This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 314 Everything will end (monthly ticket plus 88 updates)

Chapter 314 Everything will end (monthly ticket plus update 8/8)

"Jenny, it sounds so familiar..."

Emily suddenly took out a booklet and started flipping through it.

Wright reached out and grabbed it and took a look: "Good guy! Mini Collector's Edition of "The Fairy Tale King"! Why is there such a thing?"

"I asked Shengdu Publishing House to make it specially!"

"Why can you make Holy Light Publishing House obey? Isn't that an organization under my Holy City Chamber of Commerce?"

Wright grabbed his hair and was very surprised. Holy Light Publishing House was a publishing house he established specifically to unify all fairy tales on the continent.

Logically speaking, it should be an important institution directly managed by Grandet.

Emily took back her pamphlet: "Sister Joanna and I prayed, and Sister Joanna went to the Holy City to send an oracle, and Flandre finally brought it to me!"

"Don't use public resources on such useless things!"

"Isn't this useful?"

Emily pointed to a fairy tale "Seven-Colored Flowers" on the pamphlet and came closer to Wright's eyes.

"Look, let me just say that I have heard of it. Jenny is the protagonist of the Seven-Colored Flower. A kind-hearted little girl got a seven-colored flower, and each petal can fulfill a wish.

The kind-hearted Jenny helped everyone with colorful flowers, and the last petal was used on those in need.

What a beautiful fairy tale? "

"It really does exist... Moreover, it is a similar type of fairy tale to the little match girl. Hmm... One is that you can see the illusion you want when you light the match, and the other is that you can make your wish come true by picking off the petals.

False wish fulfillment versus true wish fulfillment? "

Emily waved her hands repeatedly: "There are many differences, not just this one. But, Lord Aphra, did you choose the name based on this fairy tale?"

Aphra looked confused: "Huh? No! Jenny is the name of the artifact I prepared.

Ahem! Wright, did you hear that?

This is the name I plan to give my first artifact!

Something dear to God!

understand? Know that I want to express..."

Wright frowned and immediately canceled the summoning ceremony. Aphra's words stopped suddenly, and the shadow disappeared.

Jenny looked at the dissipated virtual image of the goddess, and her expression suddenly changed: "No! Lady Goddess!!!!"

"Poison fans are really scary."

Wright shook his head: "I will pay your goddess the divine coins, so now, sign the treaty with me."

"It's so thick, how can I sign it?"

"It feels thick, so you owe me this."

Wright took out a piece of magic parchment: "I have used this contract and the contents of these contracts to make a selection. You only need to sign this one, which means you have signed these."

"Hmph! Don't try to lie to me, let me see!"

Jenny was still very alert. She took the magic parchment, carefully checked the magic circle and magic configuration on it, and found that Wright had not lied to her.

So, she picked up a brush and wrote her name in dots, adding drops of her own blood.

Because it was given by the goddess, the name of the Witch Killer is also a holy name, which has a strong locking effect, and the magic contract was signed successfully without any accident.

Looking at the curve of the corners of Wright's mouth, Emily's face was full of doubts.

She felt that Wright must have used some method to trick Jenny, but she didn't know what it was.

In order to better carry out his work, Wright gave Jenny a Medal of Holy Light to prove her identity.

With this medal, she can freely enter and exit every church as an envoy of the Holy City.

Of course, this is just a precautionary measure.

After all, if you want to investigate, most situations cannot be done openly.

And in order to prevent the Witch Nemesis from messing around, Wright also gave her a small operating manual. Instruct her on what to do if she encounters a special danger, and how to contact her in time.

Jenny dismissed the pamphlet. She had developed her own set of rules in this world.

But for the medal given by Wright, she carefully kept it because it was an old-fashioned medal produced by the Twin Gods before, with only the goddess Aphra on it.

After waving goodbye to Jenny at the door of the church, Wright took Emily back to the chapel.

"You, what tricks are you hiding?"

After seeing no one around, Emily immediately asked curiously: “You must be hiding a way to trick Jenny, right?

But I thought about it for a long time, but I didn't think of any way. After all, there was no problem with the contract signing just now.

Moreover, you are signing an equal contract, so if there is a problem with the content of the contract, it will not be successfully signed in the end.

So, when did you do it? "

Wright's face was full of displeasure: "What are you talking about? Can't I be sincere for once?"

"You are a man who even deceived the devil! Think of the victims' fraternity in the devil world! I believe you are not playing tricks? Are you kidding me?"

Emily grabbed Wright's arm: "Tell me, hurry up, what method did you use?"

Seeing the anxious look on her face, Wright sighed helplessly.

He randomly took out a piece of paper from the pile of original contracts on the table.

"Look, this is part of the contract."


"Look...the front of this piece of paper is full of things, right?"

"Front, don't tell me!"

Wright turned the paper over: "But, is there a big blank space on the back of this paper?"

"This, this, this! Is this okay?"

“If two people sign a contract in black and white, then they definitely can’t do this.

Because it is a common rule that the contents of the contract cannot be written on the back of the paper.

Moreover, the contract is usually made in two copies. If there is a third party, even a three-part system.

However, magical contracts are not.

Because everyone believes in magic contracts too much.

Therefore, when signing a magic contract, you only need a contract magic scroll.

The content of the contract selected in the contract magic scroll is these selected papers. "

Wright shook the paper in his hand: "This is an optimization done by people to save magic scrolls.

After all, if so many contract contents were written in magic scrolls, then the consumption alone would be an astronomical figure.

A magic scroll, and then select the specific content of the agreement as an ordinary piece of paper with the content written on it.

In this way, no matter how much the contract contains, you don’t have to worry.

How to put it, it's a bit like using program code to call a database.

In this way, there is no need to write massive data in the code page, which reduces the size of the program.

But there is one thing that people often overlook.

The database can also be written and modified.

The most interesting thing is!

The fairness test of contract magic will only be tested when both parties sign it and it takes effect.

In other words, the program will only verify the correctness of the data in the database the first time it is run.

After that, I can modify the data at will without any problems!

For example, if you write some new supplementary clauses on the back of this piece of paper, they will also be included in the treaty.

Although the treaty is no longer fair, the contract is made and will not be tested. "

Although Emily couldn't understand everything, as a magician, she was still shocked.

"This! You crazy guy, you actually took advantage of the contract magic! This contract magic, which is known as the fairest magic in the world, can't prevent you?

ah! I understand!

Could it be that the demon gods in the demon prison were also deceived by you like this?

Those, members of the victims’ fraternity! "

Unexpectedly, Wright waved his hand: "That's not true. I used even more despicable methods against them."

"What despicable means?"

"Have you... heard of the subprime mortgage crisis?"

"Then...what is that?"

Wright smiled slightly: "It's best not to know, otherwise you may become a demon.

Okay, let Jenny collect information about the Corruption Egg first, and it’s time for us to go back.

If there is such a big commotion in the hinterland of the empire this time, the empire will definitely send people to investigate.

Although we are not afraid of these guys, if they are discovered, there will definitely be a lot of trouble.

What's more, we have been out for so long, so the Exclusive Beast Knights must have been trained almost, right?

It's also time to give those high-ranking officials in the empire a little new shock.

It would be too naive to try to stop me just by relying on a mere plain! "

Emily nodded repeatedly when she heard this: "Okay, I've been out for so long, and I miss Sister Lilith a little bit.

She stayed alone in the capital of the Elf Empire, and Sicilis, who was monitoring the library, must have been bored and hard, right? "

"You mean, lying idle in the sun every day, eating all kinds of delicious magic fruits grown by the elves with hard work, and enjoying the singing and dancing performances of the elves who are famous for their art?

Will it be very hard and boring? "

Emily was silent for a long time: "I'm so envious!"

"I'm so envious too!"

"I've discovered that anyone who follows you will have endless things to do. As long as they are separated from you for a while, they can be free.

Just like Lilith, Alice, Unica, Gladys and Rosatina now! "

Emily pointed at Wright: "You are the source of the hard work!"

"Fart! You don't know how leisurely Lilith and I were on our adventure travels together before.

As a result, since I met you, troublesome things have happened one after another! There is so much to deal with! "

Wright reached out and knocked Emily on the forehead: "It's you! You are the source of trouble!"

The two quarreled endlessly in the holy church until the missionaries of the church returned.

As Wright said, the city's problems have largely been solved.

Although the damage to the city wall was very serious, Wright didn't really care.

After all, it won't be long before the elves will attack, and the city wall will be destroyed by then.

Just wait until the war is over and rebuild. After all, large-scale projects such as reconstruction can best focus people's hearts and improve their faith.

After chatting with the clergy of the chapel, Wright quietly left the city with Emily, heading towards the Elf Empire.

Not long after the two left, a group of magicians quietly came to the city.

Looking at the huge holes in the city wall and the ruins of the glorious cathedral in the center of the city, the group of magicians remained silent.

After a long time, one of the members approached the leader and asked.

"Congressman Mode, what should we do now?"

"Look for the local residents to come over and ask directly what happened."

"According to eyewitnesses, a powerful pillar of Holy Light appeared here, reaching straight into the sky. Should we ask those guys from the Holy Light Church?"

The great magician had no choice but to glare at his subordinates fiercely: "Idiot, under such circumstances, you must not provoke the clergy of the Holy Light Church.

If they activate some magical ability to communicate with the gods, our whereabouts will be exposed.

You know, even if the empire has been kicked out of the holy kingdom sequence, the goddess of holy light can still cast down divine punishment at any location in the empire at will.

The reason why the Goddess of Holy Light does not do this is because she is afraid that frequent divine punishments will shake the faith of believers who do not know why, or cause unnecessary panic.

But for people of our status, the goddess will definitely not have any scruples.

Before the plan succeeds, you should try to avoid any contact with the clergy of the Holy Light Religion, you know? "

"Yes! Lord Mode!"

"Call me Congressman! Why are you still standing there, why don't you hurry up and collect information?"

Following Senator Mod's roar, his magicians dispersed and blended into the crowd.

Not long after, some of the magicians returned to the gathering place one after another and compiled the information they had received.

After listening to everyone's reports, Archmage Mode's face became ugly.

"Okay, I understand. Now help me set up the illusion formation and barrier. I need to report to the Sage."


The magicians stood in a circle and waved their staffs to set up barriers to isolate their area from the outside world.

Senator Moder sat cross-legged, took out a crystal-carved skull from his arms and placed it on the ground. He cut his finger with a knife and dripped blood on it.

As the blood dripped, the originally light blue skull first turned into blood red, and then quickly turned into black, which represents corruption.

Then a thick purple-black smoke surged out, and an old face appeared in front of him.

"Mode, my disciple, what are you calling me for?"

"Teacher, we just found traces of the Saint in Salamen City."

"Holy Sin, is that person who killed the Sage of Reason and the Sage of Wisdom extraordinarily capable of fighting? Why is he here?"

“It’s not clear yet, but he destroyed the cathedral in Porta Sala.

I think he should have discovered the barrier we set up before.

Teacher, what should we do next?

That guy will definitely not give up. He is notoriously difficult to deal with. "

The old man in the smoke pondered for a moment: "Don't panic, continue to advance according to our plan. Madam Corruption's layout is very large and careful, and the results will not be affected by this accident.

When the Corruption Moon rises, everything will come to an end! "

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