"Eighteen Prince Swords?" Lu Tianhao looked at the sword, curious about its name. "Does that mean each of the Eighteen Clan clans has one?"

"Of course!" Lu Qingzhuo said as he walked out. "I'll give you the Eighteen Prince Swords. The power transfer of the Lu family is basically over. I'll send a note to all the major families later, and I won't have anything to do in the future."

"Hey?" Lu Tianhao looked at the shuriken, then looked at Lu Qingzhuo. "No, Dad, is that all? So simple?"

Where's the promised sense of ceremony? Where's the grand scene?

How come it's a prince's succession ceremony? Why does it look so low?

"What else?" Lu Qingzhuo turned around when he heard Lu Tianhao's words. "Do you want me to take you to Mount Tai to worship the heavens, or to build a rooftop to worship the ancestors? That's all my sense of ceremony."

After that, Lu Qingzhuo left the ancestral temple without looking back!

Lu Tianhao looked at Lu Qingzhuo's back, put away his sword, and slapped his forehead. "What kind of postmodernist father is this!"

As he said that, Lu Tianhao threw the Eighteen Princes Sword into his Xumi Ring.

When Lu Tianhao was about to leave, Lu Rong jumped out. "Oh, I can't believe that such a wicked guy like you has become the nominal half-head of the Lu family. I feel so sad for the people under the rule of the Lu family in the future!"

Lu Tianhao glanced at Lu Rong. "What are you sad about!"

Lu Tianhao suddenly thought that the position of president would belong to Lu Wanqing in the future.

It seems that his job is only to socialize with major families, walk birds, play with dogs, and attend dinner parties.

I have only been working for two months, and it has become a retired life!

"I have an agreement here. Do you want to take a look?" Lu Rong became life-size and took out a contract from her personal space.

The key is that it is still on paper.

It is also in Chinese.

Doesn't Lu Rong, the alien, usually use holographic projection for everything?

Lu Tianhao took it and saw that it said "Agreement on Issues Related to the Peaceful and Safe Development of Independently Evolved Civilization Races".

The content is not complicated, with three sheets of paper in total.

The content of the first sheet is to require the leaders to do their best to maintain world peace, reduce friction, and promote the rapid development of civilization.

Lu Tianhao felt that he had seen this part in the high school political textbook.

The second sheet is that the Kingdom of God provides protection for the emerging civilization itself to prevent other civilizations from invading the civilization through war.

And it can provide a window for communication with other civilizations.

Some of the content is more like science fiction, but Lu Tianhao can understand it.

The third sheet will provide some benefits.

For example, reduce some natural disasters, increase national cohesion and national self-confidence.

Subtly promote the development of the science and technology department or the mysterious department in the civilized world and improve the living standards of residents.

Enhance the luck and growth attributes of the residents under the rule.

Provide material rewards to the rulers, including rice, flour, grain, oil, five insurances and one fund, safety protection, etc.

Lu Tianhao looked at the contents of the three agreements and always felt that they would be more suitable for novels of the prehistoric times or games like Civilization.

Lu Tianhao scratched his head, "I don't quite understand this agreement!"

"In short, after you sign this agreement, I will protect your Lu family's fiefdom! The development speed will be much faster than any other place in the world!" Lu Rong explained briefly, "And you, I will take care of you in person in the future."

Lu Tianhao smiled and thought to himself, 'It's because of you that I'm worried! '

Are you ready to throw me into the gap of the universe and beat me up!

"But shouldn't this kind of contract be signed with someone like a head of state?" Lu Tianhao looked at the agreement with some doubts.

Lu Rong shook her head. "We don't sign agreements with state managers, because that kind of agreement is just a piece of waste paper. We only sign agreements with those who have real power in the country, such as your Lu family."

"Huh?" Lu Tianhao was shocked. "Are you saying that our Lu family has more power than the head of state?"

"The so-called cabinet and prime minister of the Four Continents are just the product of the compromise of the eighteen families." Lu Rong turned on the holographic projection. "You will gradually understand these after you become the general secretary of the Lu family. It doesn't matter if I don't show it to you now, so that you can broaden your horizons."

"All this information is collected by me since I came to this world!"

The matter of compromising on the selection of nominal leaders is not uncommon in history.

For example, the Secretary-General of the United Nations in the parallel world was selected by compromise.

Lu Tianhao looked at the information provided by Lu Rong.

The content is very large and complicated, almost describing the collapse of the previous dynasty, the establishment of the Four Continents, and the history of development in great detail.Come.

Although most of them are the same as what is written in the history books of the Four Continents.

However, there are still many secrets that Lu Rong has uncovered.

The political framework of the Four Continents is somewhat similar to the cabinet system of the Ming Dynasty.

It's just that there is no emperor above, and the chief minister of the cabinet is nominally the head of state.

Behind the selection of the chief minister of each cabinet is the result of mutual compromise between the eighteen families.

However, now only the Lu family and the Yuan family have absolute say in the selection of the chief minister of the cabinet.

Lu Tianhao was shocked when he looked at the information. At first, he only thought that the Lu family was just a local lord, but he didn't expect that the Lu family actually had the strength to overturn the table with the state machine.

Where is the ceiling of power in the secular world!

Just look at Lu Tianhao and you will know!

"And my contract is very generous." Lu Rong pointed to the contract in Lu Tianhao's hand.

"This contract means that I still have the important task of maintaining world peace." Lu Tianhao looked at the contract.

"As long as no one starts a world-destroying war, this treaty is generally not enforced. After all, you are not asked to be the world police. You are not responsible for the fight between two penguins in Antarctica." Lu Rong rolled her eyes.

Lu Tianhao took another look at the treaty. Many of the clauses on it are just in case, and they may not happen.

For example, alien invasions.

As for the reduction of natural disasters on the third page, it should be that aliens like Lu Rong use some meteorological weapons or some fantasy-like means to make changes.

"Let me ask again, what does this 'subtly promote the development of science and technology' mean? Will you personally go down to the scene to know?" Lu Tianhao asked.

"Of course not." Lu Rong shook her head and said, "I won't create some incidents like apples hitting the head to remind you."

Looking at other places, Lu Tianhao felt that there was nothing to ask.

As for the protection provided to Lu Tianhao himself.

Lu Tianhao felt that there was no need.

As for the protection of himself, Lu Tianhao felt that Lu Rong should have nothing to protect himself.

Now the attack power is not good, but it is really resistant to beating!

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