This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 124 The opponent’s trump card

Wright stretched out his hand to pull up the glass slipper and wrapped it in holy light.

Then he took out the essence of the crystal shoe image that he bought from the devil and gently put it into the holy light.

The crystal ball immediately seemed to be activated and began to circle around the glass slipper.

Upon seeing this, Wright placed it in the newly built altar.

Emily probed her head: "How long will it take?"

"I don't know, the closer the dream thing is to the real thing, the faster it will be.

However, the image of the magic glass slipper is too big and too complicated, and the process of returning the multiple to the single reality will be very long.

It shouldn't be until evening. "

" wonder Lilith brought us chairs."

Wright was a little speechless: "There are also melon seeds... Do you really think you are here to play?"

"I also brought "The Fairy Tale King"! You can watch it while eating melon seeds! Hey, maybe you can find something!"

"It would be great if you could find your own corresponding story."

"The Blood Witch should know about this, right? Why didn't you ask last time?"

Wright slapped his forehead: "Yes!"

Emily angrily stepped on Wright: "You! You didn't take me to heart!"

"you are wrong!"

Wright raised his head high: "I didn't even notice you!"


Emily returned to the bed angrily and sat there reading a fairy tale book to relieve her anger.

Wright stood in front of the altar and kept staring at the fusion progress of the glass slipper. Lilith would keep an eye on it for him from time to time.

Time passed like this, and in the afternoon, the Pope came to the top of the Holy Tower with the two archbishops and Master Constant.

This matter is related to whether Joanna can successfully wake up, and it is a major event for the entire Holy See.

After they arrived, the whole top of the tower became a lot more lively.

First, the chairs of the three girls were taken away without any dispute, and the three of them had no choice but to sit on the bed.

The Pope and Master Constant each took one by virtue of their seniority, and the remaining one was left to the red archbishop and the black archbishop to compete for.

The two competed for a long time, but neither of them sat down. As a result, Master Constant took it and placed the dragon egg cradle.

Informal gatherings like this can sometimes be a good opportunity for communication.

On weekdays, these people represent their respective institutions and interests. Now we meet privately and have reached consensus on many things.

But Wright scoffed at this and asserted that they were actually holding a meeting to divide the spoils and divide the pot.

“This Advent is really full of crises, and it’s really thanks to Wright.”

Hearing what the Pope said, Wright, who was flipping through the fairy tale book he snatched, raised his head.

"Actually, I quite want to let it go. But if the Holy See collapses and the whole world falls into war, I will be very troubled.

After all, I am a kind-hearted person and cannot tolerate evil things.

But speaking of it, I expressed my opinion three years ago.

Advent occurs once every three years, which is too frequent.

In the past, the rule of the Church of Holy Light was not very stable, and the goddess of Holy Light needed to come down from time to time to stabilize people's hearts.

But now, there is no need to do it so frequently anymore!

Not only will it waste people and money, it will also give opportunities to those who deliberately cause trouble!

I think it will be changed to five years in the future! Or eight or ten years!

It's okay, why are you always running down? "

The Pope sighed: "I think so too! Unfortunately, the goddess disagrees.

Every Holy Advent costs a lot of money! The money of the Holy spent like running water..."

"Teacher, you are a bit ridiculous. I don't know about the previous years, but this one is definitely profitable.

Street stalls, commercial streets, and the sword-drawing ceremony at Dongzheng Gate.

Didn’t I earn everything back for you? "

The Pope was very dissatisfied: "Then making money is making money, and spending money is really spending money!"

Wright rubbed his temples helplessly: "...If you don't pick up money when you go out, it will be lost, right? What is the theory of consumption relativity!"

At this moment, Lilith's voice came from the altar.

"Wright, it's almost done."

"Oh oh oh!"

Wright threw the fairy tale book to Emily and quickly came to the altar. Others also came over with curious faces.

In the holy light, the crystal ball had faded to the point of almost disappearing.

And that pair of magic crystal shoes was emitting a faint light at the moment. Compared with the initial successful carving, there is a little more agility and an indescribable aura.

When people see it, they will subconsciously conclude that this is the legendary pair of glass slippers worn by Cinderella.

With the complete disappearance of the crystal ball, the magic crystal slipper was finally completed.

Wright turned to look outside the tower. It was already dark and the moon was bright and the stars were sparse.

"I didn't expect it took more than ten hours of prayer!"

"Yes, the Holy Advent Eve carnival outside has been going on for most of the day."

Wright carefully picked up the glass slipper and walked quickly to the end of Joanna's bed.

He looked at it again and again: "This... should I use my left foot or my right foot?"

Everyone looks at me and I look at you, but they can’t explain why.

"Hmph! At this time! You have to look at me!"

Emily stood up, holding up the "Fairy Tale King" in her hand, with pride written all over her face.

"According to my inference! The probability that the glass slipper Cinderella lost is the left foot! It's 52%! The probability of the right foot is 48%!"

"...Let me listen to your analysis."

"The analysis is... "The King of Fairy Tales" has more illustrations than "The Encyclopedia of Fairy Tales"! The illustrations show the left foot!"

"Get out of here……"

Wright wanted to throw Emily off the top of the tower, but after being disturbed like this, he didn't seem so nervous anymore.

After thinking again and again, he picked up the glass slipper on his left foot and reached out to lift the quilt at the end of Joanna's bed.

The others wisely stepped aside and watched this scene with some excitement.

Wright took a deep breath, held up Joanna's left foot, and put the glass slipper on.

Just when he was about to put on the glass slipper, Wright suddenly stopped.


Others were stunned, not knowing what was going on.

"Light, what's wrong?"

Lilith came forward and said, "Is there something wrong with my carving?"

"No! No problem."

"Is that something sent by the devil, like there's something wrong with the spirit?"

"There is no problem! There is no problem with the glass slipper itself."

"You... don't really think that the left and right feet are important, right?"

Wright looked back at everyone: "Emily."


"If Cinderella puts on the glass slipper, it means that the prince found her and lived a happy life, right?"

"Yes! The story ends here."

"After that, where did the magic that blessed Cinderella go?"

"Of course it is! It's..."

Emily slapped herself on the forehead: "Wrong, wrong, all wrong!"

Lilith was so anxious that she held Emily's hand: "What's wrong?"

Wright's voice was unusually calm: "If Joanna puts on the glass slipper, the story ends, the magic will leave her body.

Then she loses the power of the witch, and the two conflicting forces in her body will only have the power of healing holy light. The goddess's blessing that is stuck in the middle will continue to take effect, and she will naturally wake up.

But the magic will not dissipate out of thin air, but will..."

When Wright said this, he raised his head and met Emily's eyes, and the two of them said almost in unison.


Lilith was stunned: "What!?"

Wright put away the glass slipper: "The fairy wand! The fairy godmother's fairy wand, the source of all Cinderella's magic.

When Cinderella puts on the glass slipper, the magic cast on her by the Fairy Godmother finally ends.

Then, this magic power will return to its owner.

The glass slipper can indeed save Joanna, but if the remnants of truth have an object symbolizing the fairy wand in their hands, the power of the extinguisher will still fall into their hands.

You can't wear these shoes. We need to find the fairy wand to be sure. "

Wright stood up, placed the glass slipper in Lilith's hand, and then looked at the Pope and the others.

“Those guys are even deliberately guiding us to make glass slippers.

To them, it doesn't matter whether Joanna wakes up or not. What they want has always been the power of the Destroyer. "

The Pope and others were also frightened: "What a danger, I almost fell into the trap of these people.

These remnants of the Tower of Truth are so cunning! "


The sudden roar startled everyone.

"what sound?"

"It sounds like a bell!?"

"It's impossible. There is only one big bell of the Judgment Hall in the entire Holy City, and it has been damaged and has not been repaired yet!"

Wright was stunned: "Why hasn't it been repaired yet?"

“The Pope won’t grant funds!”

"You broke it yourself, you repair it yourself!"

Boom, boom, boom! ! !

"Stop arguing!"

Wright's expression suddenly changed: "It's not good!"

He used both hands to construct powerful holy light barriers and quickly moved towards Joanna.

I don't know if the other party also realized something, but the bell suddenly sped up.

Boom, boom, boom! Boom, boom, boom! Boom!

As the twelfth bell struck, a powerful magic power suddenly surged out of Joanna's body.

Wright's several holy-level magic formations have been formed, and they are also mixed with powerful forbidden spells and super-level divine spells.

But this power seemed to be naturally capable of restraining the Holy Light Curse, effortlessly defeating all the defensive barriers, shattering a wall of the Holy Tower in front of everyone, and disappearing into the vast night sky.

Looking at the broken wall, Wright frowned and muttered to himself.

“They have been waiting for a special day, and only the twelve bells at midnight on that special day can activate the return of this power.

They have been waiting for Advent Eve! "

Lilith shouted at Wright: "Wright! Joanna still hasn't woken up!"

After hearing this, Wright quickly returned to the bed, looked at Joanna who was still unconscious, and took a deep breath.

"There is still a remnant of light-extinguishing magic power in her body... Only by putting on the glass slippers can the last part of the light-extinguishing magic power completely return."

Lilith picked up the glass slipper: "Since the big head has been taken away, the small head is of no use, right?"

"Wait a moment!"

Wright stopped Lilith: "I just came into contact with the power of extinguishing light, and I found a way to leave a mark on it.

When this last part of the force returns, I can follow it to find the culprit. "

Lilith's eyes widened: "At that moment, you successfully analyzed it?"

"Not only that, I have accumulated a lot of knowledge about witches before, and have studied the blood witch and Emily's magic power.

The moment of contact just confirmed my suspicion. "

After Wright said this, he turned and looked at the altar: "But before that, I have to talk to the Goddess of Holy Light.

Teacher, please excuse me. "

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