"..." Baby Feng couldn't understand Zhang Chulan's meaning.

She didn't even know what Liu Xiaojiang wanted to do. She just answered the question asked according to her own thoughts. She actually didn't know about some complicated things...and didn't understand.

Zhang Chulan naturally understands this, and understands that if she speaks like other people, especially the way she speaks to the big guys in the circle, she might be shoveled by the other person. patted fiercely on the face.

After he thought about something clearly, he looked thoughtful for a moment and then looked towards Bao Bao Feng with an inquiring expression, saying:

"Sister Baoer, if you say For the sake of your life experience, you have to kill some relatively innocent people... Even ordinary persons, are you willing to continue to investigate as before?"

"...Do you have to do it? "Baby Feng said in confusion.

"Yes, we have to do it, we must kill those innocents, so that we can achieve our goal... Are you willing?" Zhang Chulan nodded added.

hearing this,

Baby Feng lost interest in the rare food of his opponent, and stared at Zhang Chulan dullly for a long time, saying:

"Gouwazi I have told me before...As long as it is a threat to me, some special methods should be used, if it is someone who is not threatening...Why do you have to kill?"

"Because ..." Zhang Chulan gritted her teeth and insisted.

"If you don’t kill those people, Sister Baoer, you will never know your life experience..."

"...I don’t know." Bao'er Feng thought After thinking about it, finally shook the head.

"I don't know what I will do, but if this happens, I...I don't know yet."

"In other words... …" Zhang Chulan looked directly at Bao Bao Feng's slightly confused eyes, and couldn't help shaking her head again while relaxed.

"Sister Baoer could do anything at that time...right?"

"I don't know..." Feng Baobao said truthfully.

"Sister Baoer, I thought everything was too simple before..." Zhang Chulan naturally did not doubt what Feng Baobao said.

But because of this kind of thing, even Bao Bao Feng himself did not confirm that he finally understood the problem, so he said:

"For you, sister Baoer, Life experience is undoubtedly the most important issue. I also promised to help you find your family, but I have always ignored the really important issues..."

"I believe that we will continue to investigate, even if It’s about the secrets of the Jiashen Rebellion, and there will always be a day when everything becomes clear... But what about afterwards?"

"If we were accidentally caught in the process of investigating the truth Others also know about this...what to do?"

"Sister Baoer has a big problem with you. No matter who sees it, the problem of life experience is important... ......But who is willing to lose his life for this kind of thing, even if Sister Baoer, you don’t care about it, I, Third Brother, Fourth Brother...I definitely don’t want you to die."


"Because of the previous exposure of temporary worker status, even if we hid it well during the investigation, your problem will be noticed one day sooner or later. ………What should we do, do we really have the ability to protect you?"

Speaking of which,

Zhang Chulan couldn't help rubbing her face with her hands, her eyes tired. :

"I thought about this issue before, thinking that with the power of Big Brother Liu, coupled with the friendship between us and him, maybe you can give Sister Baoer to him for protection , But no one didn't expect...he would actually make the battle like today."

"until now Regarding the Eight Magic Skills and the Jiashen Rebellion, there is also Sister Baoer you are here We have almost no time to think about this kind of problems in our lives, because Big Brother Liu’s own problems... Our original plan has already been completely disrupted."

"Here In this case..."

"Even if we have investigated the truth of everything, and successfully helped Sister Boer, you have confirmed the problem of life experience... What about?"

"We It's not that there is no way to solve the follow-up problems, and even when the follow-up problems can't be hidden, at least let sister Baoer have lived in this world as today......what else to talk about to make you truly free and at ease "

On the other side,

Baby Feng heard Zhang Chulan say so many things in a series, and they were all things that he could hardly understand, he was already listening to the Heavenly Book. Looked at Zhang Chulan.

"...If there is danger, won’t I just run away then?"

"But..." Zhang Chulan hesitated and said: "Sister Baoer, yours The state is very wrong. This is not only in terms of personal abilities, but also in the mind... Obviously it is difficult to hide in this world for too long. Sooner or later, someone will be caught back."

"At that time..."

He didn't continue to speak, because even if he couldn't guess the specific situation in the future, he understood that the extremely greedy guys outside were facing Sister Baoer What kind of cruel behavior would be done to her when she was immortality.

After all, just the eight wonders of the year are enough to make some people abandon humanity. There are also some particularly miserable conditions among the thirty-six thieves......

Not to mention the legendary immortality?

"This is nothing wrong..." Feng Baobao moved towards Zhang Chulan and gave a thumbs up.

"I can definitely escape!"

"..." Zhang Chulan.



A high-rise building in an unfinished building,

Liu Xiaojiang slowly opened the dark golden He threw the head in his hands back in front of the headless corpse.

"Sure enough..."

"This thing is undoubtedly a double-edged sword. The deeper the cultivation, the more it will be restricted by Heavenly Dao. In the end.........maybe even oneself The existence of this can be lost."

"Baby Feng..."

"Count it up, Strange Sects after the wind...and this Great Firmament insight, These are things that I shouldn’t consider. The only thing left is..."

Buzzzz~ ………

Liu Xiaojiang didn’t finish talking, just I felt a rustle in my pocket.

He took out his phone and looked at the number displayed on it, and the expression on his face suddenly became more exciting.

"I really mean that Cao Cao is here..."

"Big Brother Liu?" Zhang Chulan's voice followed from the phone.

"Zhang Chulan..." Considering what he was doing, Liu Xiaojiang finally seemed a little alienated when he spoke.

"I want to make it clear..." After Zhang Chulan confirmed Liu Xiaojiang's voice, she immediately spoke directly without the slightest hesitation:

"Big Brother Liu, no matter what you answer What do you want to do next, if it is useful to get my Zhang Chulan's place.........you just say it."

"嚯......" Liu Xiaojiang frowned when he heard this, but he hasn't waited yet. He refused because of the other party's next sentence, and almost didn't throw his mobile phone directly from the roof.

"Sister Baoer, you will be your woman from now on...Brother-in-law!"

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