This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 316: Swift Wind, Survival Comes

Emily buckled the belt around her waist as she charged. And she had already put on her gauntlet.

Then, she held the reins with one hand, took out the Gray Wolf's card with the other hand, and inserted it directly into her belt.

"Elemental Arms! Gray Wolf!"

As the trigger was pulled, a long wolf howl suddenly sounded on the vast grassland!

Ooooh! ! !

It didn't matter what the cry was. The horses under the opponent's more than 20,000 cavalry suddenly began to slow down and trembled, as if they felt some terrible presence.

Fortunately, the knights continued to comfort them, and the horses began to accelerate again, but fear still spread in their hearts.

Even the elf on Emily's side felt a hint of uneasiness from the unicorn under her crotch.

But the unicorn is a monster after all, and cannot be compared to ordinary war horses.

"Cry hiss!"

With the cry of the Unicorn King, this abnormal feeling was directly dispelled.

The cavalry on both sides were still charging, still increasing their speed, and the distance between them was getting closer and closer.

Emily was still operating at this time. She changed the reins to her right hand and took out a wind attribute card.

However, the wind element fluctuations of this card are much more powerful than ordinary magic crystal cards!

Wright, who was above the sky, also noticed something strange and couldn't help but frowned.

"This crazy girl probably went to the wind element subspace, hunted a high-level elemental lord, and then sealed the opponent into a card.

Is this also prepared for today?

Sure, I'm much more thoughtful and it seems like I've definitely grown.

I didn't expect to have such an unexpected harvest today.

Just let me see how many surprises you can bring me. "

Emily inserted the blast card into her gauntlet and shouted angrily.

"Super armed! The wind is coming!"

A strong wind enveloped Emily, and then slowly dispersed. And the elemental weapons on her body also changed their shape, becoming the appearance of the Wind Demonic Wolf.

Terrifying coercion emanated from her body, causing the Unicorn King to look back at her.

If the Unicorn King hadn't become resistant after Wright's crazy persecution, he would probably be shocked by Emily's armed appearance.

Then the horse stumbled and fell to the ground, becoming the first unicorn king to die tragically in a stampede.

In fact, even if Emily has no riding skills, with the ability of the Unicorn King, he can still keep up with the speed of the entire knights while taking care of her.

But Emily is not willing to just mix in, she also wants to show her power.

Especially after following Wright around the hinterland of the empire, she also realized how serious the situation in the First Empire was.

Defeating this decadent empire sooner may be able to advance Wright's plan faster and rescue more people.

Wright seems crazy when he does things, but he is actually cautious.

Because his strength was too high, he was afraid that he might accidentally cause greater damage while saving people.

In that case, let your weaker self complete the necessary steps!

"Loading Advent! Knight in Silver Helm!"

Emily swiped the No. 4 card from the groove of the gauntlet on horseback, and the shadow of a pure white knight fell on her body and merged with it.

In an instant, her riding skills improved by leaps and bounds, and she even became the best among the entire team.

The King of Unicorns also felt more relaxed than ever before. He no longer had to distract himself from taking care of the little girl on his back, so he ran faster and faster.

Moreover, under Emily's superb riding skills, the potential in her body was gradually activated.

How could the King of Unicorns not have a king's card?

As the King of Unicorns ran to the front of the knights, all the unicorns seemed to be inspired, and their speed became faster and faster.

And because Emily was equipped with the elemental weapon of the Wind Demonic Wolf, during the flying process, the wind began to spread towards the rear, entangled with every member of the Knights, and turned into a simple Wind Demonic Wolf weapon!

They gradually became a whole!

On the prairie! Who is the eternal master here?

Is it the wind? Is it a wolf?

He is the wolf king who can control the strong wind!

At this moment, Emily is like the king of the wind demon wolves, and behind her are all the wind demon wolves following closely behind!

They are cavalry and even more magical beasts!

They are charging and hunting!

The grassland was under their feet, and the strong wind was howling in their ears.

Emily and the Unicorn King have reached the point where they become one because of the riding effect of card No. 4.

And with the passing of the strong wind, other knights also entered this state.

The entire Unicorn Knights almost turned into a pack of wolves! Quickly pounce on their prey!

But the 20,000 cavalry regiment was now in a huge panic.

When the demon wolf's aura appeared, the war horses were already worried.

However, with the comfort of the knight master and the stimulation of fighting spirit, he could still maintain the charging state, but the speed increase was not ideal.

But after all members of the Unicorn Knights were protected by the Wind Demon Wolf, the 20,000 cavalry regiment suddenly became chaotic.

The speed of the knights in front is constantly decreasing, while the speed of the knights in the rear is less affected and is still increasing.

The formation was completely destroyed after one back and forth, and everyone was huddled together.

This is very dangerous when the team is marching. Many knights have already had problems. They fell to the ground together with their horses and were trampled to pieces by the knights behind them who had no time to avoid.

Chaos and fear spread rapidly among the imperial cavalry camp, but the elves will not stop there!

"Charge! Defeat them!"

Emily raised her crowbar, and the force of the wind attached to it, forming the most powerful sword.

She and the Unicorn King merged into one, jumped into the team, and directly beheaded the leader's horse.

Blood sprinkled on General Macelser's face, and then he watched the Unicorn Knights rush into his own team and start killing.

It's true that elves aren't particularly good at melee combat, but unicorn knights are another story.

The magic of the elves is not as useful as the fighting spirit made by Pishina in close combat, but in the combination of Unicorn Knight, the unicorn can transform the magic of the elves into a form similar to fighting spirit.

This principle is somewhat similar to the Dragon Knight.

But no matter what, this greatly makes up for the shortcomings of the elves.

Not to mention, the current Unicorn Knights are almost terrifyingly strong because of Emily’s many blessings!

They are knights, elves and unicorns, or wind demon wolves.

Any identity in these trembling cavalry camp is like a tiger among the sheep, and now it is directly unparalleled.

With just one charge, they killed the entire enemy camp to their core.

Then the Unicorn Knights turned back and killed them again from behind.

Judging from their looks, they seemed ready to dart in and out of the battle line like they were sewing clothes!

Wright in the sky understood that this battle had lost its suspense, and even if the large infantry force behind them kept up, it would be of no avail.

"It seems that we can prepare for the reception of ten cities. But with such a large workload, the Holy New Church is not enough...

Well, it's also time to let the guys watching around here taste the meat to see if it tastes good. "

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