This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 315 Charge, Unicorn Knights

After running all the way, Wright and Emily finally returned to Border City.

The Unicorn Cavalry also received the news and set off from the Elf Empire and rushed to the border city.

After such a long time, it was the first time for Wright to see the full-scale Unicorn Knights.

After systematic training, the Unicorn Knights have completed their initial formation and training.

Looking at the uniform knights, Wright felt so happy!

The unicorns are covered in silver-white hair, and the female elf knights on their backs are all very handsome.

The most important thing is that their armor is also a mixture of silver and mithril, showing an elegant silver-white color.

Looking around, you can see a uniform silvery white, which makes people feel relaxed and happy just looking at it.

But... the guy at the head is really an eyesore.

"Emily, get out of here!"

"I don't!"

Emily hugged the Unicorn King's neck: "I want to go too! I'm a Unicorn Knight too!"

"You have to work harder, knight!"

Wright stepped forward and grabbed Emily down: "This is the Unicorn Knights, going to capture the next city defense line.

It’s not an autumn outing, so you can bring one more or one less!

Besides, can you ride a horse?

Don't embarrass me here with your poor riding skills. "

Ever since the two came back from the rear of the empire, Emily has been obsessed with the Unicorn Knight and can't help herself.

It is said that every girl hopes to meet a prince riding a white horse. Unexpectedly, Emily wants to ride a white horse herself.

But this guy's riding skills are really terrible, let alone mounting a horse to fight.

This application was naturally rejected by Wright with one veto power.

I thought this guy would give up on his own, but he didn't expect that he would have to go on an expedition today, and she would come to cause trouble again.

"I'm not causing trouble. I really have a way to improve my riding skills to a level similar to that of other knights! Or even higher!"

"Are you kidding me?"

"You! Look at this!"

Emily suddenly pulled out a card from her sleeve, with the number four written on it, and then printed on the card was a knight in silver helmet!

"Huh? Magic card?"

"Hmph, this is what I captured from the fairy tale world, the Silver Helmet Knight! If I use him, I will be blessed with riding skills!"

Emily shook the card, with a proud face, and pointed at the knights behind her.

"Besides! These elves have only been trained for less than half a month.

The inheritance of their previous Unicorn Knight was also broken.

The previous Unicorn Knights left them some training manuals and unified equipment.

Their situation is only a little better than that of the druids.

As long as I use this card, I will have the ability to go on an expedition with them!


Now only I can ride the King of Unicorns!

If the King of Unicorns participates in the expedition, the Unicorn Knights' combat effectiveness will be even higher!

You don’t want the Unicorn Knights that you have worked so hard to build to suffer heavy losses in the battle, right?

With me and the King of Unicorns, we can minimize this loss! "

Seeing that Emily was speaking eloquently, Wright knocked her on the head angrily.

"Where did you learn all this nonsense?"

Wright looked at the uniform Unicorn Knights and felt a little hesitant.

This unit is too valuable. Whether it is a unicorn or an elf cavalry, both are extremely rare units.

At the same time, the combat effectiveness is also considerable.

But as long as the fight starts, there will be losses, there is no doubt about this.

If Emily joins, the Unicorn King's commanding ability will definitely greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of the entire Knights.


Wright looked at Emily who was eager to try, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"I mainly don't worry about you."

Emily was very touched: "I didn't expect that my status in your heart would be so important!"

"I'm afraid you'll spoil my Unicorn Knights."

"I told you, no! I have a knight card! Even if you don't believe me, don't you still believe in the belt and elemental weapon system you made?"

Seeing her persistence, Wright finally gave up.

"Okay, you can go. But you can't take the lead, you can only follow behind everyone."


When Emily saw that Wright had made a concession, she stopped pestering him. She didn't really care about her position. She mainly wanted to go on an expedition with him and become a member of the Unicorn Knights.

After all, Emily has had a strong interest in the elves since she was very young.

To her, whether it was an elf, a druid, a unicorn or an ancient tree of life, they were all entities she once revered.

Now that I have the opportunity to fulfill my childhood fantasy, I have to give it a try!

Wright also understands this point, otherwise he would not have spent so much time studying the elementalization of the human body, and finally established the Urutraman sect.

"Everyone is here! Let's go!"

After getting Wright's permission, Emily happily rode the Unicorn King back to the team.

The original leader of the Unicorn Knights immediately issued the order and then led the knights to the front line.

This time, it was still an undeclared war.

After the six border cities, there is a vast grassland area.

After passing through this endless open land, we finally arrived at the interior of the empire.

And here, ten cities, large and small, gather together, which can be regarded as the second line of defense of the empire.

In fact, at this point, it can no longer be said to be a pure line of defense.

After all, these cities are very everyday cities, completely different from the border cities that were built specifically to guard the border.

But as the Imperial Prince General Michaelser led his troops to retreat to these cities, the people here finally realized the dire living conditions of the people in the border cities.

This General Macelser could be said to have been overwhelmed by the elves. He ignored the collective opposition of the empire's top brass and directly recruited troops crazily in these ten cities.

All men of suitable age are thrown into the barracks, and women and older people will also be treated as servants, responsible for taking care of this huge army.

Since entering the wartime state, everyone's life has been getting worse day by day.

They even hope that the front line will start fighting soon, so that no matter who loses or wins, they can get rid of this nightmare life.

Privately, people even hope that the elves can win.

Because the events in Border City have been spread among the people through the special channels of the Holy Light Church.

After the elves conquered the city, they did not occupy it. Instead, people from the Holy Light Church took over the management and reconstruction of the city.

This, this, this!

For the people who were distressed because the empire was expelled from the status of a holy vassal state, this was simply a blessing from heaven.

I didn't expect, I didn't expect, that there is such a curved way to join the sequence of the Holy Kingdom!

It's really, really wonderful!

And just as they expected, the Unicorn Knights rushed out from the gap in the middle of the border city and quickly headed towards the second line of defense.

Because the plain area between the first line of defense and the second line of defense was so vast, the enemy got the news when the Unicorn Knights were halfway through their advance.

After hearing this, McElser was furious, and immediately gathered all the troops, preparing to fight these pointed ears on the grassland!

He always felt that his failure in Border City was due to the terrain!

Now that he has reached the terrain where he can play, he must get back all he has lost!

"Gather! Gather all the cavalry here!!"

McElser barked an order, and his chief of staff immediately came to persuade him.

"General, there are more than 20,000 cavalry in ten cities, and the number of enemies is said to be only 1,000.

Are you planning to use twenty times the number of people to kill the opponent by force?

Even if you win in the end, you will be reprimanded by His Majesty! "

"Hahahaha, reprimand, what's the use of reprimanding? As long as it can wash away my shame, even if there are 100,000 cavalry, they will be pulled out by me!"

The general pointed to a point on the military map: "I have obtained their specific information from my excellent scout captain.

Even though they are the Unicorn Knights, in fact, they tamed these unicorns for less than half a month.

Coupled with training and running-in, it will take half a year to achieve combat effectiveness.

Therefore, these cavalry are all just showy, not worth mentioning at all.

Now I not only have to deal with it head-on, but I also have to win an overwhelming victory in order to reverse the empire's gradually declining atmosphere and let everyone regain their confidence! Confidence against the elves! "

"But 20,000 is a bit overkill. If the enemy attacks from other directions, without high-mobility cavalry to support us, we will be passive."

"Don't worry, they only sent cavalry this time!"

"Where did you get the information?"

"My scout team!"

"...I wanted to tell you before, you trust the scout captain too much!"

McElser could no longer listen to these words at this time: "Don't worry so much, these unicorn knights are not as scary as they look at all!

Besides, even if there is something fishy, ​​there is a twenty-fold difference in military strength. How can we lose? How can we lose?

I am an Imperial General, how can I not understand this?

Just charge in and win!

When the opponent's cavalry was wiped out, they lost the ability to advance further.

Their weird magical plants and powerful firepower would never be able to defeat the swift and agile cavalry in the plains.

By then, the crisis of the elves will be resolved.

We must fight this battle! "

Seeing that the general was going crazy, the chief of staff sighed helplessly.

At this moment, the messenger outside hurriedly ran in.

"General! We are ready and can go out at any time. The cavalry have also assembled at the city gate! They are waiting for your review."

General McElser put on his helmet, took out his sword and put it on his waist.

"This time, I will take the lead in the charge! Victory must belong to us!"

"Yes, General!"

The mighty army set off from the outer cities of the second line of defense and rushed in the direction of the Unicorn Knights.

They both rushed to each other, and within half a day, they met in the middle.

The two sides looked at each other's army across the dense grassland.

Because of their relatively fast speed, the 20,000 cavalry led by General McElser had opened a long distance from the legion behind them.

As for the elves, only a thousand cavalry regiments came.

What was facing each other on the grassland at this moment were two pure cavalry.

As for Wright, he sat on the back of the giant sacred crow, overlooking the entire battlefield from the air.

He came here to see what other tricks the First Empire could pull off. But when he saw 20,000 cavalry, he couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

OK! Yes, he is worthy of being the first general of the empire.

This kind of play without any bells and whistles, directly crushing with troops, does look very rough.

But a battlefield is a battlefield, not a stage for juggling.

If there is an absolute military advantage, who would want to play tricks?

Only when you are not strong enough and are not sure of winning, will you work hard to gain something that you don't have.

Although the art of war is also important, it also depends on the situation. At least for the present, the empire is better than this method, which is to wait for the subsequent infantry phalanx and other units to arrive one after another before starting the war.

This way, even if you can't win, you still have a backing up.

It's a pity that the general, whose mind has been filled with hatred and humiliation, has no extra brain capacity for patience.

The first time he saw the Elf Unicorn Knights again, he drew out his long sword.

"For the Empire! Attack!!"

Then he pulled the reins and rushed out at the lead.

"For the Empire!!!"

The cavalry was a relatively expensive arm among the ancient armies. After all, with the same equipment, the cavalry already has more expenses to make mounts.

But there are disadvantages and advantages, and the cavalry is definitely the most loyal existence among all the major arms.

This is not based on chivalry or one's own good qualities.

It is purely because of the high cost of cavalry. In order to prevent them from defecting, people at the top will usually take precautions and set up treaties to prevent betrayal. They will even take the other party's wife, children and children hostage to prevent the other party from defecting.

Therefore, even though they had some objections to the general's airborne leader, under his roar, they still raised their spears and attacked the Unicorn Knights.

Even Wright couldn't help but stare at the charge of 20,000 people.

"This, you don't see it often! Wow...the dust and smoke are flying!"

However, faced with such a terrifying scene, the members of the Unicorn Knights remained unmoved.

They took out their cavalry swords and began to gather magic power.

Their unicorn mounts also began to gather magic power, and a certain resonance gradually developed between the two.

Wright always felt that he had seen it somewhere before. After thinking about it again and again, he suddenly slapped his forehead.

Isn't this just how Dragon Knight works? Let the knight and the mount share the spirit and magic reserves, so that both parties can have an effect of one plus one far greater than two.


The elf leader shouted angrily: "It's time to show our anger to the enemy!

Silver Rhythm Knights! charge! ! ! "


More than a thousand elves launched a counterattack against more than 20,000 enemies. They were wrapped in powerful magic power, and their speed was getting faster and faster.

Emily sat among the Unicorn King and took out her belt.

"It's time to show off your true riding skills!"

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