Li Zhen's eyebrows were full of seriousness.

Because since he came to this world, nothing he encountered was the same as the original novel.

At first, he thought it was the change caused by his arrival.

But as a little bit of events surfaced, Li Zhen found that it was not so simple.

There were several people and companies and forces that were not from this world at all.

These forces were not small forces.

This kind of force that can throw out 10 billion at will should not be underestimated.

Li Zhen was a time traveler, and he also knew what 10 billion meant. "Is it because of the participation of these forces that caused the change in this world line."

"But what do these people represent?" Li Zhen was a little confused.


Are Qian Duoduo and others also system owners?

But how can the system owner know that he is a villain?

Generally speaking, don't villains know everything?

Ordinary system owners are just a piece of meat on the chopping board, waiting to be slaughtered by themselves.

Thinking of this, Li Zhen then looked down at the contract.

According to his memory, Li Zhen felt that the contract was written very rigorously and there were no problems. It was just that the concessions were very serious and the responsibility he had to bear was very great. He was just doing charity work.

He had almost no possibility of jumping out of the contract. Even if he did, the loss he would bear would only be greater. This was a trap set for him.

If he cut the contract in one go, he would die now. If he waited for the contract to suck blood, he would die in a few months.

Li Zhen threw the contract on the table. "Damn Li Che! He would sell out my assets. If I had known, I would have killed this little bastard last night!"

"Xiao Yue, come in!" Li Zhen picked up the phone and said to the secretary's office.

"Mr. Li!" A moment later, Xiao Yue pushed the door and entered Li Zhen's office.

Li Zhen looked at Ma Yue, who had a curvy figure and was wearing an OL outfit, and a greedy look appeared on his face.

He thought to himself, 'Li Che, this little bastard, did a mess in other things, but he did a good job in choosing this secretary! ’

Xiao Yue, whose name is Ma Yue, is the female secretary introduced to Li Che by Su Xiaoxi.

Qian Duoduo is behind this, so Ma Yue is also a [virtual singer].

She is completely controlled by Qian Duoduo.

Because it is ‘real data’, Ma Yue’s thinking will not be affected by the aura of worship of the Space-Time Disorderer.

Of course, if it is an ordinary robot or ‘real data’, it will also be affected by the powerful aura of the Space-Time Disorderer, but if there is Shuanghua behind it, it will be completely different.

The Space-Time Disorderer has two states, namely the chaotic source code state and the coexistence state with Shuanghua.

The details are complicated and difficult to compare.

In terms of strength, when the Space-Time Disorderer is in the chaotic code stage, it cannot beat Tiandao.

But if it coexists with Shuanghua, it is an existence that can beat Tiandao.

Li Zhen immediately put away his pig brother image after hearing Ma Yue's words. "Please contact Qian Duoduo, the chairman of Xiqiao Group, for me. I hope to talk to her."

"Okay, no problem." Ma Yue agreed.

Li Zhen glanced at Ma Yue's figure again and said, "Xiao Yue, wear stockings to work tomorrow."

Ma Yue was not very curious, but uploaded Li Zhen's behavior analysis, and then agreed, "Okay!"

Ma Yue agreed so calmly that Li Zhen's eyes jumped again.

He was extremely excited and thought, 'Is this a professional female secretary? She does whatever her superiors want her to do. This is too cool. '

In Li Zhen's memory, the dead Li Zhen did not have a female secretary.

Li Zhen often worked overtime and ran around to sign contracts. He preferred young men in their prime to help him carry his luggage.

"Okay, go contact them first. I still have work to do." Li Zhen waved his hand and said.

"Yes!" Ma Yue left Li Zhen's office.


The dust has settled on a battle. The most injured are the Su family, except for Li Zhen, who has not yet discovered that the company's capital chain has been broken.

The Su family is not a wealthy family, and they are engaged in the financial investment industry.

Simply put, it is commercial speculation.

This is not a problem for a large company, but for a small company like the Su family, it is like walking on a tightrope.

Once the market rises, it will surely rise with the spring breeze. If it is affected by any slight disturbance, it will be crushed to ashes.

The Su family is really in a precarious situation now, and is even rushing towards a direction of no return.

The Su family was originally a guest of honor last night, but it turned out thatAccused of being a human trafficker, she was driven out.

Su Xiaoxi's break with the Su family also led to the break between the Li family and the Su family.

This caused the capital bubble originally created by the Su family to collapse in an instant. Countless wealthy people and capital knew that the Su family was doomed and withdrew their capital.

Many of them stopped losses in time to prevent the Li family from retaliating.

Not only that, even the Su family was in turmoil after knowing this. Many senior executives began to find a way out for themselves. Some middle-aged middle-level people did not believe that the Su family would collapse, like moles burying their heads in the ground.

The Su family was really in a precarious and eventful time at this time.

However, at this time, the Su family came and cursed Su Xiaoxi.

"Su Xiaoxi is really a piece of shit. She has been with Li Che and has forgotten us. Bah! Sooner or later, this kind of person will be thrown out by Li Che when he is tired of playing. Just wait and see!" Su Rong shouted angrily.

Su Chang on the side was also angry, but he was not targeting Su Xiaoxi, but Su Rong. "Su Rong, if you were a little better to Su Xiaoxi, would she leave so decisively? It's because you always oppressed Su Xiaoxi. Now Su Xiaoxi left so decisively. Okay, okay, I wonder whose things you will steal in the future."

"Su Chang, can you shut up? I am the only one who usually steals Su Xiaoxi's things. You didn't steal anything, and you still have the nerve to blame me!" Su Rong started to scold Su Chang.

"Okay, shut up!" Su Dajiang shouted at Su Rong and Su Chang who were arguing over there.

Su Rong and Su Chang saw that Su Dajiang was really angry, so they quickly shut up.

Su Dajiang frowned and fell into deep thought. He actually knew that someone was going to mess with him and the Su family, because Su Dajiang was 100% sure that Su Xiaoxi was his daughter, and there was no way she had a damn sister.

But Su Dajiang didn't understand who he had offended recently and why he had been treated so badly, pushing the Su family to the brink of collapse.

At this moment, the door of the Su family was knocked.

"Who is it?" Su Dajiang woke up from his contemplation and walked to the entrance to open the door.

After the door was opened, he saw several judicial officers outside the door, and heard the judicial officer say, "Mr. Su, we received a call saying that you are involved in a human trafficking case. Please come back to the office with us for inspection!"

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