This Pirate Relies on Justice

Chapter 273: Upside Down Mountain, Twin Gorges! Mr. Ship Doctor of One Piece!

This pirate is backed by justice Chapter 273 Upside Down Mountain, Twin Gorges! Mr. Ship Doctor of One Piece!

The red earth continent and the great waterway that traverse the planet have two opposite intersections on this sea.

The first is the sacred place where the world's aristocratic dragons gather - Mary Joa;

Second, it was blocking the front of the Destiny Pirates' sailboat A - Upside Down Mountain!

At this moment, on the deck of sailboat A.

All the members of the Destiny Pirates gathered here at the same time, staring at the turbulent and turbulent channel in front of the ship.

"It's better to see once you hear it."

Robin, who has the highest cultural literacy, couldn't help but let out a sigh of admiration when he looked at the special channel ahead that completely violated the laws of nature.

"The legendary Upside Down Mountain! It really is an incredible wonder of the world!"

The rest of the Destiny Pirates were also amazed by the special sight of Upside Down Mountain.

The sea water from the four major outer seas converged here under the action of powerful ocean currents, and surged up at the same time, forming a special ocean current that went upstream. Seaway on the side of the Great Route.

A slightly weaker sailboat, or an inexperienced pirate, will easily bid farewell to the sea completely in the alternation of these double turbulent currents.

"Are you ready to enter the Great Route? Everyone! Then—"

Cui Ze looked around and shouted at the members of the Destiny Pirates.

"Stand firmly, hold on, and hit the soul!"

The waves roared down below.

Under the precise control of the ship's spirit, Little Cheshire, Yacht A nimbly "drilled" into the surging seaway leading to the top of the Upside-Down Mountain.

Following the incomparably fierce rush of the sea, the sailboat A rose rapidly all the way, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed over a distance of nearly 10,000 meters.

Whether it was the scarlet soil or the white clouds, they were all left behind by the sailboat A.

Such an incomparably fast speed made Cui Ze subconsciously think of the regular upwelling current near Gaya Island.

"Ah! It's terrible!


"Death or death!"

"It's so dangerous!


Several members of the Destiny Pirates with weaker psychological qualities, such as Xiaolan, Xiaolan-nosed reindeer, Miss Bun, etc. who did not want to be named, couldn't help but uttered extremely high-pitched voices during such intense surfing action. 's screams.

The voyage did not stop there, however.

The white sailboat rushed straight over the top of the Upside-Down Mountain, continued to fly for dozens of meters in mid-air following its inertia, and then fell toward another channel, and swooped down at several times the flow rate when it was upstream!

The decibels of the terrifying noises of the three who had just screamed increased by two levels.


The huge sailboat A fell heavily under the foot of the Upside-Down Mountain, knocking out a monstrous wave, with a deafening roar, accompanied by scattered transparent water droplets that spread around.


On the deck of Sailboat A, the shy girl let out a long sigh and patted her proud pectoral muscles in a soothing way.

"This is probably the most exciting experience since joining the Pirates..."

After going through the two procedures of "upstream" and "downstream", Sailing A has arrived at the true starting point of the great waterway paradise stage.

Under Cui Ze's instructions, Little Cheshire did not move forward directly, but steered sailboat A, slowly and leisurely towards the two towering lighthouses standing at the foot of the Upside-Down Mountain.

This is the real starting point of the seven different routes in the first half of the great route - Twin Gorges!

Below the lighthouse on the left of the Twin Gorges.

An old man with a hairstyle like half a flower is half lying on a beach chair and reading a newspaper. He has a half-length gray beard on his chin. He wears a brightly colored short-sleeved shirt on the upper body and a blue medium on the lower body. Pants with flip flops.

The constant approach of sailboat A, the sound of the water, also attracted the attention of the casually dressed old man.

"Huh? What a beautiful boat... Seems like a perfect collection..."

Looking away from the main body of the white sailboat, the old man looked at the central mast of the sailboat again, and at the pirate flag hanging on top of it.

"What kind of pirate group is this? I seem to have seen it somewhere before..."

Sailing ship A landed steadily.

The members of the Destiny Pirates, led by Cui Ze, got off the ship in an orderly manner.

The old man silently watched the actions of this group of newcomers and juniors, and did not show the slightest reaction.

"First meeting, I take the liberty to interrupt."

Cui Ze smiled kindly at the old man.

"Mr. Kurokas."

"You actually know me?"

Kurokas folded the newspaper in his hand and put it aside, looking at the handsome newbie pirate with some curiosity.

That feeling of deja vu is getting more and more obvious...

"The tower guardian of the Twin Gorges, and the ship doctor of the pirate group of Roger One Piece."

Cui Ze took out an E-rank card and sandwiched it between his fingers.

"I have a seriously ill patient here. I wonder if Mr. Kurokas is willing to help him treat it?"

while talking.

Cui Ze activated [Spiritual Call], and Praide on the side received the message, and a strange-faced "handy Praide" walked off the sailboat A with a few boxes of supplies.

Hear what the captain has to say.

The other members of the Destiny Pirates looked at this ordinary casual old man in amazement.

Just this old man?

One Piece Roger's crew?

Could it be that the captain got fake news from somewhere?

Krokas ignored the expressions of the other members of the Destiny Pirates. He looked at Cui Ze and at the boxes of supplies that "Preder the Handyman" took down.

"Although I don't know where you heard about me, I haven't treated anyone else for a long time."

"Don't worry, Mr. Kurokas."

Cui Ze motioned to "Preder, the handyman", and moved the boxes of supplies to Kurokas's side.

"I'm confident that I have enough valuable chips to pay for your consultation."

Kurokas became interested, and he looked down at the boxes of supplies.

"Just how many boxes?"

"Of course not They're just a little greeting."

Cui Ze looked at Kurokas and stretched out two fingers.

"I have two pieces of information here, the first one is about the Rumba Pirates; the second one is about Roger's straw hat.

"I don't know which information Mr. Kurokas is willing to use as your consultation fee?"

Rumba Pirates!

Roger's straw hat!

Hearing these two special words, Kurokas's child hole shrank instantly.

The old ship doctor looked at each other suspiciously.

At this time, he has already recognized the identity of the other party, the captain of the Destiny Pirates, the card master with a reward of nearly one billion Bailey!

Kurokas gave up his plan to forcibly ask for news from the other party.

With his current strength, there is absolutely no problem with dealing with ordinary sea kings or rookie pirates from all over the world.

But for the card master who "can beat Rayleigh"...

Better not to send it.

Kurokas was silent for a long time, then said slowly, "I'm very interested in these two pieces of information."

The implication is that he wants these two pieces of information!

"It really is the style of a pirate."

Cui Ze usually summoned the E-rank card, and a thin figure emerged from the card.

"However, it's not a big deal to pass all these two pieces of information to you.

"As long as you can successfully cure this child's..."

Don't wait for Cui Ze to finish talking.

Krokas looked at the thin child with ferocious white spots all over his body, and subconsciously said the name of the disease that made countless doctors smell it.

"Leader's Disease!"+BOOKBOOK+

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