Although the net was cast widely within the scope of Linhai, in just two hours, the entrance of Li Group was already full of applicants.

Because the urban area of ​​Linhai alone has a population of over 40 million, 5 million more than Chongqing, the most populous city in the parallel world.

Of course, the area of ​​Linhai is also very large. Linhai is closely connected to Wuxian next door, and various super-high-rise apartment buildings are lined up one after another. It is a truly modern super city.

Although Linhai District often looks down on Beishan District next door, the population of Beishan District next door is also over 1 million.

Even if many people regard it as a harassing text message, it doesn’t matter. Some Linpiao and some middle-aged and young people who can’t find a job in Linhai, or some semi-social idlers who have nothing to do and can only do some odd jobs every day, will always come to take a look.

The transportation in Linhai City is very convenient, and there are many subways and light rails.

In this way, there were no less than two thousand people of all kinds in front of the Li Building, and none of them looked like they were here to work.

Those who don't know would think that Li's is doing charity today.

The examiners in charge of the interview are Jiang Yuelong and Bu Guyu, who have been depressed by the ridicule of tens of thousands of netizens.

The office responsible for the interview is an ordinary office on the first floor, with only a few security guards to maintain order.

A man who looks to be in his forties, with some white hair in his black hair, thin figure, and dirty clothes, glanced at Jiang Yuelong and Bu Guyu with two small eyes, and a smile that could be said to be excited or obscene was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

Jiang Yuelong and Bu Guyu don't care at all. They never regard such aggressive gazes as an aggressive behavior. On the contrary, in Jiang Yuelong and Bu Guyu's view, this is a kind of appreciation for them, just like getting a pentakill in the game and being praised by the surrounding partners.

This kind of character development comes from two aspects. One aspect is that Jiang Yuelong and Bu Guyu or all the [virtual singers] were positioned as electronic products such as supercomputers when they were first manufactured, and they need to show their advantages.

Just like many figurine enthusiasts will disassemble figurines and change clothes, and there is no crime of molesting figurines.

The second aspect is high-intensity self-confidence.

Especially Jiang Yuelong's figure, which is well-proportioned. A fiery red women's suit outlines her deep cleavage, and the perfect arc is like the moonlight on the fifteenth day.

What kind of figure anxiety and appearance anxiety do not exist at all.

Only others will be anxious when they are with Jiang Yuelong.

Jiang Yuelong pushed a list to the man in front of him who looked a bit like a mouse and had a wretched face, "Fill in the form."

"Hey!" The man picked up the form, which had only a few lines of words.

Name, gender, contact information, accommodation address, whether you can use a smartphone, and whether you know to run home when it rains, a few simple questions.

"I'm done." The man put the pen and paper on the table and continued to stare at Jiang Yuelong.

Jiang Yuelong took the list back, stamped it with the company's official seal, put it from the right to the left, and then said to the man in front of him, "Okay, you are hired. Report early tomorrow."

The man was still admiring Jiang Yuelong. He felt that he was already feasting his eyes by being able to see Jiang Yuelong. He didn't think that he would be hired. He asked in disbelief, "I, I was accepted?"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuelong nodded, "Call the next person in."

"I, you didn't ask me what my education was, what I did before? I was accepted just because I could do something." The man was in disbelief.

Bu Guyu asked, "Then can you briefly introduce your education and what you did before?"

The man's expression froze as if he had dug a hole for himself.

But then he said with a somewhat proud look on his face, "I dropped out of junior high school, and then I worked in society for a few years, and then I lived off my parents at home. When I was young, I worked for a few years, but I was caught for stealing parts from the factory and was imprisoned for two years. Later, I worked as a loader. I was detained for molesting a female cashier for a week. Later, I was caught for secretly taking pictures of girls' skirts on the subway, playing cards in an underground chess and card room, and causing trouble in a bar. Anyway, sometimes I worked odd jobs, sometimes I lived in a detention center, and I have been doing it until now." Jiang Yuelong and Bu Guyu looked at each other, and Jiang Yuelong said to the middle-aged man, "Congratulations on being hired. We need talents like you!" "Ah?" The man was shocked! "Please don't waste time, call the next person in!" Although the interview took a little longer than replying to online comments. But in one afternoon, more than 200 people also allowed Jiang Yuelong and Bu Guyu to complete the interview.Jiang Yuelong succeeded in doing so. He did not use any talented people and hired all those with bad records with high salaries.

He made those idle social people feel the warmth of home.

The low-level parasites who were once looked down upon now have the capital to show off in the circle of friends.

He made many social elites who were originally confident and dressed in suits and ties to apply for jobs return home disappointed!

He made many street urchins who were just filling in the numbers and notorious to try their luck very happy!

He redistributed 100% of the Li family's assets!

None of the utopian masters dared to do what Jiang Yuelong and Bu Guyu did.

Of course, Jiang Yuelong and Bu Guyu's actions also caused a lot of abuse on the Internet.

Many of them did not receive the harassing text messages notifying Ma Yue, but knew that Li's company was recruiting and wanted to try.

Those who did not receive the text messages were all people who had been screened by Ma Yue. How could they be admitted?

As a result, the applicants who were confident that they would have a high chance of getting the job did not get the job, while those who had no hope got the job.

For a while, the contempt chain was reversed.

Many people who originally thought they were superior and looked down on those applicants who were idle every day began to be dissatisfied.

They began to accuse the HR department of the Li Group of taking black lines and using backdoors on the Internet.

Since there were more than 100 people who were PASSed today, these people quickly gathered together on the Internet and began to attack the Li Group for not standardizing the application.

However, the people in charge of the application were Jiang Yuelong and Bu Guyu, who had just finished the online confrontation with tens of thousands of netizens in the morning and were the top trolls who smashed the keyboards with sarcasm.

Facing the complaints of only 100 people, Jiang Yuelong and Bu Guyu just smiled slightly, and then-admitted it!

Admitted that they took the backdoor and took the money.

Jiang Yuelong also vowed that as long as you pay, you can enter the Li Group at will, she has the final say!

This made the situation even more out of control.

Originally just an ordinary and seemingly ordinary recruitment day, it suddenly became popular because the recruiters of the Li Group openly accepted bribes.

Countless people who were not interested in applying for the Li Group also came to take a look.

The Li Group has taken another big step towards notoriety!

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