This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 273: Conspiracy to kill someone with a borrowed knife

Chapter 273 Conspiracy: Killing with a Borrowed Knife

The incident about the Tree of Life made everyone a little uneasy, but fortunately, Wright's words calmed their restless hearts.

After a ray of white light, Wright's consciousness once again came to the divine court.

But he didn't expect that Joanna and Aphra were already standing at the door to greet him.

Seeing the sad looks on their faces, Wright understood immediately.

"It seems you already know?"

"After you moved away the magic circle of the Tree of Life, there was a problem with the laws of the world. Aphra and I temporarily stabilized the mutation, but...

The situation is not optimistic. "

"Go in and talk."

The three of Wright came to the temple, and Joanna drove away the angels in the temple.

After seeing that there was no one else around, Wright told the two goddesses the general story of the matter.

After listening to Wright's words, Aphra's face turned pale.

"It's over, it's over, how could such an unfortunate thing happen to us?"

"Do you also know about the blossoming of the Tree of Life?"

"I have heard of it. I have followed the gods to herd animals before, so I have heard of these legends.

However, those are all legends and I have never seen them with my own eyes.

And from what other gods have said, the probability of such a thing happening is extremely low. "

Joanna asked with concern: "So, is there any solution?"

Aphra shook her head slowly: "No, no god would spend time and energy to save a world that is riddled with holes.

After all, to them, it was just a dispensable pasture.

Every day a new world is born, and every day an old world collapses.

Although this method of destruction is relatively rare, the destruction of the world itself is not uncommon.

Of course, there are also some more responsible gods who will select their favorite believers and take them away from the world that is about to be destroyed.

But the ending of most lives is to be buried with the current world. "

Joanna panicked all of a sudden. She grabbed Wright's hand nervously: "What should we do, Wright."

"Don't worry, the world will not be destroyed. As long as I am here, the dragon clan's crisis of annihilation has been resolved, what kind of waves can the little tree of life make?"

Aphra shook her head without seeing anything: "These two are not the same thing.

The Dragon Clan is an external factor. As long as you are strong enough, you can indeed thwart their world-destroying plot.

But this kind of decline and collapse that starts from within the world cannot be solved by just being strong.

It's like, if someone kills you with a knife, you just need to defeat them.

But if you yourself are terminally ill, no matter how strong you are, you can't save yourself. "

Wright glared at her fiercely: "If you can speak, just speak less. I need you to explain this to me?"

Aphra then realized that Joanna was not in a good mood and hugged her quickly.

"Sister, don't worry, you are already a god. Even if the world is destroyed, you will be fine."

"Isn't that right? Aren't you two the main gods? If the world is destroyed, you should be affected!"

“No, no, no, that was when the world was suddenly destroyed.

In fact, if there is such a foreshadowed world-destroying event, there is preparation time.

We have enough time to remove ourselves from the identity of the Lord God, so that we can escape from the world that is about to be destroyed.

There is even time to obtain more resources from this world that is about to be destroyed.

You must know that some resources, if seized, will have a serious impact on the operation of the world.

But if the world is going to be destroyed, then there is no need to worry about these things.

Those resources are priceless and in-demand commodities, and they are also hard currency in the God Realm! "

"I do not go!"

Joanna pushed Aphra away, her eyes a little red: "I was born in this world, grew up in this world, and all my relatives, close friends, and mentors are in this world.

I do not go! "

Aphra sighed: "Sister, you have just become a god, and you are too attached to your native world.

In fact, in hundreds or thousands of years, your feelings for the current world will be almost worn away.

Believe me, time can..."

Wright stretched out his hand and pulled her aside: "It's alright. If you say these disappointing words again, be careful I'll put you in solitary confinement."

"I am doing this for the sake of Sister Joanna! There is still time to remove the position of Lord God! When the world is about to be destroyed, it will be too late to regret it."

Wright didn't blame Aphra in his heart. She had been a god for too long, and divinity had gradually replaced humanity.

He also knows that Aphra's choice is extremely rational and is the best solution for Joanna and those who have the ability to leave the current world.

"God has his choice, and man has his perseverance."

"I knew it……"

Aphra spread her hands helplessly: "Actually, I'm just saying, if you don't plan to leave, I won't leave either."


"Of course, I like this world very much, and my lovely followers.

I certainly wouldn’t want to give up on the world if I could.

However, I'm afraid I can't do anything on my own.

But fortunately, I have you. "

Aphra approached Wright and looked at him with a smile: "You must have a way to solve this problem, right?"

"I will try my best to solve it."

"I believe in you. So, if you stay, I will stay."

Wright hugged Joanna and looked at Aphra with a smile: "Sure enough, although the goddess is not very smart, her integrity and character are particularly admirable."

Aphra glared at Wright with a pout on her face: "Can't you praise me properly? It's really irritating!

But let me ask, Nora and Noi, what are you going to do? "

"I will tell them the truth, and it is their choice whether to stay or go.

If they insist on leaving, I won't force them. However, one of the two artifacts they gave me has already been used by me.

Maybe, they have to pay them a large amount of divine coins.

This money was deducted from Aphra's pocket money. "

"Why should I protest!"

Aphra jumped anxiously: "You used it, why do you want me to pay for it? Since you want to compensate, you might as well just pay two sums.

The remaining artifact is mine! "

"You, a goddess of holy light, why would you want the artifact of another goddess of life?"

"What do you know? The light of life! It's also light!"

"If you are so arrogant, let's wait until you are promoted to the concept level! Now, Tu Zengxiao!"

"Hmph, I still want to say, don't look down on people. The two sisters, Nora and Noi, are not the kind of gods who run away when they encounter problems.

What's more, this is the place where their father died.

Their biggest purpose in coming here is to find the Divine Crown of King Lieyang that was originally thrown here.

If the world is destroyed, this divine crown will be dragged into the sea of ​​​​underworld.

By then, they will be even less likely to be found.

Therefore, there is a high probability that they will not leave. "

Wright nodded slightly: "Your analysis makes sense, then go talk to them two about this matter. If they don't leave and are willing to stay and help us solve the crisis, that would be great.

But if they want to leave, you can't use force or inducement, do you understand? "

"Obviously I am God, why are you teaching me?"

"Because you are not very reliable."


Aphra pouted and turned away, while Wright hugged Joanna and sat on the throne.

Nestling in Wright's arms, Joanna's mood gradually stabilized.

"Wright, I'm sorry. Even though I'm already a god, I'm still so emotional."

"Compared to the cold God, I prefer you who are warm."

Wright tightened his arms: "And this incident is more man-made than a natural crisis. And the initiator behind it is probably the Tower of Truth.

Natural disasters are the natural law of world development and are difficult to defy.

But if there is a man-made disaster, there are still ways to avoid it. "

Joanna rubbed Wright's cheek with the tip of her nose: "It feels so good to be held by you."

"Then enjoy yourself. Are you exhausted lately?"

"Hmm... By the way, Wright, speaking of the Tower of Truth, there is something about the First Empire in the news coming from the Holy Capital of the Lower World."

"Oh? The First Reich? Did they plead guilty?"

The reason why Wright asked this was because after the Holy Advent Ceremony, the Holy City accused the First Empire of committing an unforgivable crime of blasphemy based on what Vanessa had done.

The Holy Capital made a stern request, asking the First Empire to hand over the culprit and accept the investigation of the Holy Capital's special dispatch team.

However, after that, the First Empire kept pushing and shoving, and when it couldn't delay it any longer, it threw out one or two less important participants to block the attack, and then continued to push the envelope.

Anyway, it’s just one word, drag.

As for the Holy City, due to insufficient preparations for war, food, grass and military equipment had to be updated and mobilized, and the opponent was allowed to delay.

Recently, news came that the First Empire was ready for an all-out war with the Holy See.

The reason is that the Holy Capital vigorously promotes the establishment of magic associations in other holy empires and establishes the white magician system.

This greatly standardized the mage community and controlled the trade of magic products.

The normal group of magicians will naturally benefit a lot and are happy to implement the new policy.

But those crooked mages were so angry that they couldn't stand up to the Church of Holy Light, so they had to flee in all directions.

Seeing this opportunity, the First Empire openly boycotted the magic association system more than once and refused to implement various white magician regulations promulgated by the Holy City.

This made the First Empire suddenly a hiding place for these black magicians.

The First Empire also took this opportunity to recruit a large number of magicians. The battle sequence was greatly supplemented, and it gradually gained the confidence to challenge the Holy Capital.

"Wright, do you think it's necessary for Aphra and I to take action directly to completely defeat the First Empire?"

"No. Although this is efficient, it is not the optimal solution.

The most taboo thing about this kind of thing is that the big leader ends up personally.

Because you are the goddess of Holy Light. If you take action, there will be no room for maneuver in this whole matter.

And this kind of thing where the gods end directly, no matter whether it is right or wrong, will become a talking point for those who are interested.

Even if we can prove that we are absolutely right, legal, and well-documented.

They can still find ways to slander and spread rumors.

And believers, especially those whose faith is not firm, are easily instigated by such remarks.

After all, this is one of the worst traits of human beings.

They always hope to see a white swan with one or two black feathers.

So, remember.

Don't do the dirty work yourself, even if you have to do it yourself.

The art of leadership is the art of drawing circles.

Draw a circle, things are done, but the responsibility is missing. "

Joanna nodded thoughtfully: "Then what do you think should be done about the First Empire?"

"You will issue an oracle soon, telling the Holy City not to send troops, but only to send a protest letter of strong condemnation.

He also said that if the First Empire continues to act so recklessly, it will lose the protection of the Goddess of Holy Light.

That is, to take away his status as a holy vassal nation. "

"Huh? That's it? Isn't this too...a punishment too light?"

"Hahahaha, my Joanna, just because we give you a small punishment does not mean that the punishment will stop there."

Wright narrowed his eyes and reached out to play with Joanna's jade-white fingers.

"It won't be long before the Elf Empire declares war on the First Empire because of the Elf Slave Trader Incident.

Because the First Empire was no longer a vassal state, all other vassal states could not come to their aid.

At the same time, the Holy City will not send any soldiers, and the Goddess of Holy Light will not give any blessings.

This will be a one-on-one battle between the Elf Empire and the First Empire.

If in this battle, the First Empire was crushed by the Elf Empire and defeated.

What do you think will happen? "

Joanna blushed and thought for a while: "Probably, the citizens within the First Empire will be very disappointed with the royal family.

They would attribute the empire's failure to the royal family's wanton behavior and loss of the protection of the Goddess of Holy Light.

In this way, the people of the First Empire will miss the days of receiving divine grace!

They will be extremely thirsty for the Holy Light Church!

The other Holy Kingdoms will realize this after witnessing the failure of the First Empire.

Without the protection of the Holy Light, they are nothing.

From now on, they will be honest and will never dare to disobey the Holy Light. "

Wright snapped his fingers: "My Joanna is really smart, this is the result we want.

After this battle, no one will have any doubts about the protection of the Holy Light.

Over the years, they have been bathed in the Holy Light and have gradually lost their respect for the Holy Light.

The arrogance and arrogance growing in their hearts have caused them to lose themselves.

They just need someone to give them a slap in the face and help them wake up.

But if this slap is given by the Goddess of Holy Light or the Holy Light Church, not only will it have no effect, but it will increase their rebelliousness.

Today, after defeating the First Empire, others will be afraid and leave a hint in their hearts.

That is, the First Empire failed not because they were wrong, but because they were too weak.

As long as they are strong enough, they will still resist the Holy Light.

But if the protection of the Holy Light is removed, the elves will slap them in the face.

They know their own weight and understand the necessity of the Holy Light.

Not only will they not bear grudge against the Holy Light, but they will miss the warmth and safety protected by the Holy Light.

This is the art of leadership. "

Joanna lay in Wright's arms, her eyes full of adoration.

Wright smiled slightly, lowered his head and kissed Joanna's lips.

"Litelight! I brought Nora Noi! They have something to tell you in person!"

Aphra returned to the main hall at an inappropriate time and happened to encounter this scene.

Joanna's face was red with embarrassment, and she quickly struggled to get up from Wright's arms.

Unexpectedly, Wright hugged her arrogantly and kissed her hard, then he hugged her and looked towards the entrance of the hall.

"Okay, come in and talk."

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