This Pirate Relies on Justice

Chapter 274: Heal Trafalgar Law! The old trainee's regularization! gift...

This pirate relies on justice Chapter 274 to heal Trafalgar Law! The old trainee's regularization! Gift White Elephant Fruit!

A little boy with lead disease.

Of course, it is the future pirate supernova that Cui Ze abducted in the North Sea, Trafalgar D. Law!

Since Mignon Island in the North Sea sealed Trafalgar Law into a blank card, nearly a year has passed unknowingly through the voyages of the North, East, South, and West.

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In the past nearly a year, it is not that Cui Ze did not think about curing Trafalgar Law.

But the problem lies in the treatment ability of the doctors in the four major overseas areas and the cognitive level of the lead disease...

Not to mention!

As for the members of the Destiny Pirates, most of them are only familiar with some simple bandages. After all, they will not get sick...

Therefore, Trafalgar Law has not been effectively treated.

If it weren't for the fact that the seal of the [Blank Card] also had the effect of time suspension, this future pirate supernova would have long since been turned into a dead bone in the mound.

Trafalgar Roe's lead disease is certainly not treatable by ordinary doctors.

After going through the four seas, Cui Ze set his sights on those super doctors or those with healing abilities in his memory.

Kolokas in Twin Gorges is one of them!

There are also Dr. Kureha from Drum Island, Yin Wankov from Kamabaka Kingdom, Mansherry from Dressrosa, Marco from Whitebeard Pirates…

It seems that some strange doctor has been mixed in?

Cui Ze still recognized the medical skills of Kurokas.

Roger's terminally ill top masters of the sea can be forcibly hanged by Kurokas, successfully complete the final voyage, and reach the final island of Ralph Drew...

'Speaking of which, Roger was terminally ill during the last two years of his voyage! ’

'Doesn't this mean that Roger fought the Atwall naval battle with the golden lion Shiki, fought against Whitebeard for three days and three nights, and snatched the red historical text from BIGMOM... all under the premise that he was terminally ill ongoing! ? ’

'Originally, I overestimated Roger's strength as much as possible... I didn't expect it to be underestimated? ’

In Cui Ze's mind, a few thoughts flashed through suddenly, but he was quickly forgotten by him.

The top priority is still the treatment of Trafalgar Law.

Out of concern for the "Rumba Pirates" and "Roger's Straw Hat" mentioned by Cui Ze.

Kurokas still stood up from the beach chair, walked to Trafalgar Law's side, lowered his head and started to check.

As a doctor, even though he lived in seclusion in the Twin Gorges all the year round, Kurokas had heard of the notorious Percy lead disease.

However, he would not, like some quack doctors, regard the lead disease as some kind of very terrifying and terrifying infectious disease.

"Deep heavy metal poisoning!"

Kurokas quickly confirmed the essence of "Public lead disease".

Cui Ze nodded with satisfaction.


This is called professional

But Kurokas's next sentence made Cui Ze's nodding motion froze in mid-air.

"It can't be cured, wait to die, goodbye."

"...Can you elaborate on the reason?"

Cui Ze looked at Trafalgar Law, who was still in a coma, and at Kurokas, who had given the doctor three lines.

"If I send him early, I can cut and reshape the organs in his body that are contaminated with heavy metals through some trivial means, and then hang his life to slowly restore his body."

Chlokas said something very paradoxical in a calm tone.

"It's a pity that he came too late, he was terminally ill, and there was no cure. If he used the means of cutting and transformation, he would not be able to sustain such a strong consumption of vitality."


Cui Ze inexplicably remembered Rabu, the island whale that was artificially transformed by Kurokas.

For such a large island whale, the quality of the corresponding bait should be very good—


Cui Ze still recognized the treatment plan provided by Kurokas.

If he remembered correctly, on the normal timeline, after eating the fruit of the operation, Trafalgar Law's self-rescue method was to "remove the lead attached to the liver"!

"That is to say, the difficulty of the current treatment is to make up for the severe consumption of the child's vitality during the surgical treatment?"

Cui Ze touched his chin, remembered one of his props, and confirmed it to Kurokas.

Kurokas nodded, "Yes! Unless you have some powerful healer Devil Fruits on board, then this kid might be saved."

"So who cherishes rare abilities, how can it be so easy to meet?"

Cui Ze threw out the [Treasure Room] noncommittally, and took out a [Immortal Bean] from inside.

"However, I just have a special item here, which can greatly compensate for the lack of energy and vitality in the human body."

"Beans, beans?"

Kurokas stared at the green pea-like thing in Cui Ze's palm with an unbelievable expression.

"You're not kidding, are you? Card Master!"

"Of course I'm not joking, the effect of this kind of beans is very powerful! Hmm, but it's not as strong as I thought..."

Cui Ze did not explain in detail the therapeutic effect of [Xiandou] to the old ship doctor, but just asked the other party to operate on Trafalgar Law as much as possible.

Seeing the card master's sworn expression, the doubtful Kurokas still took Trafalgar Law and a fairy bean into the lighthouse behind him.

But before entering, Kurokas still left a word.

"If the operation fails, I will stimulate his last vitality, which should last about a week."

"I believe in the medical skills of Mr. Kurokas!"

Cui Ze gave Pride a wink, and the latter split off a self, and followed Kurokas into the Twin Gorges Lighthouse.

"Captain, the child just now should be the child who followed Don Quixote Rossindi on the island of Mignon in the North Sea, right?"

The one who said this was Hawkins with a very good memory.

"That's right, Trafalgar D. Vatier Law. He'll be our next trainee on board."

Cui Ze nodded lightly and reported Luo's full name.

"As for the last intern...Drake!"

The captain suddenly shouted.

Made Drake stand up instantly, "Captain! What's your order!"

"No, I'm just going to congratulate you, you've turned positive!"

Cui Ze threw out another summoned a small and exquisite wooden treasure box from the card, and threw it to Drake in the air.

"This is your present as an official member of the Destiny Pirates, open it and take a look."

Drake immediately opened the treasure box he just got, but then raised his head in disbelief.

"Devil Fruit?! Captain, is this Devil Fruit really for me?"

"That's right, Zoology, Common Species, White Elephant Fruit."

Cui Ze pointed out the real name of the Devil Fruit in the treasure box.

"It's yours now!"

This is a decision made long ago.

During this time, Drake's performance on the ship was also watched by Cui Ze.

Therefore, Cui Ze gave this animal-type devil fruit to increase the strength of the regular intern.

At the same time as the positive change, he also obtained a secret treasure of the sea!

The double surprise made Drake, who has always been calm, a little overjoyed.

Don't look at the group of devil fruit power users on the Destiny Pirates.

But in fact, Devil Fruit is really a very rare sea treasure!

As for the animal department or not...

Drake didn't care too much.

Unless it is a legendary natural system or an Eudemons species.

Otherwise, other Devil Fruit types are not much different in Drake's eyes.

Even compared to the ever-changing Superman.

Drake also likes animals a bit more!

Without much hesitation, Drake directly ate the [White Elephant Fruit].

With that unforgettable smell of disgust.

The White Elephant Fruit Ability is born! +Bookmark+

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