This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 280 Saint Evil Wright said this

Facts have proved that Wright still underestimated the extent of the decline of the Elven Empire's armaments.

The once glorious Elf Empire now didn't even have a decent military department.

After coming out of the palace, Wright felt that his head was swollen.

He originally wanted to trick the elves into boarding his pirate ship, but in the blink of an eye, he ended up boarding the elven people's broken ship with leaks everywhere!

At this moment, Wright finally understood why the Elf Queen had a weird expression throughout the whole process, and she agreed so smoothly in the end.

It’s true that those who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes!

Wright couldn't help but think of the two twin sisters who were the gods of life in the divine court. Is it true that not wearing shoes is the same thing?

Although, don’t go barefoot in this kind of thing!

After the elf queen's in-depth explanation, Wright had a thorough understanding of the elf empire's military power.

Because there is no war all year round, and the fighting is good.

Coupled with the relatively responsible nature of the Holy Light Church, no conflict that could be called a war broke out between the Elf Empire and other bordering human countries.

The Elf Empire disbanded its original army, and it has been disbanded for hundreds of years!

As the Queen said, apart from a few border troops responsible for guarding the border and the Royal Guards, there is no established military force in the country.

Then Wright learned in detail about the so-called teams guarding the frontier mentioned by mother and daughter.

In the end, it was really just a team!

Among these teams, the largest one has more than eighty people, and the smallest one has about forty people.

The internal professional ratio is completely in the shape of a mercenary group. In fact, they are a mercenary group.

These mercenary groups belonging to the Elf Empire usually go to pick up mercenary missions near the border when they have nothing to do!

Even these mercenary groups are responsible for more than half of the border material sales of the Elf Empire!

After hearing this, Wright felt bad and scolded the Elf Queen for allowing the border garrison troops to work part-time and do small business!

This is simply the most ridiculous thing in the world!

As a result, the Queen said that because the military department was cancelled, several troops on the border could no longer legally receive military pay.

In desperation, the Elf Queen had no choice but to take on several border patrol tasks at the mercenary headquarters in the name of the Elf Empire.

Let these border troops, reorganized into mercenary regiments, take on this kind of mercenary mission.

In this way, it is equivalent to outsourcing the garrison tasks and then taking them over to the internal team, which is a disguised way of paying military salaries.

Such a bizarre operation made Wright couldn't help but applaud.

At first, these mercenary groups were quite conscientious, but later the Elf Empire encountered financial difficulties, and they had to find their own way out.

Gradually, it evolved into this situation.

Wright originally had some hope. After all, the border garrison troops have always been synonymous with hard work and tenacity.

If their framework is still there, then these troops should be cultivated and expanded as the seeds of the legion.

With the individual soldier qualities of the elves, they can quickly form a fighting force.

Looking at the results now, it is completely finished.

Let alone using them as seeds, these guys can be directly used as negative teaching materials.

On the carriage, Wright rubbed his cheek: "Looking at it this way, we can only form the blood elf army from scratch.

As for the mercenary groups at the border! Call them all back to me.

No matter how small the mosquitoes are, they are still meat, not to mention they know the situation at the border best.

Let them come back and form a vanguard army. It is also good to have a scouting effect. "

"Okay, Lord, I will arrange for someone to send them a message shortly."

Lying in the carriage, Wright rested his head on Lilith's lap.

It has to be said that after Lilith returned to her original size, she was indeed much more useful than when she was little.

If it were in the past, it would probably feel a bit uncomfortable to rest on her lap, right?


Lilith reached out and knocked Wright on the forehead, glaring at him angrily.

"I sense that you were thinking of something rude just now!"

"What, how do you feel this?"

"Please, I am malicious Lilith. Is it possible that I can't feel it at such a close distance?"

" could I forget this."

Emily asked excitedly as she looked out the window at the elf-like streets.

"Litelet, what are we going to do next?"

"Go to the Leaf of Life Library of the elves."

Wright stretched and then changed into a more comfortable position: "Don't forget, the main purpose of our coming here is to help you find the Druid inheritance."

After hearing this, Rosatina looked at Emily: "Your Majesty, this Miss Emily looks like a human, right? In fact, I wanted to ask just now, and she gave me a strange feeling.

Humans, I'm afraid, can't become druids. That requires a high degree of affinity with life elements, and it also needs to resonate with nature and be recognized by the soul of the beast.

Moreover, even among the elves, only male elves have this ability. "

Wright waved his hand: "Her situation is quite special. In short, let her try."

"Since the Lord has said it, of course there is no problem. However... in the Leaf of Life Library, there are only records of Druid related information and techniques.

As for the soul of the beast, we don’t have it on hand.

The inheritance is broken, and the last soul of the beast has also dissipated. "

At this point, Rosatina's eyes were filled with sadness.

The sudden departure of the goddess of life, the disease of the ancient tree of life, the annihilation of the ethnic group, the loss of the country, the compatriots were slaughtered, captured, sold, and bullied...

Rosatina would have been a child when these things happened.

Immortals have a long lifespan, and they have accumulated many more painful memories during their long life than other ethnic groups.

"There is an old saying in our hometown that after all hardship comes happiness. The sun always comes after the storm, so be happy!"

Her Royal Highness the Princess was stunned for a moment, then took out a pen and paper and started taking notes frantically.

"What the Lord said is so right. This sentence is so vicissitudes of life and full of philosophy! After listening to the Lord's teachings, I feel suddenly enlightened, and my life has become a lot brighter!

I must write this sentence down!

No! I want to write down every word the Lord said! Then compile it into a book! For everyone in the support club to admire, worship, learn and read!

What's a good name?

right! It's called "Thus Spoke the Holy Evil Wright"! "

Wright almost collapsed: "Why didn't you see your thoughts flowing when we just named the military operation?

Don’t remember this sentence! "

The carriage slowly stopped, and everyone arrived at the Leaf of Life Library amid the noise.

Wright got out of the car with the three girls and couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the towering library.

"The library in the Holy Capital only has three floors, and this thing has at least ten floors. It is indeed an elf..."

Lilith bumped him with her elbow: "Are you here not just for the Druid heritage?"

"Well, I want to check the master copy of the memorabilia of the Elf clan to see the specific year when the tree of life changed. Maybe I can find some other clues."

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