‘Eh~~~~! ’

Ye Feng stuffed the last piece of oil wheat into his mouth and dipped it in sesame paste, then burped. He was almost full.

Fortunately, the boss didn’t come out to chase the donkey after hearing the burp.

Although there was only a small plate of oil wheat, a small plate of sesame paste, and a bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge on the table at this time.

But these were the tableware left after the waiter cleaned the table four times.

Ye Feng didn’t eat all day on Sunday, which was to make up for the loss of not eating yesterday.

The specific process was like this,

Ye Feng left the detention center at 8 o’clock in the morning, and there was no food in the detention center.

After leaving the detention center, he started looking for his tram.

After finding the battery and confirming that it was not stolen, he started delivering takeout.

It was not until after eleven o’clock in the evening that I was so sleepy that I couldn’t lift my eyelids, so I fell asleep directly in the Internet cafe.

After waking up early today, I found that I was hungry.

When he came to the breakfast shop, he ate everything on the table cleanly like the flowing water of the Yangtze River and the wind sweeping away all the clouds.

Bian Shuang, who was sitting opposite Ye Feng, looked at Ye Feng and felt very unhappy.

He didn't eat either, but because he was used to getting up early and not eating, he didn't think anything of it at the beginning.

But now, the aroma of various meals and Ye Feng's wolfing posture aroused the greed in his stomach.

Soon Bian Shuang's stomach started to growl.

But because the price in this shop was really a bit expensive, Bian Shuang could only bear it.

After all, it was only eight yuan for a small bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge, and he felt that he would not be full even if he drank two bowls.

Soon Ye Feng finished two bowls of preserved egg and lean meat porridge and ate four fried dough sticks.

Bian Shuang was relieved to see that Ye Feng had finally finished eating. He was finally leaving this hell.

The important thing was to ask Ye Feng for the debt.

When Bian Shuang came, the boss told Bian Shuang that Ye Feng should have money but not much. Whoever finds Ye Feng first can collect the debt.

If you find Ye Feng later, you can only consider yourself unlucky.

If Bian Shuang can collect the debt, he will get a bonus of 500 yuan this month.

Bian Shuang was very excited when he heard that there was a bonus.

He came to the Internet cafe early in the morning to block Ye Feng, hoping to get the 500 yuan bonus.

But he didn't expect that he didn't get the bonus, and was tortured to death by Ye Feng with breakfast.

"Ye..." Bian Shuang was about to ask about the debt.

Only to see Ye Feng put up his palm and interrupt Bian Xi's words.

"I haven't eaten enough yet, wait a minute." Ye Feng stood up again and walked towards the front desk.

"Hey?" Bian Shuang opened his mouth to ask something but didn't say it.

The second time Ye Feng came back, he bought tofu brain and fried cakes.

The tofu pudding was also a small bowl, but it looked very delicate. In addition to tofu, thick soup, coriander, pickles and shrimp skin, there were also black fungus, bean curd and small shrimp.

The color of the oil cake was also golden yellow and very chewy.

The refreshing fragrance was definitely fried in scallion oil.

The tofu pudding was very thick, and the scallion fragrance of the oil cake was also very strong.

Bian Shuang's saliva flowed down several times, but he swallowed it back forcibly.

Soon Ye Feng finished the tofu pudding and oil cake again.

Ye Feng stood up again and said to Bian Shuang, "I'm not full yet, wait a little longer!"

"I..." Bian Shuang didn't know what to say anymore!

After three or four times, Bian Shuang had nothing to say except swearing!

There are many ways to escape debt in his mind, but he still lives a long time to see himself eating too much~!

After a long time, Ye Feng burped for a long time, leaned back on the seat, holding his stomach, and looked like he was finally full and enjoying it.

"What's the matter? You can tell me now." Ye Feng took a toothpick from the table and put it in his mouth and said nonchalantly.

Bian Shuang was so angry now. It turned out that you didn't know why I was looking for you until now!

But he still had to smile on his face, "Mr. Ye Feng, you should have paid back the loan you borrowed from the Internet last month."

Ye Feng spit out the toothpick in his mouth and said calmly, "I don't have money now."

Bian Shuang asked back, "You came to such an expensive restaurant and ate so much when you have no money."

"It's because I came to such an expensive restaurant and ate so much that I have no money." Ye Feng said nonchalantly, "I still have more than a hundred on me just now!"

Bian Shuang actually felt that it made sense for a while and was speechless!

Bian Shuang's face changed suddenly after hearing Ye Feng say that he had no money, and his face became very ugly!

He put his arms on the table, leaned forward, and stuck his head forward, trying to get as close to Ye Feng as possible. His eyes became fierce, and he said in a low voice, "Mr. Ye Feng, you should know that it is natural to pay back your debts. If you don't pay it back, I don't know what I will do to you?"

If it was when Ye Feng was chasing Zhao Qian, he might have been frightened by Bian Shuang's words.

But now Ye Feng is no longer afraid of such threats.

After all, the week he spent in the detention center was not in vain. The social practice classes he took were more than the social practice classes he had taken in the past 20 years.

Ye Feng smiled disdainfully, "Are you threatening me?"

Bian Shuang was also shocked when he heard Ye Feng's words. Ye Feng was not frightened by him.

But Bian Shuang was also an old hand and immediately said, "No, Mr. Ye Feng, I don't mean to scare you. I'm just stating a fact."

Ye Feng leaned back in his chair and looked at Bian Shuang with some boredom, "I really have no money now, but I can go to get it."

"I still don't care about the money I owe you!"

"Do you want to come with me?"

Hearing Ye Feng say that he could pay back the money, Bian Shuang frowned, but still said, "Okay! I'll go with you."

At one end of Jinmao Pedestrian Street is Jinmao Tower.

On the other side is Lu's Trade City!

There are countless supermarkets, shopping malls, office buildings, parks and squares around it, so it is not an exaggeration to say that it is one of the most prosperous areas in Linhai.

Because it is summer vacation now, Jinmao Pedestrian Street is already crowded.

Most of them are students, and they are the main force in the sales of sports brands and short videos.

Ye Feng also plunged into the crowd.

Bian Shuang didn't know why Ye Feng said he would come to Jinmao Pedestrian Street to withdraw money.

But he was afraid that Ye Feng would run into the crowd and run away, and he didn't dare to ask why he came to Jinmao Pedestrian Street.

He had to follow closely, for fear of losing him.

Ye Feng didn't care whether Bian Shuang behind him was following him.

His heart was beating wildly now, because in such a prosperous commercial street, ten shops belonged to him.

Ye Feng looked along the house number hanging on the door and finally found the house number written on the property certificate on the mark!

Moreover, they are the ten largest shops at the intersection of Jinmao Pedestrian Street. You can tell what kind of shops they are at a glance.

There are ten shops from left to right, including a hot pot restaurant, a mobile phone store, a small appliance store, two fast food restaurants, and five clothing stores.

Ye Feng couldn't stop smiling when he looked at his shop. He looked at his watch and it was almost twelve o'clock.

Although Ye Feng had eaten breakfast and was not hungry, he decided to go to the hot pot restaurant first.

Because the sign of the hot pot restaurant was new, it was only a week after the renovation.

The sign of "Opening with Good Luck" at the gate had not been removed yet.

Ye Feng decided to go in and take a look.

Seeing Ye Feng enter the hot pot restaurant, Bian Shuang thought, Ye Feng would not really intend to eat himself to death and not pay back the money, so he hurried in!

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