This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 500 Little Mouse Big Dream

Under Wright's leadership, the Supreme Spiral Mining Company is thriving.

Branches and parks have spread across the entire abyss plane, and once occupied all large abyss crystal veins.

Its speed was so fast that even the demons on the viewing platform did not react.

In their viewing angle, the rats were very honest at first, staying in the initial mining area, and the scale of the company was not large.

Although there were still blind demon tribes who came to attack the rat demons, wanting to pinch the soft persimmon.

But soon they were eliminated one by one by the strengthened security department, and no damage was caused.

The entire park entered a stable development stage.

Then, without any signs, the company separated a small team and ran to the nearby mine to open a park.

It was originally the territory of the pig-headed demon. Since the pig-headed king was killed, the pig-headed demon tribe has declined.

But a lean camel is bigger than a horse, and the strength of the pig-headed demon tribe is still a relatively powerful existence nearby.

As a result, the entire Pighead Demon tribe was directly wiped out by the security team accompanying this small group.

Although members of other departments in the team also participated in the battle, the combat effectiveness they showed was greatly improved compared to the battle against the Pighead King.

"Now these rats should be considered the best in the Black Iron tribe in terms of combat effectiveness."

In the Purgatory viewing platform, an experienced demon god spoke up for analysis.

"But I still can't see how they improve their strength."

Another demon shook his head: "Battle skills, teamwork, weapons and equipment, backup support, combat command, battle formation, fighting will...

These are all trivial things, and they are also the problems we are most likely to ignore."

"This... I can't learn it. If I worry about the training and cultivation of these things, even if I have eight hearts, I will be exhausted."

"But have you noticed? That Wright didn't train and cultivate these things much.

The improvement of these things is all spontaneous training and self-improvement of his followers.

In other words, these followers took the initiative to do these things.

And it's not just one or two, but all individuals are working hard to become stronger.

And not only make themselves stronger, they will take the initiative to help the entire group become stronger together."

After listening to the analysis of this demon, the expressions on the faces of the other demons were different.

The abilities of one or two followers may be limited, but in such an environment and atmosphere, they will constantly optimize, improve, and metabolize themselves.

Now this group is like a barrel of mellow wine. As the storage time increases, the wine will become more and more delicious.

This is simply the kind of followers that gods want in their dreams!

Before entering the viewing platform, the demon gods present would never have thought that one day they would be envious of a group of rat demon followers.

If someone had said this to them before and made this bet, they would definitely have laughed at the other person.

But now, they really want it.

As long as this situation is maintained, these rats will evolve and improve infinitely.

Although it takes a lot of time, it can basically guarantee that they will get a perfect and powerful army of top followers.

It's a good deal, it's really a good deal!

After the strength was improved, the expansion of the rat demons became a natural process.

The newly opened park was successfully upgraded to a branch company, and a pioneering team was sent to a new mining site nearby.

After killing the threatening group near the mine, the pioneering team immediately built the park on the spot.

In this way, the mining park of the Supreme Spiral changed from one to two, two to four, and four to eight, and began to surge endlessly.

At first, there were only one or two mining parks. When everyone came to their senses, the entire first plane of the abyss was already full of branches of the Supreme Spiral.

The first plane of the abyss had been conquered countless times.

But everyone abandoned it because this place was too barren and there was no oil to be squeezed.

But to be honest, this way of conquest like Wright was the first time in the abyss.

After completing the conquest of the entire plane, Wright did not choose to enter the next plane of the abyss immediately, but let the entire company start to reorganize on the spot.

"The company's recent development momentum is very good, but the expansion speed is a bit too fast."

At the elite report meeting of branch representatives, Wright, as the company's boss and everyone's boss, once again delivered an important speech.

"There is an old saying in my hometown, which is that haste makes waste, and that you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

Our long-term goal is to penetrate all the way to the deep area of ​​the abyss and establish a stable and high-yield mining park.

But if we can't even do things in the shallow and middle layers well, how can we seek development in the deep area?

Therefore, precipitation and accumulation, summarizing experience, reviewing and reflecting are all indispensable.

Stop at the right time to become a better self.

I hope everyone will seize this opportunity and complete self-improvement."

Wright suddenly slapped the table when he said this: "So I decided that if I can't make the tribe promoted to bronze, I will never move to the next level!"

Hearing Wright's bold words, the rats burst into deafening applause, expressing their recognition and obedience to the boss.

But the demons in the Purgatory viewing platform are in a state of panic.

"What's wrong with this guy? With such a good development momentum, he doesn't take more territory in one go.

Instead, he is dithering here, and even said that he will advance to the next plane after being promoted to bronze.

This is simply ridiculous!"

"Yes, although they are not bronze, the combat power of these rats can be called the peak of black iron.

Even some weaker bronzes can be touched.

According to my estimation, with their current strength, they will not encounter any difficult enemies before the first ten levels.

It's a pity to stop like this.

Even if he wants to cultivate more, he shouldn't stop here.

After all, the first level is really barren.

This little bit of resources is not enough for the raw materials to cultivate the entire rat demon group to the next stage.

What's more, the rat demon group is so fertile. It won't be long before the population will double several times.

It's simply a fantasy to promote all members to bronze."

However, in the face of so many doubts and misunderstandings, Badrosa among the greeters was still full of confidence.

In his opinion, these demons are actually very pitiful.

They were blinded by their own cognition and arrogance and did not see the crux of the problem at all.

Thinking of this, he had to remind everyone.

"Ahem, everyone, don't you see that the dream projects invested by the boss are about to be hatched?"

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