This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 159 Meeting the Demon of Lies Again (please vote for me)

When Wright and Emily arrived at the scene, they saw a masked man holding a hook and throwing it at the newly promoted detective Unika who collapsed on the ground.

If the opponent succeeds, Unika will be dead in the next second.

"Holy Fighting Skills! Support!"

The next moment, Wright turned into a stream of light and appeared in front of Unika.

The Holy Shield and the Embrace of the Goddess appeared instantly and stood in front of Wright. Only a bang was heard, and Gou Si returned without success.

However, the murderer didn't seem to give up. He pulled and flicked the chain in his hand, and the hook scythe bypassed the holy shield in a weird movement trajectory and killed Unika again from a blind corner.

"Are you looking down on me too much?"

Wright snorted coldly: "Holy fighting skills! Shield counterattack!"

His waist and horse merged into one, and the holy shield in his hand whirled, hitting the hook again from bottom to top.

Not only did he block this tricky blow, he also bounced the hook back.

Even though he was the owner of this weapon, the murderer was still confused by this sudden blow and almost lost his head and body.

Upon seeing this, Wright snapped his fingers with one hand and pointed in the direction of the murderer.

"Fuck me!"

The next moment, his palms were suddenly covered in flesh and blood. At the same time, a translucent flesh-and-blood evil god appeared out of thin air in front of the murderer and punched him.


The murderer put his arms in front of him and took the blow forcefully. He immediately groaned, spurting blood from his mouth and retreating continuously, his arms trembling constantly and even bending a little abnormally.


Seeing that he had successfully rescued the opponent, Wright stretched out his hand and the flesh-and-blood evil god returned behind him like a shadow.

Emily was also startled by this ferocious flesh-and-blood evil god: "This, isn't this the shadow from last time?

Already condensed entities? This is too fast! "

Wright shook his head: "No, it's far from it. Haven't you noticed that the surroundings here are different from other places?"

After Wright reminded her, Emily realized: "This place is somewhat similar to a dream! But it's not a complete dream...

It's like... rice porridge, with water and rice mixed together. "


Wright slowly came to Unika: "That's why I can release the shadow of the flesh-and-blood evil god to attack.

Because if it is a dream, the flesh and blood evil god, as a spiritual body, will also be embodied.

If it were purely realistic, it would have no offensive power.

Judging from the damage caused so far, the effect is outstanding.

This place has been transformed into a semi-dream and has not escaped. "

Emily took advantage of the gap between Wright and the opponent and quickly helped Unika, whose legs were weak.

"Are you OK?"

"I...I'm fine. Fortunately, you guys came quickly..."

Emily originally wanted to comfort the other person a few more words, but she suddenly saw the murderer making a strange move and shouted loudly.

"Light! Watch out! He's going to run away!"

"He can't run away!"

Sure enough, when the murderer saw that something was wrong, his figure began to fade and he was about to disappear.

But he was half gone, but was forced back again.

"what happened?"

The hoarse voice sounded extremely harsh. The murderer looked at his hands in horror and made a strange gesture again, but still failed to escape.


Wright was very surprised when he saw the other party's gesture: "I didn't expect to see someone who knew shamanism here.

What is your relationship with the Sea Festival Shaman? "

The other party did not answer, and continued to use shamanistic techniques to escape, but unfortunately it had no effect at all.

"Since this place has become a semi-dream, there is no way you can escape!"

Wright spread his hands, and the shadow of a huge palace slowly emerged around him.

"I don't know how much you know about dreams, but in my [Phantom], you have to listen to me whether you can go out."


Emily stood in front of Wright: "Let me catch him with my own hands!"

"you sure?"

"I suffered a cognitive deficit last time. Since this is a semi-dream, I can exert greater power."

Emily was as cold as ice, exuding a trace of murderous intent: "I want to avenge him for escaping last time, and the revenge for Unica's attack this time! And the revenge for those innocent girls!"

Seeing Emily's firm attitude, Wright nodded and put away the holy shield.

With the mirage outside and her own defense, it was a good thing for Emily to get some exercise.


As soon as Wright retreated to Unica, he heard an unusual sound. He secretly said something bad, and when he looked up, it was true.

At this time, Emily was really angry, firstly because of the murderer in front of her, and secondly because of her own stupidity, which almost led to tragedy.

She now needs a hearty victory to calm her anger.

She just used force to pull off her two sleeves.

With her two jade arms exposed, Emily instantly entered overclocking mode. She stared at the other party, her tone extremely cold.

"Today, I will never let you run away again."

After that, she took out the alchemy belt that Wright gave him, hung it around her waist, and stuffed a magic crystal card directly into it.

"Elemental Arms! Ice Witch!"

Emily's whole body instantly condensed into a huge block of ice, and then shattered, but there was no one inside.

The next moment, she had appeared in the sky above the murderer. The physics holy sword in her hand was wrapped in cold air, and she suddenly commanded him.

The murderer was immediately frightened. He threw out the hook in his hand, hooked it on the wall and pulled it sharply, narrowly avoiding Emily's majestic blow.

However, the biting cold air froze the moisture in the air, and a piece of flesh and blood was torn off the killer's right forearm.

The ground also froze instantly. On the slippery ice surface, it was difficult for ordinary people to maintain balance, but Emily was walking on flat ground and even moved faster.

She holds a crowbar to form a round shape, and shoots out countless ice arrows, which will explode when they hit the ground and turn into huge, extremely sharp ice flowers.

The killer dodges with difficulty, and within a short time he is covered in blood, and his wounds are even covered with ice. Every move he makes feels like several knives are scraping his own flesh and blood.

Wright frowned. He didn't expect this murderer to have such a strong will to fight.

What kind of beliefs support such a serial murderer?

Wright couldn't help but remind: "Emily, please note that this is a semi-dream area, and you have to pay for the magic power consumption yourself."

The belt and magic crystal card will only pay for the elemental creatures. Emily's own consumption is still her own storage.

Of course, in an emergency, the magic power in the magic crystal card can still be overdrawn. But that would be a huge loss.


Just when Emily was in the middle of an attack, the ferocious murderer advanced instead of retreating and attacked Emily with his sword.

Emily immediately gathered the ice wall to block it. Unexpectedly, the murderer shook the chain with one hand, and the hook was immediately nailed to the ice wall.

He pulled suddenly, and he shot towards Emily like an arrow from a string.

Wright raised his eyebrows and shouted quickly: "Emily, get out of the way, don't hit me hard!"

Emily was already in a posture with a crowbar. She was confident that with the protection of elemental weapons, the opponent would not be able to break through her defense.

But out of trust in Wright, she left immediately, leaving only an identical ice sculpture on the spot.


did not expect! The killer's attack was so powerful! It penetrates directly through the heart of the ice sculpture.

Emily was immediately frightened, and then she saw that the murderer had another weapon in his hand.

It was a weird bone knife ground from fish bones, with twisted lines carved on it. It was not only extremely sharp, but also had a strong evil aura. Moreover, traces of blood can be clearly seen on the blade.

Although the defense of the ice sculpture is not as good as the main body, it still cannot be underestimated. I didn't expect that the other party would break open the ice sculpture like chopping melons and vegetables, but if it had been me just now, I would probably be heartbroken.

"Emily, come back!"


"I want you to come back!"

Emily had no choice but to retreat to Wright and released the super body mode.

"Sea Sacrifice Bone Knife, what you used is indeed Sea Sacrifice witchcraft."

Wright stretched out his hand and summoned his Sinful Sword and Holy Shield, Embrace of the Goddess: "This kind of bloody and barbaric witchcraft should have been submerged in the long river of history long ago.

Since you chose to use this vicious thing, you should be prepared to suffer its backlash, right? "

The murderer didn't say anything. He held the fish bone knife tightly in his left hand and shook the hook sickle in his right hand, looking like he was determined to fight to the end.

It's a pity that he forgot that this is Wright's mirage.

After losing the Second Hallows Utopia, Wright's control over dreams declined sharply.

In order to make up for the vacancy after Utopia was sealed, Wright made a lot of preparations in his dream.

Including some fantasy creatures, some fantasy creations, and weaving such a small but exquisite dream kingdom.

Other dream weavers weave their own dreams as big as they can. Anyway, there is no concept of territory in dreams. The size of your dream country depends entirely on your mental strength and self-will.

But the dream that Wright weaved was only the size of a temple. But the ingenuity and energy he put into it were no less than that of a dream that could be called an empire.

Compared with utopia, mirage does not have the ability to reverse dream reality. But if we only talk about the functionality and strength of authority in dreams, then mirage has surpassed utopia.

After all, Utopia was the work of Wright's early recklessness.

The Mirage is the masterpiece after his transformation.

There are mirages, even if the devil of lies comes, you will have to shed your skin!

At this moment, the murderer also felt that the rhythm of the dream around him became strange. While he was preparing for the attack, he found that Wright had disappeared.

The next moment, a huge black shield was coming towards you!

The murderer tried his best to dodge, but his body seemed to be stuck in a quagmire and unable to move, completely losing the graceful and agility he had in the dream.


The murderous ghost was mercilessly smashed into the ground. Wright suddenly stamped his foot, shook it up, and then charged it with a shield, and then knocked it into the stone wall on the side.

With two shield strikes in an instant, the murderer felt like all the bones in his body were broken.

At that moment, he realized how ridiculous his serious preparation just now was.

The strength of the two of them is completely different.

"Die, and then I will torture your soul!"

Wright was no longer interested in interrogating the other party. He was ready to directly extract the information he wanted from the other party's soul.

Although this will make the other person's soul suffer a thousand times!

But, he deserves it.

Emily in the distance trembled after hearing this. She wanted to remind Wright not to forget that he was a paladin.

But after thinking about it, I decided to forget it. Who made this murderer deserve to die?

Just when Wright was about to end the opponent's life with the sinful light, he suddenly frowned and slashed into the air in front of him with his backhand.

There was only a click, and a figure in a tuxedo retreated one after another, leaving a horrific wound on his arm.

The person who came was an old acquaintance, the devil of lies.

"If you dare to enter my mirage, are you seeking death?"

"What a terrible creation. It's exquisite and full of murderous intent."

The Demon of Lies took a breath: "If it were in a dream, I would definitely go around. But Mr. Wright, have you forgotten that this is not a dream yet.

This lie should be exposed. "

The Lie Demon moved his finger slightly forward, and there was a sound like the bursting of soap bubbles.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding environment instantly returned from half dream and half reality to complete reality.

The mirage that lost the support of the dream also dissipated.

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