This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 122 Magic and Quantum are Incompatible (Please subscribe)

"The devils are really panicking this time."

Lilith secretly said to Flandre and Emily: "This is the first time I have seen so many devils and I was so scared that I was stunned."

Fortunately, there are still some powerful individuals among the devils. After a brief period of shock, they immediately pushed through the crowd and arrived at the door of the small courtyard.

"Lord Harsh, is this true?"

“The source of the news is the demon world, but it’s just a rumor.

However, the devil of lies has been imprisoned for thousands of years, and recently he suddenly said that he wanted to escape...

It's not like it came out of nowhere.

Believe it or not, and whether you want to prepare or not, that is your own business.

I want to find the devil who participated in the sealing incident and find out what happened at that time.

Do any of you know each other? "

Several powerful devils looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

"It is said that half of the high-level devils who participated in that siege died in that conspiracy.

The rest were basically injured to their source and dissipated not long after.

We are not sure whether anyone is still alive, so we can only look for them.

After all, we want to know the details of that time too.

Oh, right!

The dragon clan in your mortal world also participated in the sealing. Maybe some of them know about it. "

Wright frowned: "Does Aphra know the details of the matter?"

"The goddess of Holy Light? Although she is a participant, I'm afraid she doesn't know the details."

"you sure?"

The speaking devil nodded heavily: "We know a little bit about the divinity of the Holy Light Goddess. If she is involved, it will definitely not be possible to seal the lying devil.

She is a witness, but she is also an outsider.

It is precisely because she is an outsider that she can seal away the demon of lies. "

Wright nodded slightly: "That's true... The Demon of Lies is also my hunting target. So, if you have any information, you can come to me.

After all, we have a common enemy. "

When the devils heard what Wright said, they felt much relieved.

"If there is Lord Harsh, we may not have no chance of winning!"

Wright chatted with the devils for a long time and exchanged a lot of information. After they were all gone, they returned to the courtyard.

Lilith was very proud and threw the soul coin to him.

"How's it going? I'll help you get it back. Isn't it great?"

Wright looked at it again and again, and suddenly laughed: "The face value is the same, but this is not mine."

As he said that, he threw the coin over again. After Lilith caught it and took a closer look, she was so angry that the sheep's horns grew out of her forehead.

"Damn it! Damn it! How dare he play tricks on me! I'm going to destroy him!"

Wright hugged Lilith who was about to rush out, put her on his shoulders, and let her flap wildly like a living fish.

After she was tired, he put her down.

"It's no big deal to be deceived. The devil's world is full of intrigues and intrigues. Going out to pick fights like this is the real loss of status.

Next time, I'll help you trick him back, okay? "

Lilith pouted: "I'm going to come back hard!"

"Okay, okay..."


Emily looked at Wright eagerly: "Can you show us the image of the magic glass slipper?"

"What are you going to do?"

"Nothing, just taking a look! That's...a legendary thing! It's also what every girl dreams of..."

Wright handed over the glass ball: "I know, you are also one of the witches, and you must have your own story. If you yearn for Cinderella's magic glass slipper so much, your token will be sad."

Emily took the glass ball and looked at it constantly.

Flandre was very curious: "But, what fairy tale does Emily correspond to?"


Wright rubbed his chin: "So far, she hasn't shown any special abilities.

Just from the fact that she is a forbidden witch, it is difficult to infer her corresponding story.

After all, there is no way to infer that Joanna is Cinderella from her identity as the Light-killing Witch.

This kind of thing is very vague. Probably the Tower of Truth did this on purpose in order to better hide the witch from the world. "

When the topic came up, Lilith also came over.

"What we already know now is the blood witch Snow White, the light witch Cinderella, the dream witch Alice, and our forbidden witch.

If there are only seven witches, we have already encountered four!

The world is obviously very big, but it also looks very small. "

Wright chuckled: "Don't witches also attract each other? In that case, it would save me trouble."

As he spoke, he took the glass ball back from Emily's hand: "Have you seen enough? Return it to me when you have seen enough."

"I watched for a long time..."

Emily rubbed her eyes, a little disappointed: "This glass slipper sometimes has a left foot, sometimes a right foot, and the style is still changing."

Wright shook the glass ball in his hand: "Don't you understand? This is called quantum mechanics! You see that this thing is uncertain now, which means it is in a quantum superposition state, which is an unstable state.

It can be either this or that. It can be either left foot or right foot.

In the gap of dreams, this kind of thing is allowed to exist in this form.


Once we attach it to the finished glass slipper in the real world, its shape, color, and left and right feet will become a definite state.

This process is called quantum collapse.

Our future is all in a quantum superposition state.

Our past is all in a quantum constant state.

The so-called present is the moment when the coherent quantum collapses. "

Emily's face was full of shock: "It sounds reasonable!"

"...I'm just teasing you! Don't really believe it! Use magic to defeat magic! Don't be superstitious about science!"

Lilith also sighed: "Emily, you really need to change your habit of believing everything."

Emily blinked her eyes in confusion: "I... I was just about to say something, but you forgot it!

hateful! It's obviously very important! "

"This is the result of quantum collapse. By the way, if you forget, the explanation is not that important."

"I remembered!"

Emily suddenly let out a voice, which scared Wright so much that he almost lost his grip on the glass ball.

"You stubbed your little toe! What did you yell?"

"Left and right feet!"

"What about left and right feet? How long will you continue to worry about this?"

Emily snatched the glass ball back: "You ignored an important piece of information! Since in the dream of the glass slipper we have, the left and right feet are uncertain.

That proves that the enemy does not have another glass slipper at all! right? "

Wright was stunned for a moment: "Oh, don't tell me, this brain of critical moments! It works!"

Lilith couldn't help but praise: "Animal-like intuition!"

"... In short, if they don't have one, then we should make a pair of glass slippers! In this way, if we have both of them, we will be absolutely foolproof!"

Wright waved his hand: "Okay! Okay!"

Let's make shoes tomorrow and try to get Joanna to wake up tomorrow night! "

Lilith did the math: "It happens to be the eve of Holy Advent, right?"

The tenth day after ten thousand days! praise me! Please give me a monthly pass

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