This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 548 You are not pious enough!

Subvert cognition?

Saint Aurora didn't quite believe it at first.

As a saint, she also has the opportunity to visit surrounding countries with the Holy See's troops twice a year.

Although she is not very old, she can be considered to have traveled around the world, and more than once.

Ai Luo dare not say that she has read everything in the world, but the places she went to were the most prosperous and developed cities in the country.

What kind of novelty have you never seen before?

But when she followed Knight Commander Terry into the pilgrimage area, she was immediately stunned by what she saw.

Well, she really hasn't seen these things before.

"Uncle Terry! What kind of flowers are growing on the roofs of these houses?"

"Oh, those are bright sunflowers. They can store sunlight in the form of energy."

"Storage, what are you storing it for?"

"Of course it's for the other magic plants in the room."

The knight commander pointed to one of the houses: "Look, there are magic lantern flowers for lighting, flaming fire lotus that can release flames as a stove, and light-patterned morning glories that can listen to Holy Mountain radio programs..."

Terry introduced more than a dozen bright plants that are used daily in people's furniture, which made Arlo's eyes widen.

"Are these, are these plants?"

"They are magic plants! They are called magic plants. These are given to us by the envoy of God."

After hearing this, Ai Luo waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, no, isn't he, the God Envoy, the messenger of light? Why does he have so many strange magical plants?"

Terry said matter-of-factly: "God of light, why can't there be magic plants?"

"It's not a question of why it can't happen, it's just... it's like..."

Ai Luo rubbed his temples, thinking a little bit.

Yes, why not? But yes, it feels so strange!

"Ah! Yes! It's like, an earth element magician can actually use fire element magic! How strange!"

The knight commander spread out his hands: "He knows fire element magic, let's not delay that he is an earth element magician!"

Ai Luo was stunned for a moment. What he said seemed to make sense, but it was also nonsense.

"No, no, no, no, if he knows fire element magic, then he can't be called an earth element magician. He must at least be a fire and earth dual element magician, right?"

The knight commander was very angry: "Arlo, how can we deprive an earth element magician of his rights as an earth element magician just because he knows fire element magic?

We hope that earth element magicians can not only master the fire element, but also master more elemental magic!

In this way, the earth element magician will be more powerful.

Isn't this what we want to see? Don't you want earth elemental magicians to become more powerful? "

Ai Luo was left speechless. She always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't explain it.

In the end, she finally turned a corner.

"No! He is the messenger of light! He should dedicate himself to the light! How can he be proficient in things like life magic at the same time?"

The knight commander smiled slightly: "Arlo, I remember that you liked dolls very much when you were a child, and you even often sewed them yourself when you grew up.

Even in your small circle, you are quite famous, right? "

Ai Luo was a little dumbfounded: "Uncle Terry, why did you suddenly say this?"

"Then according to you, as a saint, you should dedicate yourself to the light. How can you be a saint of light and also master superb sewing skills?"

"This, this, this, these are completely different things!"


"what why?"

The knight commander's eyes widened: "Why can sewing work but not life magic?

What is your given standard for this limit? "

Ai Luo opened his mouth, and finally his eyes were full of confusion: "This, because sewing is just a skill...the element of life is...magic, so..."

"Arlo! What a blasphemy!"

The knight commander suddenly shouted angrily: "Do you mean that in your mind, life magic is something that can be compared with light?"

"No! No! Light is more majestic, light is more sacred! Light is unique!"

"Isn't that the end?"

The knight commander raised his hands with a pious expression: "Light is supreme! To the supreme light, life magic and elemental magic are just like sewing and forging. They are incomparable things.

If you can tolerate sewing, why can't you tolerate the magic of life?

There is only one reason!

Because your belief in light is not pure!

Subconsciously, you regard light as equal to the so-called flow of life magic!

Hence your blasphemous views! "

"Yes! Sorry!!!"

After listening to the knight commander's admonishment, Aurora, a saint, almost cried.

Is that what happened?

No, that’s what happened after listening to the knight commander’s words!

How can the magic of life be compared with the supreme light?

Since the difference between the two is cloud and mud, they are not on the same level at all.

Would that be life magic, and how could it affect loyalty to the light?

You shouldn't have such questions!

This question itself is comparing the magic of life with the supreme light!

This is indeed blasphemy!

Once he figured this out, Ai Luo felt that his mind suddenly became clear.

She was very opposed to the use of magic by the clergy of the Church of Light before.

In her eyes, those magicians were the enemies of the sect.

But now it seems that her thinking is too narrow!

And her narrow thinking has restricted the spread of light!

It turns out that there are so many people who could have been future believers of the Church of Light, but because of her narrow thinking, they were rejected.

I am guilty!

Seeing the repentant look on Ailuo's face, the Knight Commander nodded with satisfaction.

"Ailuo, do you know why I know all this?"

"Uncle Terry, your understanding of light is better than mine, isn't that normal?"

"No, all of this is taught to us by the Lord God's Messenger."

The Knight Commander sighed: "Before, I also questioned the great Lord God's Messenger because of the same confusion, but he not only did not blame me, but also carefully answered my questions and solved my doubts.

That time, I really [woke up], completed my own [enlightenment], and was able to [convert] to the way of light!

That feeling is like being reborn!

Ailuo, you must seize this opportunity!"

The Knight Commander looked in the direction of the Holy Mountain while speaking: "This opportunity to personally receive the guidance of the Lord God's Messenger is not something that everyone has.

You must work hard to see your true self and experience the light!

With your qualifications, uncle believes that you will definitely be [enlightened]."

Although I don't really understand what those weird words Uncle Terry said mean, Ailuo is full of yearning for the Lord God's Messenger on the Holy Mountain at this moment!

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