This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 549 In order to grow vegetables

Under the leadership of the Knight Commander, Saint Aurora walked and watched and listened to the teachings.

According to the actual situation in the Holy Court of Light, the right to interpret scriptures is usually in the hands of the clergy.

The Archbishops of the Holy Son and Holy Lady are the best among them.

On the contrary, the Knights of Light do not like these red tapes and only know how to carry out their piety to the end.

Under normal circumstances, it is often clerics like them who use classics to persuade the Knights of Light who have a simple and crude behavior.

But today, Ai Luo feels like a babbling child, learning the teachings of the Light God almost from scratch.

But Terry, the commander of the Knights of Light, was like a preacher with unfathomable wisdom, showing her the beauty and profundity of the teachings of light.

Saint Aurora likes this atmosphere very much, and she also likes to listen to such teachings.

Just when she hoped that this road could go on forever, the Knight Commander stopped.

"Here we are."


Saint Ai Luo looked around and suddenly felt doubtful: "Uncle Terry, we are only halfway up the mountain.

There is still a long way to go from the top of the mountain. "

The Knight Commander smiled slightly: "The God Envoy lives here."


The saint looked at the top of the mountain and then around: "Master God Envoy, shouldn't you live on the top of the mountain?"

In Ai Luo's impression, the senior clergy of the Divine Court all like to look high and far away.

They feel that the higher the place, the closer they are to the gods in the sky and the farther they are from the mortal world.

At least in the Holy City of Light, the tallest holy tower is where the Pope worships and prays on weekdays.

Euphemistically speaking, this makes it easier to communicate with God.

However, now, Knight Commander Terry said that the great servant of God actually lives on this unremarkable mountainside?

There are two or three villages, large and small, here. The density of residents is not dense, but it is not considered a place of cleansing either.

Is that divine envoy really here?

This doesn't look like a place where a divine messenger should be!

"If you have any questions in your mind, you might as well ask the God Envoy himself later."

Knight Commander Terry seemed to see through Arlo's thoughts, but he did not point it out. Instead, he led her towards an inconspicuous courtyard in the village.

Just when Ai Luo was about to approach the small courtyard, two powerful forces swept over him.

The knight had quick eyes and quick hands, and protected Aurora behind him.

Then they saw two figures rising into the sky and fighting fiercely in mid-air.

One of the figures is wearing a crown of fire and a cape of blazing fire, looking like the outfit of a forbidden mage.

The other girl was dressed more casually. She was obviously a magician, but she was holding an iron rod with a curved front and danced vigorously.

Her fighting style has nothing to do with a mage. Instead, she rushes directly towards the enemy, trying to kill the opponent with progress.

The Flame Queen fought and retreated, and had been severely suppressed from the beginning of the battle.

On the other hand, her enemies seemed to be doing it with ease.

"Those are the guardian angels of Lord Angel, and his disciple, Lord Emily."

The knight commander recognized the two fighting parties and introduced them to Arlo: "This is daily training. You must have noticed that they are both very powerful."

" that so?"

Ai Luo swallowed and looked at the sky curiously: "Uncle Terry, how do you compare with them?"

Terry laughed dryly: "Let's put it this way, if I perform exceptionally, I can force out 30% of the guardian angel's power.

But even though I tried my best, I still couldn't figure out how much of Emily's strength she used.

Let's go, let them beat them, let's go see the envoy of God! "

Although Arlo was more interested in the fierce battle in the sky, he finally followed the knight commander to the small courtyard.

After all, she still carries an important mission.

"Master Divine Envoy, the envoy from the Divine Court has arrived. As the special envoy, Saint Aurora wants to see you."

"Well, okay, come in."

The knight commander pushed open the door and walked in, followed nervously by Arlo.

When he arrived at the small courtyard, Ai Luo finally saw the legendary angel of light - Wright himself.

For a moment, Ai Luo felt a little disappointed.

He is quite handsome, and he is still very young, probably about the same age as himself.

But no matter how he looked, he looked like a sunny and cheerful boy, watering the flowers in the vegetable garden.

There is some discrepancy between the wise, enterprising, erudite and stalwart divine envoy in the legend.

At least in Ai Luo's view, the divine envoy should be a calm, capable uncle with melancholy eyes, or an old, stable and weather-beaten old man.

As a young man, even if there seems to be nothing wrong with him, he always feels a little frivolous.

After traveling a long distance and carrying such an important mission, did you just come to see him?

Just when Ai Luo was in a daze, the knight commander knelt down on one knee: "Master God Envoy, I have brought Saint Ai Luo to see you."

Wright put down the kettle in his hand and showed a friendly smile.

"I'm sorry, Miss Saint, to disappoint you."

"No, no, no...I...I'm sorry, Lord God Envoy, I just didn't expect you to be so young."

Wright clasped his hands behind his back and sighed: "Yeah, I often feel tired because I have to bear responsibilities that I shouldn't bear at this age.

But it’s all worth it for the sake of the believers.

Just like Miss Ai Luo, she traveled a long distance and carried such an important mission to see me. It must be for the blessing of the believers, right? "

Ai Luo laughed awkwardly. This question was really not easy to answer.

If I had to say it, she must have come here for the vested interests of the higher-ups in the Divine Court.

A blessing for believers?

It seemed that neither he nor the senior officials had the intention to consider before sending the mission.

The world is getting worse. Ai Luo remembers that when he was a child, about ten years ago, when the Divine Court was doing these things, they still knew how to cover it up with the banner of bringing benefits to the believers.

As a result, now, I don’t even pretend anymore.

"Ailuo, didn't you have a lot of questions to ask the envoy on the road just now?"

The knight commander kindly reminded Arlo, who was stunned for a moment, then nodded repeatedly.

She does have a lot of questions. She was just out of curiosity and hoped someone could answer her questions.

But now, she still wants to use these questions to test whether this divine envoy really has real talents or is he just cheating?

"Lord Angel, I want to know why you chose to live here instead of on the top of the mountain?"

"because I like it."


Regarding this answer, Ai Luo almost broke the defense on the spot.

What do you mean because I like it? This answer is too easy, and even a bit contemptuous.

"Can the Lord Envoy explain?"

Wright laughed: "The top of the mountain is too cold, the wind is strong, and the soil is relatively poor. Although the scenery is beautiful, it is not suitable for living.

In comparison, I prefer this height, the temperature and humidity are suitable, and I can grow some of my favorite vegetables. "

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