This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 281 The backer of the elves (monthly ticket plus 24 updates)

Chapter 281 The supporter of the elves (monthly ticket plus 2/4 updates)

The huge Leaf of Life Tower contains the knowledge and wisdom accumulated by the elves for generations.

To be honest, this is probably the place that magicians most yearn for besides the Tower of Truth.

When Wright saw this library with a terrifying amount of books, he couldn't help but wonder.

Do you have to think of a way to get all these books into your own Holy Wisdom Cloud Library?

While enriching the cellar, this knowledge can also be better applied.

The more the Holy Wisdom Cloud Library and the Sacred Law Circle are used, and the more the magician community relies on them, the higher the dominance and authority of the Divine Court over the world will be.

It has to be said that the mage group is the easiest to cause trouble among all promotion paths.

A little carelessness can cause big trouble.

It would be great if we could allow this group to stick to their duties without wasting their energy for innovation and development.

While Wright was thinking this, he followed his little crush Rosatina into the tower.

What is surprising is that the decoration and layout in Leaf of Life are all in the ultimate natural style.

Inside, whether there are tables, chairs, benches, or stair chandeliers, they are all filled with magical plants.

The first time she saw such a dreamy scene, Emily's eyes suddenly widened.

She looked at this one for a while, and looked at that for a while, having a great time.

Wright looked around with his hands behind his back and couldn't help but sigh: "I didn't expect that the elves' research on magical plants has reached this level.

Exquisite and elegant, it is indeed very typical of your family. "

After looking around, Lilith suddenly laughed: "This place reminds me of the Immortal King in Hell. His palace is full of bones and flesh, and various organs are used as furniture and decorations.

It's very similar to here. "

"It's the same thing there! It sounds so scary!"

"Huh? You, a guy who keeps a flesh and blood evil god as a pet, how dare you say such a thing? Wouldn't the feast of your flesh and blood god have the same effect?"

Wright rubbed his chin: "That seems to be the case..."

"Rosatina, you're here."

While the two were talking, a woman in a light blue robe floated down and reached out to hold the elf princess in her arms.

"Oh, my little Rosatina, it has been a long time since you came to see me."

"Teacher Sicilius, let go, I'm almost out of breath."

Rosatina waved her hands helplessly, but was unable to break free from the other party's arms.

Seeing that a chest murder was about to happen, Wright suddenly exuded a murderous aura that shocked everyone present, including Wright himself.

"Don't look at me like that, it's not me..."

Before Wright could finish speaking, a glimmer of light suddenly flashed in his hand, and the dragon slayer's lament emerged, and it automatically locked onto the woman in front of him.

The other party exclaimed and was so frightened that she let go of Rosatina and froze in place, trembling.

"Lord, calm down! Lord, calm down!"

Rosatina did not expect that Wright would suddenly become angry, and quickly stood in front of her teacher: "This is an acquaintance of mine, my first teacher when I was a child!

She means no harm! We were joking. "

"Your teacher...doesn't have dragon blood?"

"Hey! How do you know, my lord? Teacher, she is indeed a quarter of the dragon blood. Moreover, she is a very rare elf dragon."

Wright held onto the Dragon Slayer's Lament with one hand, suppressed the restlessness with great strength, and put it away.

"I'm sorry, this sword of mine is a bit obsessed with the Dragon Clan."

When the murderous intention was completely suppressed, Sisilis, who had the blood of the elf dragon, breathed a sigh of relief.

"What a terrifying weapon this is. Standing there, I felt a sting in my soul."

She circled around Wright: "Sir, could you take out the knife just now and let me see it again?"

"You don't want your life?"

Rosatina showed an awkward smile: "I'm sorry, Lord. My teacher has a bad habit, that is, he has an irresistible desire to explore unknown things.

Whatever she is curious about, she will always find out at all costs.

Because of this, she had caused a lot of trouble before.

For the sake of the safety of the entire elves, Mother Mother ordered her to reflect in the Leaf of Life and not leave here.

Teacher, this is His Highness Saint Wright of the Holy Light Church! Noble status! Powerful!

You can't do anything rude! "

But after Narcissus circled around Wright, he looked directly at the two girls beside him.

"Devil! Such a powerful demon, but also a little strange. It's really curious! Hey, why does this little girl have all the magic talents like us elves?

No, it seems different.

Her soul is very pure and huge, but it is mixed with misfortune and sadness.

Poor child, you seem to be burdened with a huge and sinful curse.

But it seems that he has benefited a lot from this curse.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, it’s really embarrassing. "

Wright suddenly became interested: "Ms. Sisilis, I didn't expect you to get so much information with just one glance.

Not simple. "

"But... why can't I see through you? Sir, you... scare me."

Wright laughed: "That's not necessary. As long as you don't stand against me or block the way I want to go, I think we will become very good friends.

You want to see that knife just now, right? Can!


Wright stretched out his hand and pulled Emily in front of him: "As long as you help her find all the books and records about the Druid heritage, I will take out the knife and let you study it.

How about it? "


Sicilis stretched out his hand towards the sky, and suddenly a breeze rose into the sky, blowing across the entire Leaf of Life Tower.

The selected books were like butterflies, flapping their wings and heading downwards, and soon piled up into a hill as high as one person.

"All the books about druids are here. This half is about inheritance, and this half is about miscellaneous records."

"So many!"

Emily looked at the books that were half a head taller than her, and began to feel discouraged.

"Actually, I think it's good for me to be like this now, and there's no need to accept the Druid heritage!"

Wright glared at her: "Captain, are you scared?"

"Who! Who's scared? I, I, I... I just feel that things are so busy now, and I have to stay by your side to help you.

There are so many books, so I’ll have plenty of time to read them in the future! "

"Stop talking nonsense! Go quickly!"

Of course this lame excuse wouldn't work here with Wright. With a sad face, Emily held up the breeze to hold the books and walked towards the big desk on the side.

Wright shook his head helplessly when he saw this, and then he called out the Dragon Slayer's Lament again, applied multiple seals, and handed it to Sisilis, who was full of desire.

Even though it was blessed and sealed, Sisilis still felt the burning sensation from his soul when he got the long knife.

Fortunately, she was only a quarter of an elf dragon, so she was able to endure it.

Seeing her painful and excited expression, Wright couldn't help but whisper into Lilith's ear.

"Guess who I thought of?"


"Saint Ilanoa."

"Ah...that paranoid man."

"Do you think their desire for knowledge is very similar?"

Lilith laughed and said, "Are you referring to the time when I wanted to drug you and then dissect you?"


Wright shook his head, obviously this was a bad memory.

"There are not many normal trainee saints and saints in your current generation."

"Nonsense, I'm so normal! I'm harmless to humans and animals."

After Sisilis walked away, Rosatina smiled apologetically.

"Lord, I'm really sorry. Teacher Sisilis's character is indeed a bit strange. I hope I didn't scare you."

Wright shook his head and looked curiously in the direction Sicilis left: "Your teacher has a unique personality.

Why is enthusiasm mixed with strong loneliness? "

Rosatina sighed: "Lord, you don't know something. Because my teacher has the blood of the dragon clan, his body is much taller than that of ordinary elves."

"Is there any?"

Wright looked at the opponent's back: "It seems a little bit."

“It’s not so obvious now, but as a child she kind of stood out and seemed out of place.

So from that time on, she was not very gregarious. Rather than dealing with people, she prefers studying magic and repairing ancient documents.

Her character has been greatly affected by years of research work.

But because the nature of the elves is to yearn for freedom. The strength of her bones and blood conflicted with her habits over the years, which resulted in what she is now. "

"Is her research on magic circles the strongest among your elves?"

"Not only the magic circle, but also a series of research fields such as magic, magic patterns, potions, etc., she is the best!

Lord, do you have any questions about magic circles that you would like to have clarified?

You can ask her directly. Teachers always welcome exchanges and research. "

Wright smiled and waved his hand: "No, I just asked casually.

Oh, we want to take a stroll here. You don't have to accompany us. Let's go see if your teacher can help with anything. "

Rosatina naturally understood the meaning of Wright's words. Although she was unhappy, she still bowed and saluted.

"Then, Lord, you can take a look, I will go to the teacher. If you have any instructions, just call me by my name, and I will rush to you immediately."

After Rosaltina said that, she turned around and left, while Wright led Lilith up the stairs toward the upper floors.

As they walked among the leaves of life, they chatted in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"The elves are weaker than I thought."

"Is this the conclusion?"

"That's the truth. My definition of powerful is not just based on combat effectiveness.

If it were just a duel between a few people or groups, the elves would still have an advantage.

But if it rises to the level of war, the competition will not be the same things as before. "

Wright waved his fingers and said: "That is the fighting will of the competition, combat mobilization ability, logistics support ability, group execution ability, group unity, group belonging, etc. A series of...

War is the most comprehensive and severe test for a country and a nation!

A shortcoming in any aspect could be fatal.

In particular, the war has passed the early stage of attack and entered the stage of consumption.

At that time, it was a test of endurance and even torture for both sides of the war.

Which side has a higher fault tolerance rate, which side has a stronger ability to withstand pressure, and which side can gain the final victory.

The elves have a sparse population and lack of will to fight.

Because of the long-term lack of faith and being abandoned by the gods, etc., it can be said to be shortcomings in all aspects.

If this continues, even if the conscription is barely successful, it will be nothing but a bunch of rabble.

If you really fight against an iron-like army, you will be shattered at the first touch. "

Lilith reached out and took Wright's hand, drawing circles on his palm with her fingers.

"Okay, okay, you just like to think about the worst possible consequences of things.

You have talked about so many shortcomings of the elves, why don't you think about the shortcomings of the First Empire?

The elves have not fought a war in so many years, and there have been few wars in the human world in the past hundred years.

The quality of the First Empire's army was not that high.

At the same time, because the holy title was taken away, the army within the empire would be uneasy, and their cohesion and execution capabilities may not be any better than those of the elves.

Of course, after all, they have always maintained an army structure. If you really want to say it, they are indeed more powerful than the Elf Empire.

In fact, they are backed by the Workshop of Truth and many black magicians.

This is indeed their advantage, which cannot be denied and cannot be ignored.

But don’t forget, the elves’ backing is you. If you are here, there will be no problem.

You just said that when the war enters its later stages and the two sides are exhausted and suffering, those qualities will be put to the test.

But I don’t think this war will last until that point.

Because we didn't plan to fight to the end. We took advantage of the elves and directly hit the opponent with pain. Wouldn't the effect be achieved?

Besides, I don’t think those things you said the elves are missing are fatal.

Especially cohesion, fighting will and so on.

Isn’t it super simple for you? "

Wright was stunned for a moment: "What do you mean...ah! No, no!"

Lilith shook Wright's arm: "There's nothing a passionate speech can't solve.

As long as you gather the elves, and then use your speech to motivate them, ignite the fire in their hearts.

I believe that they can unite as one and become a qualified war machine. "

Wright scratched his head: "That's what I say, but I actually don't like doing this kind of thing. You know, I prefer to convince people with reason."

Lilith spread her hands: "This is also a way to convince people with reason."

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