This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 499 Who still has dreams?

The victory of the ratmen was something the demons had not expected.

Although the pig-headed demons were also weak, they were superior to the rat demons in both numbers and individual strength.

What's more, the pig-headed demons were led by elite individuals.

According to the demons' expectations, if the rat demons could complete the defense, preserve the foundation of the tribe, and control the losses within an ideal range, it would be a great victory.

They never expected that these rat demons would be so brave!

The demons knew very well that these rat demons did not receive any gifts or blessings from Wright.

They could be sure that this victory of defeating the strong with the weak was a miracle battle created by the rat demons!

"What's the problem?"

"It's really strange... Did the holy evil Wright use a method that we can't see to strengthen these rats?"

The angry demon was also very curious, and he couldn't help but approach Badrosa and asked quietly.

"Do you know how Wright did it?"

"Of course!"

"What is it?"

The angry demon was overjoyed. If he could know this method and use it.

Then his followers would definitely be much better than these weak rats!

Badrosa raised his head high: "This is the power of loyalty!"

The angry demon was stunned for a moment: "Loyalty...loyalty?"

"Yes! Loyalty! These rat demons are loyal to the boss, loyal to the department, and even more loyal to the company!

This is a belief, a spiritual power!"

Badrosa covered his chest with excitement: "I know this power, because I can also feel this power in my body.

It comes from loyalty to the boss!"

The angry demon was disdainful: "Loyalty? Ridiculous, among the demons present, whose followers are not loyal?

If you don't want to say it, just don't say it. There is no need to talk nonsense here!"

In fact, the angry demon's words are not wrong. When it comes to manipulating people's hearts and controlling the demons under his command.

These demons can be said to be experts among experts, with superb means and skilled techniques.

But Badrosa was dismissive.

"Real things can't be fake, and fake things can't be real. I'm sure my boss treats me sincerely, and I'm willing to give my heart to my boss!

This kind of belief is the truth that you can't achieve with lies and expiration!

Maybe you pretend to be very similar, or maybe you are clever.

But the same thing, fake is fake.

Different is different.

You want to achieve the effect of our boss, so I ask everyone here.

Are you willing to treat your subordinates and dependents sincerely?"

Badrosa's question made the entire viewing platform fall into silence.

Obviously, for the demons, sincerity is a rarer thing than conscience, and basically few of them still keep it.

Even if they keep it, they will not use it on their dependents.

For them, these dependents are tools, consumables, and even chips that can be abandoned and exchanged at any time.

In the same way, these dependents cannot respond to these demons with sincerity.

They have firm beliefs, and they may be very loyal. They even gave their true hearts without knowing or being deceived.

But unilateral efforts cannot build a bridge. Only the sincerity between each other can form an unbreakable bond.

Just as Badrosa said, he was willing to give his heart to Wright because he was sure that his boss treated him as his own.

And when there is such a bond in an entire group. Then the improvement of this group will be leaps and bounds.

Especially with the blessing of Wright's emergence concept!

"We won! We won!"

The rat demons cheered loudly and celebrated their victory.

They didn't expect that they could defeat the powerful pig-headed demons!

You know, not long ago, they were slaughtered crazily by these hateful pig-headed demons, and they didn't even dare to breathe.

But now, they have defeated their former powerful enemies!

Moreover, only one security team was dispatched.

What excites the rats the most is that they have unprecedented courage in their hearts.

When the village was massacred before, they were so scared that they could only flee everywhere, and they couldn't even think of revenge.

But just now, when the security team rushed out to fight the enemy.

Every rat had an impulse to rush to the battlefield and fight the enemy to the end.

They were no longer afraid, and they no longer escaped.

Here are things they care about, and there are honors and symbols worth defending to the death!

For this reason, a mere rat life is not worth mentioning!

They firmly believe that the company is worth doing this for themselves!

At the same time, they also firmly believe that all rats in the entire company are willing to do this.

At that moment, an indescribable sense of belonging filled the hearts of every rat.

We are a collective, we trust each other, and we are the supreme spiral!

The light of miracles flickered in the rat demon village, and the emerging power quietly changed the body of every rat.

Once again, the rats evolved in different directions.

The rats in the security department became more brave and good at fighting, and the rats in the mining department advanced to abilities that are more conducive to mining.

The mice in the machinery department are becoming more familiar with the machines, and the mice in the chemical department are constantly coming up with new ideas.

Even the most common rats on the assembly line have increased their work efficiency several times.

The breeding capacity of the rat demons is very strong, and the cubs mature very quickly.

The new living force has gradually taken shape, and the size of the rat demons is steadily increasing.

"Boss, boss!"

The general manager came to Wright's desk and asked with a smile on his face.

"Boss, what should we do with the corpses of the pig-headed demons? Should we use them as food for everyone, or take them away as sacrifices?"

"What sacrifices do we want? We are a company, not a cult. Just take them away as reserve food."

Wright shook his hand: "Oh, by the way, the abyss crystal mines near the rat people have been mined almost.

We are going to open a new park.

And we now have a large amount of abyss crystals in our hands, and we have to find a way to spend them.

Ask everyone, who has a dream! I am ready to invest in everyone's dreams!

As long as it is beneficial to the development of the company or improves the lives of employees.

Invest all!"

Dream, what a luxurious word...

The general manager was stunned. As a rat demon, they don't have many dreams.

Being able to survive and keep the tribe alive is the biggest dream.

As if seeing the embarrassment of the general manager, Wright smiled slightly.

"Don't be nervous, this is not mandatory. Let everyone think slowly, and come to me anytime if you have a dream!

General Manager, you have to understand.

Our Supreme Spiral Mining Company cannot just hide in this small place to mine the cheapest low-end abyss crystals, and it is even more impossible to stay in the shallow layer.

We have to go down! Sink! Open the company's park to the deepest part of the abyss!

For this, I need everyone's dreams, many, many dreams!"

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