("A-choo!" Chen Fei, who was sleeping on the office chair, suddenly sneezed. After waking up, he rubbed his nose and said, "Why did I sneeze? Is it because the air conditioner is too low... No, I'm not afraid of the low air conditioner temperature!")

Feng Yuzhang, who was sitting next to him, knew what the monkey Li Shan was talking about.

Because when he dealt with Wuzhiqi, he was one of the few top fighters in the Four Continents.

He had experienced how terrifying the power of Wuzhiqi, a great demon eight hundred years ago, was.

The breath of breathing turned the rivers and seas upside down.

The gestures of his hands and feet destroyed the world.

A monkey was playing with the four people in the supreme realm.

Yes, it was playing!

Because Wuzhiqi didn't take them seriously at all.

As a result, Wuzhiqi was thrown out of Linjiang by Li Shan like a chicken.

Li Shan asked Wuzhiqi if he was willing to be a member of the Lu family's guard.

How could such an arrogant guy like Wuzhiqi be willing!

What followed was a beating by Li Shan.

Li Shan said, ‘Fuck you!’ and went up with a bench.

Just like a gangster fight, they shouted at Wuzhiqi’s head.

At the end of the fight, the four supremes hurriedly went up to stop him and asked Li Shan to stop, ‘Old Li, Old Li, stop, stop, we are all tired.’

Li Shan didn’t understand why the four supremes were tired, and watched from the side, cracking melon seeds and drinking tea, and even eating watermelon, and asked, ‘Why are you tired.’

‘Listen to this monkey’s call, I’m tired, my ears are almost calloused, let this monkey rest for a while.’

Wuzhiqi felt so wronged that he almost cried.

His head was covered with lumps, and he looked almost like Buddha when he covered his face.

When Li Shan drank a few sips of tea and was ready to fight again, Wuzhiqi agreed to be a member of the Lu family guards, provided that he was provided with food and accommodation.

Li Shan put down the bench in his hand and said, "Master is right. We should convince people with reason!"

Lu Tianhao found a broken jade pendant among the dazzling array of jade pendants. It was only half a piece, with the word Shangguan written on it.

"Uncle Li, why is there only half a jade pendant here!" Lu Tianhao asked curiously.

"Which one are you talking about?" Li Shan put down the teacup in his hand.

"That was when I went to see an old friend about fifty or sixty years ago."

"Because my old friend's family fell into poverty, he asked me to bring his great-grandson back to the Lu family to be a member of the Lu family's guards."

"But his grandson's qualifications were too poor, and I couldn't refuse him in person, so I had to say that I didn't have the right, but I could teach him a few tricks."

"About ten years later, the kid had become famous and challenged various masters. This jade pendant was the first jade pendant he obtained from a hidden family he challenged."

"A few years later, he found me, broke the jade pendant in half, and gave me half of it as a thank you for my teaching."

Lu Tianhao looked at it and nodded. It seems that this jade pendant is still very commemorative!

Lu Tianhao put the jade pendant back "Uncle Li, my father asked you to continue to protect me in the future!"

"Well, I know about this matter, young master. I will protect you secretly in the future. Don't worry." Li Shan responded with a smile.

"Then, Uncle Li, I'll take my leave and won't bother you anymore!" Lu Tianhao bowed and left.


Ye Feng on the other side sat on the curb with a bruised face and touched the bruises on his face.

"Hiss!" Ye Feng grimaced as he touched it. "It hurts so much, this bastard is so cruel!"

Ye Feng and Bian Shuang were both injured in the fight.

Bian Shuang beat Ye Feng so badly that his face was bruised, and Ye Feng also beat Bian Shuang so badly that he saw stars.

But if we were to say who was more miserable.

It must be Bian Shuang, who had more combat experience, who beat Ye Feng more miserably.

Ye Feng took out the only two property certificates left in the battle from his takeaway box and looked at them.

The stamps and signatures on the property certificates were all there, and he really couldn't tell that this property certificate was fake.

"How about I go to the Housing Authority to ask?" Ye Feng simply stood up and walked to the bench for people to rest in the square next to him, and lay down on it without any image.

Ye Feng thought about it, "But even if the Housing Authority can prove that the house is mine, what can it do? Bring the Housing Authority to prove it on site?"

"The Housing Authority will definitely not come, the property certificate is enough!"

"But even if there is a property certificate, those merchants don't recognize him as the owner now!"

"Go to court with Jinmao Tower? There is almost no chance of winning!"

"Oh, what should I do?"

Thinking about it, Ye Feng covered his face with the property certificate and fell asleep.


Lu Tianhao returned to Lu's Building from Lu's Mansion and met JiangShang Xue.

"Sister Xue, how is the situation at Beishan Ranch?" Lu Tianhao asked.

Jiang Shangxue said with some resentment in her tone, "I don't know why you are in a hurry to transfer Beishan Ranch to Jinqi Beverage."

"But I used some of my privileges. Twenty-four hours ago, the bottom-level farms, slaughterhouses, and plantations."

"The middle-level dairy processing plants, meat processing plants, and small food processing plants."

"They have all been transferred to the name of Jinqi Beverage. As for the stubborn upper-level people who don't seek to make progress and only know how to make money, they are still retained under the Beishan Animal Husbandry."

"Now now, although Beishan Animal Husbandry looks like a giant, but it has actually been hollowed out. "

"We acted very quickly, and since Lu's Group is the only shareholder of Beishan Ranch, we have the right to sign orders without authorization."

"When I emptied the entire Beishan Ranch, their top management didn't even notice it."

"We also cut off Beishan Ranch's liquidity, and now Beishan Ranch is just an empty shell."

"And now 24 hours have passed, Beishan Ranch must be in chaos!" Jiang Shangxue reported everything.

Jinqi Food is also a large beverage company that Lu's holdings hold 90%.

The last time Jinqi Beverage appeared was when Lu Tianhao was fighting with the toilet... Uh, no!

It was the company managed by the middle-aged man who called Luo Fuli when he was fighting with Geng Xiaofei.

Lu Tianhao asked again, "Who owns Beishan Ranch now?"

"Under the name of Ye Feng, he gave us 300 billion, which is five times the value of Beishan Ranch before we took them out of business!" Jiang Shangxue said in surprise, and then said, "I guess the other party didn't know we had started when they bought it. Even now, the surface market value of Beishan Animal Husbandry is still 60 billion!"

"Is that so?" Lu Tianhao nodded.

He almost understood Qian Duoduo's characteristics!

Qian Duoduo is very harmful to modern society, but it is very rigid!


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