This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 589 The Naughty Child's Whip Kick

"Dad~Dad~Where are we going?"

"Good son, Dad will take you to have some fun."

Little Exers sat on Wright's neck and grabbed his ears. There was a big question mark in his little head.

He was still young and didn't know what his father meant by having fun.

However, it was this experience that made little Exers like having fun.

Wright did plan to take his son to the Demon Realm to sort out the Wireless Spiral Abyss Development Company and then bring back Little Red Riding Hood Ruby.

Of course, the most important thing was to let his son show up in the Demon Realm.

This was also an explanation to the members of the Welcoming Organization.

Wright was a sentimental person, and the Welcoming Organization had been doing their best to serve him as the future Demon Lord.

Although there was an exchange of interests between the two sides, the Welcoming Organization also received a lot of substantial benefits.

But Wright always believed that there was something other than the transfer of interests between him and them.

Now that the real Demon Lord had been found, of course he had to show him to them.

Besides, he is his own son, so he should keep his wealth within his family.

However, when he arrived at Purgatory, he found it full of demons.

"This is quite unusual."

Wright looked at the crowded Purgatory and was surprised.

The last time it was so lively was when he led the company's rats to explore the abyss and sold a lot of tickets.

Why, there is another performance, and no one notified him, the general manager?

"Yes, they are!"

Wright saw at a glance that the core members of the greeters were besieged at the entrance of Purgatory and the Abyss by these demons of unknown origin.

They were on edge, and they were about to fight if they disagreed.

"What is this?"

"Hey! Wright! You, you, you dare to come!"

At this moment, the angry demon appeared in front of Wright.

As the master of Purgatory, Wright sensed it the moment he descended.

Now it is so chaotic here, all because of the man in front of him.

If these two groups of demons fight here, his purgatory will be destroyed.

Thinking of this, the angry demon was anxious. He was about to question Wright, but suddenly his body was stiff and his eyes were blank. He was stunned.

Why is there a little kid riding on Wright's neck?

Why did he only sense Wright when the two of them came to Purgatory just now?

Who is this child?

Looks a bit like Wright!

The angry demon was puzzled and looked up, and they looked even more alike! Are the two of them related?

Hey? Why look up?

Hey? Why am I kneeling here?

Hey? Hey hey hey?

The angry demon found that he was extremely angry after kneeling down.

He has been controlling his emotions for so many years, and he has achieved the point where he can control his anger freely.

But now, anger instantly fills his body! And his strength has also been raised to its peak!

But he still can't stand up.

"This...what's going on?"

Could it be that the other party took away the control of his body?

The angry demon was shocked and angry, and hurriedly called on the power of the realm master to regain control of his body!

Don't give up! My knees!

But the next moment, he was frightened and cold all over.

Because the power of the realm master of Purgatory actually chose to surrender.

This! This is something that has never happened before!

Although he is the realm master, his relationship with Purgatory is not master and servant, but more like working together.

And now, he clearly feels the humility and submission emanating from the entire Purgatory.

This child! Who is he! ?

The angry demon was unwilling to accept it. After all, he is also a powerful native demon and a creation of the will of the abyss!

In addition, he is also a powerful concept-level strongman, a top demon who is well versed in human nature!

Why did he kneel down involuntarily?


At this time, little Exus, who was riding on Wright's neck, poked his head out and looked at the purgatory realm master curiously.

The moment he saw the child's eyes, the angry demon was hit hard!

In a trance, he saw a dark and cold sun, covering the entire sky and hanging above his head.

Supreme majesty!

Supreme stature!

Supreme coldness!

Supreme splendor!


And he himself was like a speck of dust in front of this evil sun, small and humble...

At this moment, the angry demon suddenly understood why, as the master of the realm, he could not sense the other party's arrival?

"My Lord!"

The angry demon knocked his head to the ground with a bang, wishing he could bury his head in the soil.

Wright saw his behavior and smiled knowingly: "Oh, you recognized him?"

"It is the greatest honor of my life to see my Lord! My Lord, please allow me to offer my most pious loyalty!"

"We'll talk about loyalty later."

Wright waved his hand and pointed to the demons not far away: "What's going on?"

"Wright... Your Excellency. You don't know yet, something happened in the demon world."

The angry demon was terrified: "Two days ago, the entire demon world suddenly erupted with a powerful wave.

Although no one explained it, almost all the demons felt that it was the energy throbbing of the birth of the Lord of the Demon World.

The demon world finally welcomed its master!

But at the same time, it also illustrates one thing.

That is, you are not the Lord of the Demon Realm..."

Having said this, the angry demon looked at Wright in embarrassment.

Yes, this man is not the Lord of the Demon Realm, he is the Demon Lord’s father!

"Ahem, you also know that the banner that the greeters have been using before is to welcome the demon lord to the demon world.

And they have always regarded you as the master of the demon world.

In fact, everyone has gradually acquiesced in this matter. A lot of cooperation, a lot of conflicts, and many, many things have developed to this day based on this premise.

Suddenly, you are no longer the devil.

This change was huge and its impact was far-reaching.

There are many demon gods who have been affected and are ready to come to you for an explanation.

But you were not around for a long time, so they targeted the Welcomers Organization and your Supreme Spiral Company. "


Wright sneered: "Then I am really the one who pushed down the wall and beat the drum with thousands of people!


He looked up and found that most of the greeters were there, and he felt relieved for a moment.

“I’m very happy that no trees fell down and the hozens scattered.

Good son, come! "

Wright reached out and picked off the little Axis and put it on the ground.

"Sneak up behind those people and kick them with your naughty kick!"

Little Axel's innocent eyes reflected excitement.

"Okay daddy!"

The angry demon staggered, looking at the noisy group of demon gods in the distance who wanted to make the greeters pay the price, and silently mourned for them.

It’s not good to offend anyone, why offend Wright?

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