"Zhang Chulan..."

Liu Xiaojiang is holding a cell phone with a cracked screen. Because he understands that Zhang Chulan is impossible, he is really sick, so he endures it. The urge to hang up, said:

"...you brat is really something really sick now?"

"Hey...hehe..." Zhang Chulan seemed to think too I was a little too anxious just now, and then I smiled awkwardly on the other side of the phone and said:

"Big Brother Liu, you know what happened to Sister Baoer..."


"The little brother only wanted to help this elder sister from the beginning to the end, so whether it is the life experience issue that Baoer most values, or whether he can continue to survive at ease in the future..."

"In this world, as long as it is beneficial to Sister Baoer, even if in the end it will be infamous for by fair means or foul............I will not hesitate."

"So..." Liu Xiaojiang could not help but browse slightly wrinkle when he heard these words: "Did you hit me this time?"

"Big Brother Liu, maybe I I don't know what you really want, but the many incidents caused by your recent actions, strictly speaking, have also affected the safety of Sister Baoer." Zhang Chulan said after a moment of silence.

"Sister Baoer is absolutely innocent..."


"Sister Baoer is not only absolutely innocent, she even It can be regarded as the same existence as Big Brother Liu, not to mention emotionally............Aren’t we friends who can trust each other?"

"............" Liu Xiaojiang even though I don’t want Zhang Chulan Take Feng Baobao to participate, but it is really difficult to say too unsympathetic in this matter.

After all, he had already been in the two old people of Dragon Tiger Mountain before, and learned about the attitude of the other party after his death, and then consider the other party’s thoughts. To help save Chen Duo............ It is always impossible to reject the opponent beyond a thousand li as soon as he speaks.

This kind of behavior is too impersonal.

Zhang Chulan was aware of Liu Xiaojiang’s silence at this moment, especially after discovering that the other party did not immediately deny it, and said:

"Now because of Big Brother Liu, you and Quan Quan Regarding sex, everyone’s attention is focused on you. It seems that you are completely indifferent to Sister Baoer, but in fact... it’s because everyone attaches great importance to you, Big Brother Liu, and you happen to be It's an existence different from ordinary people."

"There is too much attention caused by the'heterogene' right now. As soon as you come up, you said that everyone should be cleaned up, which almost immediately aggravated The resistance in everyone’s heart towards the'heterogeneous' may have even added some people with a calm mind."

"In this case, consider what you have done recently. I believe that in many people's minds, even if they regard the heterogeneous as the enemy of human beings... it is not too much."

"Big Brother Liu, sister Baoer and you are almost the same, even if It is different from you in some characteristics, and in the strict sense, it has not been separated from the category of human beings, but... just a so-called immortality is enough for people to divide her out."


"Even though the third brother and the fourth brother and I are well hidden here, it did not make people notice Sister Boa in the current chaos, but regardless of the Big Brother What is Liu's true purpose? I think you will never really want to destroy everything, so the chaos will come to an end sooner or later."

"After everything is over..."

"I think with the ability of Big Brother Liu, as long as you don't want to sacrifice for the sake of accomplishing something, if you want to retreat, you will not have too many choices in the end..."


"These choices are naturally without exception in the end, and they will definitely point to the direction of change, integration and retreat..."

" Big Brother Liu, I have never doubted your ability, and I don’t think you are really looking for death, but you have done so much only for your own survival. I don’t know that all this... is almost a treasure for the future Sister Boer has pushed her to a dead end."

"After all, Sister Baoer is not much different from yours before. Even if someone is willing to recognize Sister Baoer’s human identity, immortality...especially Human identity has done this kind of thing. I believe that in the eyes of some guys, it will only be more coveted than the Eight Wonders."

"Big Brother Liu, don’t forget. Up..."

"Because of the things that Lao Ma did in Biyou Village before, the status of a temporary worker can no longer provide shelter for Sister Baoer, and it can even be said that the company's leadership has directly pushed on the stage, even if it is hidden well. Sooner or later, the people in the circle who knew the existence of Sister Baoer would notice the abnormality. "

"At that time..."

"Because of your problem with Big Brother Liu, people have just survived the disaster caused by the alien, even if Sister Baoer is really harmless to humans and animals ………… will definitely be sent to the torture frame by people using a'reasonable explanation'. "

"...it was indeed my negligence. "Liu Xiaojiang obviously does not intend to doubt the greed of human nature, nor does he deny that this event is indeed possible.

"If there is such a day in the future, I can promise you...I will not treat Bao Bao Feng. What did you think of Bao Baofeng for your brother-in-law? "

"I'm not sure what the future will become, just like I never thought there would be today..." Zhang Chulan said.

"Rather than betting on that No one can be sure of the future, it is better to let Sister Baoer be your person now..."

"This is just your wishful thinking..." Liu Xiaojiang did not wait for Zhang Chulan to finish. Then he interrupted.

"You believe oneself infallible for Bao Bao Feng, think her safety is more important than anything else, but do you know... For Bao Bao Feng herself, whether she wants to Do as you say? "

"You always say that there is something missing in Bao Bao Feng. Although it seems to be the case in fact, she is a living and thinking person after all...Why don't you ask her what she wants What is the most important thing to her? "

"Zhang Chulan, sometimes this thing with good intentions may not turn into an extremely sharp knife..."

"If Sister Baoer really can Let me tell you why..." Zhang Chulan said in a helplessly tone.

"Me and the Third Brother and the Fourth Brother will not have such a headache as today..."

"Sister Bao'er does something wrong with her personality, and even this thing about her feelings is only occasional. Although I know what is most important to her right now, the problem of life experience... Continue to explore with protection. "

"If it is only for the simple problem of life experience, in the end, sister Baoer will have to lose her life for this kind of thing. This is the Third Brother, fourth brother, Xu Ye...and me, I definitely don’t want to see..."

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