This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 160 A sudden blow

The moment the lie is exposed, the surrounding area returns to reality.

All dream objects dissipated, and the mirage lost its effectiveness. And the Demon of Lies was able to capture the dying murderer and retreat to a safe location.

This is also the shortcoming of mirage.

"Long time no see, Mr. Wright."

"I see you every day, lie."

The Lie Demon was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "Indeed, isn't the most common thing in this world lies?

It is said that a normal adult tells at least twenty lies every day. "

"Thanks for the popular tips, but I prefer the tip to drink 1 liter of water a day."

Wright set up a black shield and protected the two women behind him, the sin-light sword in his hand flashing with cold light.

"Are you so nervous about this murderer? He even came out to save people in person?"

"No, no, no, I just have the same interests as this gentleman. It's such a pity that a big lie is about to be completed, but it has to be exposed here."

"Oh? I quite like lies too. But that's how people are. When there are more important things, you always have to put aside the things you like first.

At this point, I envy you devils.

After all, for you, the most important thing in this world is the things you like. "

The Lie Demon stretched out his hand and grasped a rusty pirate scimitar. Looking at the decayed appearance of the blade, it felt like it was cutting even the wooden board.

Wright frowned and joked: "Are you so poor recently? Can't even afford a decent weapon?"

"Lies never hurt, the truth is the sharpest knife. Isn't it?"

The Demon of Lies dropped the murderer, danced with his feet, and killed him quickly and lightly.

Wright snorted coldly, and instead of retreating, he advanced and used his black shield to resist the opponent's attack.


Wright's clothes suddenly torn to pieces, blood bloomed on his back, and a wound appeared out of thin air.

"how come?"

Emily was startled. This was the first time she had seen Wright injured.

In her eyes, this man was extremely reliable. Although I usually do nothing, I have never suffered such a big loss.

Concept level! It's also a concept level, and it's really dangerous.

And she keenly saw that when the wounds appeared on Wright's body, there was one less scar on the murderer's body.

Just when she was about to remind Wright, blood suddenly bloomed in the same position behind the lying demon.

"Pfft! Ahem!"

The lie demon's face was full of shock: "This! This is it!"

"Holy fighting skills! Sacrifice yourself!"

Light flashed on Wright's body, and the wound had healed as before: "Human wisdom is interesting, isn't it?"

"I have never underestimated humans. On the contrary, I love them to death."

After saying that, the Demon of Lies attacked again, swinging out the rusty blade in his hand.

No matter how Wright resists, he will definitely be injured. At the same time, injuries will definitely appear in the same position on the body of the Lie Demon.

Wright will use the Holy Light to repair his injuries, and the Lie Demon will also use the power of lies to neutralize the damage.

After the two men fought for a while, nothing happened to them. But the murderer in the distance gradually recovered from his injuries.

In this battle, it seems that the devil of lies has taken advantage. But after Emily watched the whole process, she felt that Wright had the upper hand.

Because from the time the Lie Demon was forced out until now, he has been constantly using the power of lies.

But throughout, Wright never used the power of his concepts. He just used Holy Fighting Skills and Holy Light Magic to keep the opponent in a stalemate until now.

Presumably, with Wright's ability, he has now been able to glean some secrets from the enemy's frequent attacks.

as expected.

After Wright took the initiative to block the opponent's knife, there was no damage on him like before.



Behind Wright, a shadow appeared, which was the spiritual body of the evil god of flesh and blood.

Because he has not condensed his divine body, he does not have the ability to attack others in the real world. But there is still no problem in protecting yourself.

When the Lie Demon saw the spiritual body of the flesh-and-blood evil god, his face looked a little ugly.

He could even feel that this shadowy statue was not a threat to him. But the presence of the other party will indeed affect the operation of one's lies.

"Is this the original conflict..."

The Lie Demon took two steps back and stared at Wright warily and the shadow of the evil god behind him.

"In half a month, Mr. Wright came up with such a troublesome thing."

Emily was shocked. She had also heard Wright mention that the Cult of Blood and Flesh was responsible for absorbing and cultivating the divinity of [Truth], which was a good medicine to restrain [Lies].

But speaking of it, this is the initial stage of condensing the divine shadow. Not to mention the concept level, it is still far away from the condensed godhead.

Logically speaking, the other party is at a conceptual level and shouldn't be so afraid.

But soon, Emily reacted.

The evil god of flesh and blood is weak, but the lying demon is not at its peak either!

His body was sealed, and his newly condensed body was defeated by Wright just a month ago.

The current body was only condensed in the past month.

If we talk about the divine use of the concept of lies, the Lie Demon is definitely at full level.

But the power he can use now is probably not much.

It was as if the consciousness of a top legendary magician had descended into the body of a second- or third-level little magician.

The flesh and blood evil god does not have much power, but it is definitely enough for him to drink a pot.

"Now that Mr. Wright is here, would you like to consider cooperating with me again?

Dragon Island is the cancer of this world.

Join me to get rid of it, and then I will get my power back, and naturally I will not stay in this world.

After all, this world is boring to me.

With such a troublesome guy like you here, I don't want to stay and be hunted by you.

There is no conflict between our interests. "

Wright sneered: "You are too arrogant. You have committed numerous crimes in this world, and you just want to leave after saying that you are not interested in this world?"

Do you really think of this as a public toilet? Come when you want and leave when you want?

I am not as good-tempered as Aphra!

You are causing trouble on my territory, so don't think about sealing or not sealing things.

I want to erase you directly. "

Buzz! ! ! !

The sinful sword in his hand roared, and Wright immediately threw the holy sword in the air, and then used his own concept - emergence.

The shadows of the empty flesh and blood evil god quickly gathered together, and in the end only one palm was left floating in the air.

However, this palm condensed into an entity, holding the thundering sinful light in his hand, and chopped it down with a sword.

The pupils of the Lie Demon's eyes shrank, and at the next moment the bright Holy Light Sword Qi surged forward, with a majestic and unstoppable momentum.

The Demon of Lies felt his scalp numb. He took out a trumpet-shaped magic device, puffed up his cheeks and blew suddenly.

Countless dense bubbles gush out and explode under the energy of the Holy Light Sword.

Wright frowned, those bubbles turned out to be dream bubbles one after another!

And it's mixed with the smell of lies.

Although there were many dreams and bubbles to resist, the sharp sword energy still hit the devil of lies.

I don't know whether it was hurt by the real power in this sword, or it was too much consumption to blow out so many dreamy bubbles, but the shadow of the lying demon became much weaker.

At the same time, this blow also consumes a lot of flesh and blood evil god. The divine body in the palm disappeared, and the sinful light fell back into Wright's hands.

The Demon of Lies was also blasted back to the murderer by this blow. He suddenly grabbed the murderer, jumped back suddenly, and then disappeared.

Emily immediately shouted: "It's the semi-dream zone!"

Wright had already waved his hand to release the mirage, but unfortunately he was a step too late. The devil of lies has escaped into the dreamland with the murderer and exposed the lie again.

The semi-dream area exploded and disappeared, and Wright lost track of the other party.

Emily hurried over: "Strange, I passed by that intersection just now when I came here. It was not the semi-dream area!"

"He moved quietly while we were not paying attention."

"Damn it! What is that trumpet-like thing he is using?"

"It's a kind of dream machine, and all the bubbles it blows are dream bubbles. Remember the Temple of Desecration? The one outside it is a huge dream bubble.

This guy uses this thing to create fantasy bubbles, and then mixes it with the power of lies...

Have you ever seen someone blow soap bubbles after smoking?

He used this method to create dreams, and then manipulated the soap bubbles by controlling the smoke in them. "

Emily was speechless: "Where did all these weird things come from?"

"The person who attacked the alchemy workshop where the mermaid princess lived was undoubtedly him. That workshop was probably a stronghold of the remnant party of truth.

Maybe, like the palace at the bottom of the lake outside the Holy Capital, it is the treasure spot hidden by the Tower of Truth.

In addition to a large amount of funds, there may also be many secret treasures and magic tools. "

Wright turned back to look at the City Lord's Mansion high up: "I said the Demon of Lies attacked the alchemy workshop, but he didn't even pay attention to the Little Mermaid and the Disaster Crocodile.

It is estimated that they are going to other treasures. "

Emily pinched her waist and let out a sigh of relief: "This devil was already a headache, but I didn't expect that he also got the treasure of the Tower of Truth.

Now, the trouble doubled.

The abominable Tower of Truth is really causing endless harm! "

"It's not advisable to stay here for a long time. Let's go back first. Otherwise, when people from the police station come around, I'm afraid..."

"Don't worry, they are not brave enough to come out at night when the fog has not lifted. However, Unika was definitely frightened."

The two of them, Wright, turned around and walked up to Unica. The girl was still in shock.

Obviously, everything that had just happened was too unbelievable, and she had not yet recovered from the shock.

"You...who are you? What were those just now?

What happened to our Harbor City, Harbor City? "

Wright stretched out his hand and gave a calming blessing. Unica's spirit gradually stabilized, and then she fell asleep with her eyes closed.

Just in case, Wright blessed her with a holy healing spell to ensure that there was nothing wrong with her body.

Emily looked at Unika's sleeping face and felt helpless: "Originally, I wanted her to continue living an ordinary life. It seems that now, I have to tell her the truth."

“You have to tell her the truth, this is what she should know and what she should bear.

This is true and inevitable.

But then, it depends on what she chooses.

Just like it was yours before. Is it an ordinary life, or is it a struggle against fate.

Let’s talk about everything after she wakes up. "

After Wright said that, he turned into a stream of light with the two women and headed towards the reliable grocery store.

At the same time, a corner of Harbor City. The Lie Demon looked at the stream of light passing over the city and smiled.

"People are most passive when they have something they must do..."

Recommend a friend’s book! It is also a Western fantasy genre. Friends who are interested can support the seedlings.

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