Marine has always advertised justice and sincerely sheds blood for justice. But above his head is riding the world’s most evil criminal, Celestial Dragon, and justice is riding on evil. But he didn't dare to resist. For hundreds of years, what is Marine afraid of?

The scene that took place in the Orochi Castle Tower today has already revealed some clues.

Composed of 19 Royal Family, Celestial Dragon, which has ruled the world for 800 years, is absolutely unparalleled in its heritage and resources. They are the most important and powerful special force. How Maybe it's all a bunch of waste that even Kurozumi Orochi can't deal with?

From CP0 to CP9, CipherPol’s agents have been adopting orphans and have been brainwashed since childhood. Rob Lucci, Stracy and the others are all like this, because they can grow up from childhood. Focus on cultivating children with strong potential, and it is easier to instill their ideas.

But in fact, not every CipherPol member has grown up gradually from this step. There are a very small number of people who are more special than others from the very beginning, and only they In order to control the true core power of CipherPol.

The two CP0s who sit in the middle without saying a word, and the other who constantly provoke Kurozumi Orochi in language, belong to the very few people, that is...Celestial Dragon!

"Hey, what the hell is this, let me go!"

Yachi...Kurozumi Orochi in Qiqi Orochi state is covered by a semi-transparent cylindrical barrier Completely locked in it, no matter what kind of attack method Kurozumi Orochi uses, physical collision or using the flames and air-conditioning from his mouth, he can't help the barrier in front of him.

The woman in CP0 gently let go of her lifting hands: "Don't take any effort, with your little strength, it is basically impossible to break through my Formation."

Before that, CP0, who continuously provokes Orochi with language and wears a slender katana on his waist, regrets: "Mythical Type ・Yaki Orochi fruit, what a rare ability, it actually fell into the hands of a waste like you. It’s a waste."

"What do you want to do?"

Except for the absolutely powerful Kaido and the day tiger who had cut off his head, how many years have passed Finally, Kurozumi Orochi's face finally resurfaced with a look of horror.

"This expression is really wonderful, but you don't have to worry, if we want to kill you, do you think you can live to this day?"

"Damn it, I was only late for a while. Has this place been tossed like this by you?"

"Array, Zhe, Shan, the three of you are here looking at him."


A fierce and heavy voice sounded outside, and the two CP0s in the lead left a sentence and walked out.

Until I saw Kaido, the CP0 of the cherish words like gold headed by cherish words like gold finally said: "Don't be unharmed, Rocks' little demon."

Outside, Kaido's shoulders Carrying a brand new wolf fang club with his mouth drooping, his face looks sinister terrible: "Let’s talk about it, what do you guys want to discuss with Laozi? Zero!"

Listen to the two of them The dialogue seems to have known each other a long time ago in the era of Rocks.

CP0, known as "Zero", took off the mask on his face. After the strange mask, it turned out to be a young and handsome man's face.

Kaido couldn't help being surprised: "Where is zero?"

"I am zero now."

Kaido took a long, deep breath, "So... …Zero, is he dead already?"

"We are not Pirate, where would die casually, that adult has already gone to the top."

"so that's how it is, I get it."

Seeing that the "zero" in front of me is not the one who has played with the old captain several times in my mind, Kaido's attitude has also become It got worse: "little demon, what do you want to do with Laozi?"

"Marine is about to attack the country of Wa,

have you heard about it?"

"Of course, don't think of us as fools!"

The other CP0 with a long knife on his waist sneered: "Then you, as the strongest creature, feel like you can resist. How many swords are you in the current Marine Headquarter?"

When it comes to Hailan, Kaido's nostrils are hot, and the color of anger exhibits one's feelings in one's speech: "Who are you brat? Huh? Are you provoking Lao Tzu?"

One of CP0's hand was placed on the handle of the knife, be eager to have a try: "You can call me, soldier!"

Zero answered: "No, we are here to help you."

"Help me?"

Kaido, who was about to do it, couldn't help but say with surprise. "Will the World Government help Pirate?"

Zero laughed, "It's not the first time. Do you think there is no secret contract between the other Sovereign level Pirates and us?"

"What did you say?!!!"

Kaido's expression is even more exciting: "Is it the Whitebeard old man? Or the red-haired little demon?"

" I can’t say more about this.”

For a long time, Kaido wondered: “Why?”

Bing explained: “What the World Government needs is balance, and some people If we want to break this balance, we naturally need to do something.

Without Pirate, all countries singing and dancing to live and work in peace, the existence of the World Government is meaningless, this truth , Can you understand?

Otherwise, you think you can really stay steadily Has it been in this Wano country for nearly 20 years? "

"You have been provoking Lao Tzu since just now. Lao Tzu has endured you for a long time. "

Kaido's wolf fang club moved towards the wolf fang club moved towards the self-proclaimed "soldier" swordsman fiercely, who is clearly CP0 and actually Celestial Dragon.

"Want to follow If I cooperate, you have to see if you are qualified! ! "

In fact, even though the soldier’s status is slightly lower than zero, his strength is actually at the same level as zero. How could it be possible that the world government’s strongest battle strength is in Marine? Among them.

Each CP0 has at least two Peak powerhouses, one Devil Fruit Ability User, one body refinement or sword technique Master.

"Om... "

The crisp sword cry sounded, and the demon sword named "Mura Masa" hung on the soldier's waist instantly emerged.

Facing the wolf fang hit by Kaido Club, the soldiers do not evade, and his voice has a strong desire to fight: "I have always wanted to try, how capable is the strongest creature in the world! "

"Ding!! "

The wolf fang club in Kaido's hand and the demon sword named "Mura Masa" in the soldier's hand collided with the whistling sound of the breaking wind to produce a harsh metal symphony, which everyone in the entire Orochi city could hear Clear and clear.

The terrifying imposing manner that broke out between the two collided, lightning flashes and thunder rolls, and the gust of wind howled, even a large number of townspeople in the Flower City looked up towards the sky.

The clouds are turbulent, rolling towards the sides like a waterfall.

Countless people are dumbfounded, and even their hands are shaking slightly: "Heaven...the sky was cut open... "


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