense of weakness suddenly surged in his body, but this feeling quickly disappeared. He instantly activated the Devil Fruit ability. , The whole person turned into a terrifying snake demon with seven heads on the spot.

"If I remember correctly, which one of your heads was cut off by the tiger, right?"

"you are courting death!"

Kurozumi Orochi's seven snake heads bit at the CP0 at the same time, but at this moment, a CP0 sitting in the back spoke softly, listening to the voice, it seemed that it was still a woman: "Forbidden!"


The sound of something colliding, Kurozumi Orochi, who slammed into a transparent barrier, was confused and his head was a little dizzy.


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