This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 123 Longdao’s reply (Additional update 33)

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning shone into the room through the window sill, Wright slowly opened his eyes.

He waited in his dream all night, but unfortunately he didn't get any feedback from the devil.

It seems that the old devils who participated in the battle to seal the lying demon have almost withered away.

In this case, if you want to get the corresponding information, you can only visit Dragon Island afterwards.

I hope those big lizards are stronger than the devils.

I wonder how they would react when they heard that the Demon of Lies was about to be unsealed. The dragon's panic is quite interesting.

Wright jumped out of bed with a relaxed mood. It seemed to him that the Advent crisis had almost been resolved.

The heretical cults and dark ethnic groups have all been expelled, and the Holy New Sect has been tightly tied down by him with Holy New City.

While controlling the sect's voice, it also brought the sect's power to new towns, avoiding the Holy Capital.

The successive attacks of the remnants of truth were also blocked by me, and their methods were about to be cracked by me.

Representatives from various countries and foreign missions from all directions have been tied to the Holy See's carriage by the sacred trade road cake they drew.

After the Advent ceremony is successfully held tomorrow, the Holy See will immediately declare its guilt against the First Empire and declare war accordingly.

At the same time, the church will carry out magic reforms in the entire human world.

When we take a two-pronged approach, we must wipe out all the remnants of the truth and clear away all the soil where sin breeds!

Now for the Holy Light Church, the situation is not a little good, but a great one! A great scene!

If it weren't for the fear of triggering some strange curse, Wright would have just opened the champagne right now.

But faintly, Wright always felt that something was a little bit wrong.

He couldn't tell what exactly was wrong.

It is a sense of crisis derived from the sixth sense. As the saying goes, it means that there is a gap in my heart and I always feel awkward.

After Wright finished washing up, he came to the restaurant. The three beautiful girls who opened their mouths eagerly to be fed looked forward to it and even planned to order.

Wright was very unhappy as to why he made breakfast by himself every time.

But when I thought about the harm the three of them would do to the kitchen and their passive attitude towards the tableware, I still had no choice but to bear it.

While eating, Lilith looked at Wright very strangely.

"What's wrong? Are you worried?"

"I always feel... something is wrong, but I can't put my finger on it."

"This is easy to handle!"

Lilith immediately knocked on the forehead of Emily next to her: "Emily!"


“It’s time to use your instincts!”

"……What's the meaning?"

Wright rolled his eyes: "Okay, don't embarrass her. Her IQ is also in a quantum superposition state, sometimes it is, sometimes it is not."

Emily chewed the pancake and muttered not knowing what she was talking about. Wright didn't hear it clearly, but it probably wasn't a good word.

After a hearty breakfast, Wright took the crystal and drove to the Papal Palace in a carriage with Lilith and the others.

The Holy City is bustling with activity today, and both believers and tourists are very excited.

After all, tomorrow is the great Holy Advent Day, and the Goddess of Holy Light will come to the world to preach grace to believers.

And tonight is the equally lively Advent Eve.

Interestingly, on the eve of Holy Advent, the church allows believers to pretend to be various sinful and dark images and wander around in the middle of the night.

This symbolizes the suffering and chaos in the world before the goddess of light came to the world.

When the night ends and the first light of dawn shines on the world. Everyone must take off their disguises and throw them into the sacred fire prepared in advance.

Symbolizing darkness and sin, they come to an end with the arrival of the Goddess of Holy Light.

But over time, it turned into another kind of venting and carnival.

It was just past breakfast time when guys wearing strange clothes appeared in the Holy City.

The clergy will often reprimand these people when they see them, but they will not stop them.

This is probably the most tolerant day in the Holy See.

The carriage crossed the broad road and arrived in front of the Pope's Palace. As a result, it happened to run into the Archbishop in black who was rushing over.

"Archbishop Cardiff?"

"Oh! Wright!"

Kadivin greeted the four of them one by one: "Are you also here to attend the meeting?"

"No, we are going to see Joanna. Let's chat with the teacher... What's wrong? What's the chance? No one informed me?"

"There's a letter from Dragon Island. It should be about the disposal of dragon eggs..."

Wright raised his eyebrows: "Why, do you still want to hide it from me?"

Kadivin smiled awkwardly: "That doesn't mean... I guess the Pope feels that the content of the letter is not suitable to be told to you right away, right?"

Wright handed the crystal to Lilith: "You guys go to the Holy Tower and wait for me. I'll go to a meeting."

Archbishop Cardiff's face was full of tangles, and he said to himself that it would be better if he set off earlier.

In desperation, he had no choice but to take Wright with him to the third floor of the Holy Light Library.

When the two appeared in the secret meeting room on the third floor, the Pope was startled.

"Wow! Why are you here?"

"Are you really planning to hide this from me?"

The Pope smiled awkwardly: "No, no... you come in first and sit down."

"Where's the reply? Let me take a look!"

The Pope looked at each other and had no choice but to throw a pearl over.

Wright caught it and poured it into the holy light, and the letter from Long Island immediately appeared.

"What the hell! Did they recognize Gallardo? This... didn't you explain to them clearly at the time that her original form was Chimera?"

Wright never expected that Dragon Island would recognize Gallardo's dragon identity.

“But they still have to hold the First Reich accountable…What does this mean!

Do these lizards have their brain circuits tied up? "

The Pope also sighed: "Yes, we are also very confused, so we hesitate and want to discuss the results first before telling you about this matter.

Unexpectedly, I was still broken by you. "

Wright looked at Master Constant sitting aside: "Teacher, where is the dragon egg? Are you okay?"

Master Constant lifted up a baby cradle, in which the dragon egg was placed neatly and wrapped in a quilt.

"It's safe and sound! I will pour Shenghui fighting energy into it every day.

I believe it won’t be long before it breaks out of its shell. "

Wright looked at the red archbishop: "Where's the goddess? What did Aphra say?"

Delman sighed: "The goddess said that since the Dragon Clan recognized its legitimacy, then... it is not a bad thing after all for the Holy Light Church to have a Holy Dragon of Light.

In the future, Holy Dragon Knights who are loyal to the Holy See can also be cultivated. "

The Pope spread his hands: "I think so too. The Holy Dragon Knights who are loyal to the Holy See will make the connection between the Holy Light Religion and Dragon Island even closer.

This is a good thing for us and the goddess. "

Wright pondered for a moment: "'s also a good thing for Dragon Island."

"Yes, to everyone..."

Wright shook his head: "No, what I mean is that Longdao actually lowered its profile and sought to improve relations with the Holy See.

This shows that these arrogant and conceited lizards feel a crisis. "

The red archbishop was suddenly stunned: "So, the story about the devil of lies escaping from trouble may be true?

Longdao felt the crisis, so it showed its goodwill in advance, hoping to improve relations with the Holy See.

After all, there is a seal under their buttocks.

I asked why these arrogant dragons suddenly changed their gender.

That makes sense. "

The cardinal archbishop had already told the pope about the lying demon, but this was the first time someone among the higher-ups at the scene had heard the news.

All of a sudden, the meeting place was extremely noisy.

The Pope clapped his hands: "In any case, Dragon Island is willing to recognize Gallardo's dragon identity, which at least saves us the risk of being hostile to him, which is also a good thing.

As for the matter of the lying devil, we will discuss it in detail after Advent. "

Wright pointed at the dragon egg: "The name Gallardo must be changed later. The matter of the Holy Dragon Knight must be pushed forward quickly, but it is better to be lacking than to waste!

Okay, you can continue chatting, I have to go to the Holy Tower. "

After Wright greeted the two teachers, he turned around and left the conference room, then returned.

"Oh, by the way! On the eve of Holy Advent, patrols must be stepped up! I propose that Adros lead the men in black to assist the Holy New Army.

He and his subordinates can accurately distinguish whether there are real monsters mixed in among the pretended monsters.

And tonight is the Eve of Holy Advent, so if they go out, no one will suspect them. "

Kadivin stood up immediately: "Okay, okay, this proposal is good! I agree with it with both hands!"

"...Archbishop Cardiff, please calm down. No one objects."

Wright left the conference room while they were discussing, and then went all the way to the top of the Holy Tower.

The three girls have been waiting here for a long time. This time Lilith brought three folding chairs and even some melon seeds.

The three of them sat around Joanna's bed, eating melon seeds and chatting, laughing like silver bells from time to time.

When Wright met their eyes, he immediately guessed it from the other party's malicious smile.

The person at the center of the topic just now must be him!

"In our hometown, if you chew someone's tongue behind their back, you will be sent to tongue-pulling hell!"

"I have been in the demon world for so many years, but I have never heard of tongue-pulling hell."

"That's because you are ignorant! In addition to the tongue-pulling hell, there are also Black Rope, Jiaore, Honglian, Abi, and Wujian!

But hell is empty and evil spirits are in sight! "

Lilith curled her lips disdainfully: "I'm praising you! Tell them two a sweet story about you and Joanna back then."

"What sweet story do I have with her? You are just lying!"

"Alas... some things look sweet to outsiders, but it's a pity that some people don't know it themselves!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Bring me the crystal!"

Unexpectedly, Lilith took out a pair of already carved glass slippers from her side: "I've prepared them for you."

"You! Who asked you to do it!"

"I asked me to do it!"

Lilith shook the glass slipper in her hand: "Why are you angry? Are you angry because you lost your kiss! Hand! The opportunity to measure Joanna's feet?"

"...I'm going to send you to Abi Hell!"

"When I go back to hell, it's like I'm going home! What's wrong? Joanna is about to wake up, so she thinks I'm in the way?"

Lilith snorted and muttered: "Huh! I won't leave!"

Wright walked up to Lilith, took the glass slipper in his hand, reached out and rubbed her head.

"No one will let you go! And I won't let you go either."

The corners of Lilith's mouth curved slightly, and she knocked down Wright's hand.

"Okay, okay, let's go and fuse the matter essence. That will take a long time."

yeah! It’s finished with more updates!

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