This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 272 The God of Criminals, the God of Crime (23)

Chapter 272 The God of Criminals, the God of Crime (2/3)

The ultimate in life, blooming like a flower.

But after the ultimate splendor, it withers and falls, and finally rots in the soil.

The same is true for the tree of life.

Perhaps other flowers and plants have a process called fruiting after they bloom, condensing all the accumulation into essence and becoming the nourishment for the next generation to thrive.

It is a pity that the Tree of Life has not had this purpose since it was transformed by the gods, let alone this function.

They are derived from the roots and branches of the World Tree, and their purpose of existence is to help the gods of the life system better manage their dependents and harvest the power of faith of believers in the current world more efficiently and effortlessly.

How ironic that a tree of life that can help the elves reproduce and perpetuate the tribe cannot breed the next generation for itself.

Perhaps it was resistance to this tragic fate, or revenge for the gods who trampled and played with life at will.

There are always a very small number of ancient trees that will bloom in their twilight years.

The blooming flower of life is a tribute and praise to life, and it is also a harbinger and cheer for death and disaster.

“Once the tree of life ends its flowering period, it quickly wilts and dies.

As you know, boss, life and death are two sides of the same coin.

After life is brilliant to the extreme, it will evolve into a relatively extreme death.

The rich aura of death will directly connect to the underworld.

If this world is not firm enough, it may be dragged directly into the whirlpool of the underworld by this force of death.

By then, the entire world will be reduced to death.

Not even a chance to fall into the abyss. "

Wright looked at the ancient tree of life that had begun to bloom in front of him and said something faintly.

“When things go to extremes, they must be reversed.”

"Boss, you use this word really well! It's high-level! It's concise and meaningful yet meaningful. That's really..."

"How long has it been and you still flatter me? Tell me, is there a solution?"

Wright reached out and stroked the trunk of the Tree of Life: "For example, cut it down directly? In that case..."

But the lie demon shook his head: "Boss, I'm afraid this won't work."

"Solving the problem at its root is not..."

The Demon of Lies spread his hands: "Boss, have you ever seen patients with thick sores on their bodies? The reason why they have thick sores on the surface of their bodies is often because there is something wrong inside the body.

Even if you dig out all the thick sores on their bodies, their pain will only become worse.

Boss, why do you think the Ancient Tree of Life has so much life energy that can be enjoyed by the elves?

Just like ordinary trees, obtained from the earth, sunlight, air and water?

No, that's because the Ancient Tree of Life is catalyzed by the branches and leaves of the World Tree, so it has some characteristics of the World Tree.

Once the Ancient Tree of Life takes root and thrives in a certain world, it will soon become a part of this world.

It draws life power from the world level to nourish the elves.

The giant dragon family uses the dragon from birth to death, and finally brings the energy back to the dragon's nest to complete the seizure of the world's energy.

But the Ancient Tree of Life took advantage of its own World Tree family members and plundered them directly. "

Wright frowned: "It seems that the life system is not a good thing."

"The gods of herding are themselves squeezing the world. The only difference is that some people gather wool and some people milk goats.

And some people bleed sheep and eat mutton. "

The Lie Demon paused here, collected his thoughts a little and continued: "Boss, what I want to say is.

The Tree of Life's exploitation of the world goes to a deeper level. It distorts the laws of life in order to gain profit.

Its mutation also means that there is something wrong with the laws of life in the current world.

If we destroy it at this time, nothing will happen, but the twisted laws will not be restored.

Otherwise, everything will stop, the law of life will collapse directly, and the whole world will fall to death in advance.

It's like having a pustule on a person's body. When it is very young, it may be possible to dig it out directly.

But it has penetrated deep into the skin, blood, and bone marrow, so it cannot be easily punctured, otherwise the patient may die from the poison with a certain probability. "

Wright nodded slightly: "I understand, it's like an external USB flash drive is plugged into the computer, covering some of the game's function codes.

As a result, there is something wrong with the USB flash drive. If it is forcibly pulled out, it is likely to cause the computer to crash or even burn the motherboard circuit. "

"Boss, after you explain it, I don't understand it anymore!"

Wright rubbed his hands: "In other words, we have to find a way to repair the overwritten function code, then eject the USB flash drive normally, and finally pull it out.

To translate it means, find a way to restore the world's law of life to normal, then disconnect the ancient tree of life from the world's law of life, and finally burn this thing. "

“The boss is wise!”

Sofia next to her looked confused. Why did these two people finally come to the conclusion of burning the tree after talking for a long time?

Wright punched the World Tree and muttered angrily: "This behavior of the gods grazing is really a bad civilization!

These bastards just know how to cut leeks, no matter what happens to the oppressed world or all the living beings in the world.

One world after another is riddled with damage and torture, but they are all enjoying themselves and are at a high level.

It’s really unpleasant! "

Pinocchio sighed: "Boss, something is like this."

"No, things should be the way they should be!"

The devil was stunned for a moment and turned to look at his boss.

"Then boss, what should things be like?"

Wright chuckled: "Of course it's what I want."

The devil's eyes widened, and then he bowed ninety degrees and saluted: "Boss, Pinocchio is willing to go through fire and water for the boss's ambition."

"Do you have any idea?"

"Repairing the Law of Life naturally requires the God of Life. Although the Tree of Life has blossomed now, the seal on it has also been removed by us.

In this case, the two little girls from the Life God Department can complete the inheritance of the divine status.

After they take office, they can start to repair the world's law of life.

In addition, we can also start with the magic circle.

Judging from what just happened, there seems to be some connection between our removal of the magic circle and the flowering of the Tree of Life.

If you find the relationship, you might be able to find a solution to the problem.

But the most important thing right now is to block the news..."

When the Lie Demon said this, he turned to look at Sophia who looked frightened.

"Don't worry, boss, I have no intention of killing her. I have nine ways to turn this elf into a servant who obeys your orders."

"Ahem, just seal this memory of hers."

The Lie Demon raised his head and glanced at the sky, and immediately bowed and saluted: "I overstepped my bounds. I will deal with it now."

Sophia seemed to realize something was wrong. Just as she was about to turn around and run away, the weird puppet appeared in front of her and reached out to touch her forehead.

As a fifth-level great swordsman, she had no room for resistance and was easily subdued by the demon of lies.

Wright stretched out his hand to set an illusory barrier on the entire Tree of Life, then turned around and took Pinocchio and the lost-hearted Sophia back to the shore.

With a snap of the Lie Devil's fingers, Sophia suddenly opened her eyes.

"Huh? I...what's wrong with me?"

"It's nothing. We have finished visiting the Ancient Tree of Life and the problem has been solved. You did a good job. Go back and report to your queen.

It won't be long before your gods get in touch with you.

Next, you only need to do what they say to welcome back your goddess of life.

The hard days of the elves are coming to an end. "

After hearing this, Sophia immediately put aside the strange feeling of disobedience.

She kept bowing and thanking him, and then quickly left the lake and rushed to the palace to make a report.

"Let's go back to Harbor City first."

"Yes, boss."

The two of them turned around and left the Lake of Life without stopping, heading towards the entrance of the Emerald Dream.

By the time they arrived at the place, the elves gathered here had already dispersed.

They didn't stay too long and went straight into the Emerald Dream. They followed the original path back to the sea of ​​mist below the Sacred Sea Island, and then all the way back to Harbor City.

The distance seemed a bit bumpy, but the speed was much faster than a normal trek.

Standing in front of the reliable grocery store, Wright couldn't help but think, it would be great if there could be something similar to the Emerald Dream in the Holy City.

In this case, he can quickly travel to and from the Holy Capital, Harbor City, and the Elf Imperial Capital, which would not be too convenient.

After opening the door and returning to the courtyard, Wright called Lilith and others to his room and told everyone about the discovery of the Tree of Life blooming in the Elf Kingdom.

Lilith snuggled next to Wright, her expression a little depressed.

"I have encountered the tree of life blooming once before. It was also in a world over-pastored by the gods."

Emily quickly asked: "What happened next?"

"Later? There was no later. After this incident spread, whether it was gods, demons, or other beings who had the ability to leave this world, they all disappeared soon after.

Only those lives that could not leave the world were left, and together with that world, they were dragged into the whirlpool of the underworld. "

"How one is willing to save the world?"

Lilith shook her head: "To the gods, it is a pasture that has no value and has no value of saving.

For ordinary people, even if they want to save, they don't have the strength.

Whether it is the law of life or any other law, if you want to understand it, it is very simple.

But if it is rewritten or distorted, it will be more than a hundred times more difficult to restore it.

If the glass fish tank is dirty, you can wipe it clean. If the fish dies, replace it with fish. If the water is dirty, change the water.

But if the cylinder is cracked and shattered, do you want to restore it?

Not to mention, there is now a plug stuck in the breach in the cylinder.

If you want to repair the fish tank, you have to find a way to remove the plug first. If you are not careful, it may cause the fish tank to collapse prematurely.

It’s difficult. "

"Professional things must be done by professional people. Aren't there two new gods of the life system in our world?

Maybe they can do something? "

Wright shook his head gently: "Those two goddesses of life have little experience and little ability.

Although I haven't asked yet, there is a high probability that there is nothing that can be done. "

At this point, the atmosphere in the room became quite depressing.

Whether it's Emily, Alice, or the Sea Witch duo, they all have relatives and friends in this world.

After finally getting out of the crisis of annihilation on Dragon Island, now there is a new situation.

Unica couldn't help but sigh: "This world is really full of disasters."

Pinocchio replied faintly: "Just blame the gods. This has nothing to do with us devils."

"Brother, is there really nothing we can do?"

Looking at Alice's big eyes, Wright smiled and said: "How could it be? Although things are a bit troublesome, they are not helpless.

Just now, Lao Pi and I have thought of two routes. The next step is to use a two-pronged approach to nip this crisis in the bud. "

"I know! I thought of it!"

Suddenly, Emily shouted loudly.

Everyone immediately looked at her expectantly. After all, her high and low IQ could sometimes provide some valuable constructive suggestions.

"Lite! Find the God of Death!"

"...What do you mean, say hello in advance, and when the world is dragged into the vortex of the underworld, I will give you a ticket for a soft sleeper?"

"What's this mess?"

Emily waved her hands repeatedly: "You should know that life and death are two sides of the same coin.

Since the ultimate of life is death, then the ultimate of death should also be life!

Maybe the God of Death knows about the Flower of Life?

Just like what Sister Lilith said just now, there have been cases where the ancient tree of life blossomed in a certain world before, eventually dragging the entire world into the Sea of ​​Hell.

The God of Death must know more details.

Speaking more broadly, even if the laws of life and the laws of death in a world do not correspond one-to-one, they are definitely closely related to each other.

Perhaps we can infer the law of life from the law of death? "

After Emily finished speaking, the whole room was silent.

Everyone looked at her blankly, their eyes full of disbelief.

Pinocchio, the devil of lies, smacked his lips and turned to look at his boss.

"Say boss, is Emily a genius?"

"This is indeed a good solution. It just so happens that because of what happened last time, I still have an old debt to settle with the God of Death.

This time I asked him to understand the situation and see how this deal would be done. "

The Demon of Lies stood up and said: "Boss, let me negotiate. You'd better go to the Divine Court as soon as possible and explain this matter to the two goddesses of Holy Light.

After all, the two of them are the ruling gods of this world, and there are many things that require them to have permission before they can do anything.

Furthermore, if you can find a solution from the two goddesses of life, try to take the right path.

If that doesn't work, then consider the issue of the God of Death. "

"Okay, then let's split up."

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