This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 279 The elves want to fight (please vote for me)

Wright walked with heavy steps towards the palace of the Elf Empire.

Although the first two visits to the Elf Empire were less than one day apart, their moods were completely different.

Sure enough, there are some things that are easier to live when you don’t know.

Lilith followed him, covering her mouth and snickering.

She never expected that what Wright had been worried about did not happen in the Holy Light Church, but happened in the Elf Empire by some strange combination of circumstances.

Just like the saying from his hometown, what is supposed to come will always come.

After what happened last time, no one in the palace guards dared to stop him.

Wright led everyone into the palace and met the Elf Queen who had been waiting for a long time.

"Lord Wright, what happened to you when you came to the Elf Empire this time?"

Wright looked around: "Why is Her Majesty the Queen the only one today? Where are the other high-level officials of the empire?"

"Oh, because today is not the day of the meeting, everyone is not here."

The Elf Queen smiled awkwardly: "I'm not afraid of making you laugh when I say it. There are actually not many things within the Elf Empire that we need to make decisions on now.

After all, our tribe is very self-disciplined.

And because of the magic of life, the material is absolutely abundant.

There is no poverty in the country, let alone oppression, and no one needs to commit crime to obtain additional wealth.

Therefore, there are not many political affairs, and court meetings are not held too frequently.

However, the princes and ministers are all on standby. If Mr. Wright needs to find someone, I will just ask them to find someone immediately.

But, what do you want to do, can you tell me first? "

Wright glanced at the elf princess behind him, then at the elf queen, and suddenly showed a smile.

"Okay, then I will tell you the purpose of my coming to you this time.

Your Majesty the Queen, Your Highness the Princess, this time I am prepared to drag the entire elves into the whirlpool of war! "

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the Elf Queen and her daughter suddenly changed. After all, the Queen is the ruler of the Elf Empire. The city is relatively deep and well hidden.

But the princess was still too young. She ran to Wright excitedly and asked in a panic.

"Lord, what do you mean by this? What do you mean by dragging the entire elves into the whirlpool of war? What kind of war? Where did the war come from!?

The elves have never had any war break out in recent years, let alone launched any war against humans.

The war between humans has nothing to do with us! "

Wright ignored Rosatina and looked at her mother, the Elf Queen.

"I have received the news. The first holy empire in the human world, the Saint Rosena Empire, has completely angered the Goddess of Holy Light because of what the first princess Vanessa did and the royal family's inaction. grown ups.

It won't be long before the Holy Rosenna Empire will be expelled from the Holy Kingdom.

In other words, they will lose the protection of the Goddess of Holy Light, the constraints of the Holy Light Church, and the support of other Holy Kingdoms.

Your Majesty the Queen, I remember that your Elf Empire has the most borders with the Saint Rosena Empire, right?

Wasn't it the Rosena Empire that annexed the most territory from your empire back then?

Now is a great opportunity!

While they are abandoned by the Holy Light Church and the Holy Light Goddess, the Elf Empire can declare war on them and use war and victory to take back your homeland.

Moreover, show your power to the world and let people understand that the elves are still very powerful.

Use a hearty victory as a gift to welcome the return of the goddess of life.

how? "

After listening to these sweet words, the Elf Princess's heart surged. She couldn't help but start to imagine that the Elf Empire defeated the Rosena Empire, took back the lost land, and washed away the shame of so many years.

What an honor this is!

And when the elves gain this glory, the goddess of life returns again to bless the elves again!

This will be a glorious deed recorded in the history of the Elf Empire!

When the time comes, her and her mother's names will go down in history!

Even, they can do some small tricks to make things look like they defeated the empire, thus regaining the favor of the goddess, and finally welcomed the goddess back.

In that way, future generations will credit their mother and daughter for the return of the goddess of life.

What an honor is this? This is heaven-shaking wealth!

After eating, they will reach the point where all the monarchs of the future empire will look up to them.

They are elusive legends!

But the queen is a queen after all, and she thinks deeper than the princess.

"Mr. Wright, you are an out-and-out human being. You are so considerate of us elves, even at the expense of the interests of the human race.

To be honest, I'm a little skeptical of your motives. "

Wright spread his hands: "You should think so and it is reasonable. You are an elf and I am a human.

There is an old saying in my hometown that people who are not of my race must have different hearts.

If I had to choose between humans and elves, I would choose humans without hesitation.

But Your Majesty, I think you seem to have made a mistake.

That is, although this war is between elves and humans, it is between empires and empires.

However, it is not life and death.

This will be a carefully planned war. It is a war that the Divine Court needs and wants to see.

It is a very necessary war for the peace and long-term stability of the entire world.

Sometimes, if you want to go south, you have to go north first.

Even God would be a little helpless in these matters.

After this war.

The elves will take back large tracts of lost land, regain their former glory, and gain the respect of other ethnic groups again.

The human world will realize how important the protection of the Holy Light Goddess is, and will also understand the significance of the existence of the Holy Light Church.

Those idiots who are ready to act will be awakened by this, and those rebellious people who have revealed their rebellious intentions will also be liquidated and eradicated.

But in the final analysis, whether it is the Holy Light Church or the Court of Life. Whether it is the goddess of holy light or the goddess of life.

In the end, they all belong to the Divine Court.

Although it is difficult to explain clearly, this is a civil war planned by the Divine Court. "

The elf princess suddenly realized: "So this is what happened."

The Elf Queen chuckled: "His Royal Highness Saint Sin has such a good plan, let us Elf Empire attack the Rosena Empire.

Your Holy Light Church will not send a single soldier or provide any help.

When the war is won, the greatest benefits will be obtained.

I'm afraid this is a little unfair, right? "

After hearing this, Wright laughed loudly: "Fairness, what qualifications do you have to talk to me about fairness? I think Her Majesty the Queen knows the current situation of the elves better than me.

Listen carefully, this opportunity is given to you, the elves, by me.

Although it sounds ugly, this is the situation.

You need this opportunity, but if I don't give it to you, you can try it based on your own abilities.

I promise, this will be the last swan song of the elves.

This is not a threat, this is a fact.

If I ask you to do it, you must do it honestly.

They say cooperation is to take care of your emotions, do you really think this is cooperation?

The benefits obtained by the Holy Light Church can be obtained even without your elves.

It's just more troublesome, more time-consuming and labor-intensive.

But the income from the elves is your life-saving straw, and it is also an opportunity that you have been waiting for for thousands of years.

If you can catch it, you will be qualified to sit back at the poker table.

If you can't catch it, you will be a delicacy on someone else's menu.

Is what I said clear enough? "

The Elf Queen looked a little embarrassed, then quickly walked down the throne and came to Wright.

"Don't be angry, Your Highness Saint Sin, I just want to... get some benefits for the elves.

You don’t know that our Elf Empire is in dire straits right now.

Some guards to protect the borders can be gathered together, but the army to fight against the First Empire of Mankind cannot be gathered at all.

Of course we, the elves, are willing to do this. After all, isn’t it such a big benefit?

But Your Highness Sheng Ni, we really have more than enough ambition but not enough power.

Do you think you can mobilize some troops from the Holy Light Church to help us fight?

I heard that you have established a new unit called the Holy New Army, which is very powerful in combat.

Why don't you tell them and give us some military support?

Our Elf Empire is willing to pay with magic potions and magic scrolls!

If that doesn't work, we can divide the territory we fought back in half. "

Seeing the queen's sudden change in temperament, Wright felt a sudden change in her waist.

"Ahem, it's impossible to help you. After all, if someone discovers it, the position of the Holy Light Church will be very delicate.

Even if they win the battle, it will only have a counterproductive effect on the Holy Light Church.

However, I can help you with the reconstruction of the Elf army.

After all, the elves still have some individual combat capabilities, and all of them are natural magicians and rangers of all types.

With a little training, you can become a good sergeant.

Besides, the elves have the inherent advantage of magic scrolls and magic potions.

Even if you don't need help from outsiders, there will be no problem.

You know, the First Empire has lost the protection of the Goddess of Holy Light, let alone the assistance of the Holy Knights.

Without these, while their people's morale was in chaos, their combat effectiveness was also greatly weakened.

Moreover, the lost territory of the Elf Empire was all mountainous and densely forested.

This in itself is the part where the elves are best at fighting.

As for the plains outside the forest, the elves are indeed not suitable for fighting.

But the problem is, we don't need to occupy those places.

I said, this is not a life and death battle.

All you need to do is give the other side a slap in the face, and the beating will be so loud that it hurts! It only has the effect of killing the chicken to scare the monkeys.

After you are done fighting, the Holy Light Church will naturally come to an end and deal with the follow-up matters.

So, don't worry. "

After hearing this, the Elf Queen thought twice and finally grabbed Wright's hand.

"Okay, we elves are willing to be the sword in the hands of Master Sheng Ni.

I'll give the order now!

Appoint Rosatina as the commander-in-chief of this military operation!

Your Highness Wright, is it the honor of the Elf Empire to ask you to be the general advisor of this military operation? "

Wright took a deep breath: "Help people to the end! I will be the general counsel!"

Elf Princess Rosaltina was a little flustered: "Mother, I...can I? I haven't participated in any war yet.

Perhaps, you should find a more experienced general to be the commander-in-chief this time. "

"No, my child. This battle is the ZTE battle, and it is related to the future destiny of our Elf Empire!

Only you and me can shoulder such a huge responsibility.

This is your glory and your destiny!

Don't be afraid, everyone will help you. I will sit in the rear area for you and ensure your logistical supplies.

Also, don’t underestimate yourself.

The things you do are seen by your mother.

You can set up such a large organization in such a short period of time and manage it in an orderly manner.

Your talent is higher than that of all the elf kings in the elf empire!

Besides, Mr. Wright, the general counsel, is here.

If anything happens, please rely on him! "

When the elf princess heard this, her eyes suddenly shone, and her enthusiasm gradually overcame her fear.

"Lord, I leave everything to you."

Wright smiled slightly, he naturally knew what the mother and daughter had planned. He tied himself to the elf's chariot and pressed the only heir to the elf royal family onto it.

This is an extremely ruthless gambling method!

Anyway, so much has been staked on this bet, so let’s stake the princess too!

Win and maximize your profits!

Losing makes no difference.

What's more, I have already promised that I will never lose.

"Since you two, mother and daughter, have agreed, I think we should give this operation a code name.

A loud code name can make things easier to handle.

Do you two have any good ideas? "

The queen and princess looked at each other and shook their heads.

After all, this happened so suddenly, it’s understandable that I couldn’t think of a good name at once.

Wright pondered for a moment: "This battle is for the humiliation that the elves have suffered all along, and it is also to take back the homeland that was taken away.

I propose that the name of the operation be Wrath of the Blood Elf!

The elves must use blood and fury to wash away the shame they have suffered and regain the land where their ancestors have lived for generations!

It is even more important to make the First Empire, which has been bullying the elves for many years, pay the price in blood!

Let the elves! Great again! "

"Wrath of the Blood Elf! What a name! What a name!"

The Elf Queen kept repeating this name, very satisfied. Princess Rosaltina clenched her fists excitedly and shouted like Wright.

"Make Elves great again!"

"Now that the operation code name has been decided, please Her Majesty the Queen to quickly draft a decree and promulgate it as soon as possible.

Time is tight, the tasks are heavy, and the Elf Empire has a weak foundation, so it needs to enter a state of combat readiness as soon as possible.

Just in time, Rosatina, come with me to the military headquarters of your elf family to take a look. "

Rosatina's face was confused: "Military headquarters, what military headquarters?"

"It's the military headquarters..."

Wright suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart: "Why, don't you elves have a military department?"

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