Lu Tianhao looked at Li Zhen and smiled confidently. He picked up a small cake from the table and stuffed it into his mouth.

He recalled the physics knowledge that Mu Xuanzhen had taught him. "I remember that sound belongs to mechanical waves."

Ying Mengyao nodded. "The space where sound waves propagate is called the sound field. When propagating in gas and liquid media, it is a longitudinal wave, but when propagating in solid media, it may be mixed with transverse waves."

Ying Mengyao's explanation was obviously clearer than Lu Tianhao's.

Ying Mengyao seemed to have no idea what would happen in the next second.

Lu Tianhao did not reach out but stared at Li Zhen, and then played the move that could change everything [Finger Turns Stone into Gold]!

Li Zhen was still unaware that the spatial data around him had been changed by Lu Tianhao.

Lu Tianhao used the two skills [Finger Turns Stone into Gold] and [Music Avenue] to change the frequency of sound propagation.

Everyone saw Li Zhen elegantly lift a leaf and put it in his mouth, then pursed his lips, and finally made a loud and stiff sound.


The sound was quite loud, and the air even vibrated noticeably.

This sound was like the sound of skin rubbing violently, and it was also like the air vibrating when the bright chrysanthemums were in full bloom.

For a moment, the scene was silent.

Lu Tianhao pinched his nose and tried to hold back his smile.

But someone couldn't help it, and that was Xiao Lingyun, who was standing aside and ready to laugh at Li Zhen!

"Hahaha! This song is so interesting, Mr. Li, you can invite a few more people, eat more soybeans, drink more cold water, and organize a band without any problem."

In the extremely quiet environment, Xiao Lingyun's laughter was very loud.

Xiao Lingyun's mocking voice made Li Zhen's face look worse and worse. He felt the anger in his chest, his face was as gloomy as ink, and he stared at Xiao Lingyun, like a demon king Yaksha in the middle of the night.

No matter how terrible Li Zhen's expression was, he couldn't scare Xiao Lingyun.

Xiao Lingyun had a grudge against Li Zhen, so why would he not add insult to injury?

Li Zhen was angry at Xiao Lingyun's gloating, while thinking about why the music he played had changed in sound.

Li Zhen recalled the details, and could not feel what was wrong with him from any angle.

But why did the sound just now not come from his mouth?

Li Zhen shouted at Xiao Lingyun, "Shut up! I was just trying this leaf just now."

"You try, you try, hahaha!" Xiao Lingyun's rampant laughter made the surrounding tyrants want to laugh more and more.

However, because of face, they still tried not to laugh out loud, but many people covered their mouths, shook their shoulders, and felt uncomfortable.

After Li Zhen glared at Xiao Lingyun fiercely, he put the leaf to his mouth again...

Then a sound that was winding upwards, like smoke, was heard, and it spread melodiously to the distance.

The rhythm of the change of pitch, like a spiral spring, could hardly help but arouse some different and pleasant thoughts in human beings.

It was like you were desperately trying to protect something that was difficult to leak out in the crowd.

But many times, the air waves were pervasive, and they could always tear open some cracks and then burst out.

Listening to this sound, even those who didn't want to laugh couldn't help it.


As a burst of laughter began, it was like the series circuit was turned on, and the sound of laughter became one.

As the protagonist of the prank, Lu Tianhao could be said to be the one who laughed the least in the crowd. If it weren't for the noise caused by clapping the table, Lu Tianhao really wanted to clap the table to make the atmosphere noisy.

After a short and rapid sound, Li Zhen's face became even uglier.

Li Zhen never thought that the system would go wrong. He firmly believed in the system and recalled the technique of blowing leaves.

Li Zhen felt that he was definitely right, and he was not wrong when he recalled the music score in his mind.

But the music on the score didn't match the rhythm he played.

Li Zhen couldn't control his emotions at this time.

Whether the protagonist or the villain, they will be calm when they have the upper hand.

But if they are on the disadvantageous side, they will become manic.

This is a way of self-protection formed by the uncertainty of the future and the embarrassing behavior faced at the moment.

Li Zhen gritted his teeth and bit the leaves directly.

Li Zhen originally thought that with the help of the system, this would be an unprecedented good opportunity to strike Xiao Lingyun.

But he didn't expect that he would face failure again.

And he lost face in front of the powerful people!The mocking eyes of the powerful were like sharp blades, cutting Li Zhen's body again and again. Li Zhen felt the humiliation that was as painful as lingchi.

The unbridled laughter of the powerful was like the whisper of the devil, eroding Li Zhen's reason and the little dignity he had.

Li Zhen felt a sense of powerlessness pressing down on him, as if the whole sky was covering him.

Because Xiao Lingyun did nothing, she had won just by standing there.

And he had the blessing of the system, and he was still in a mess when facing Xiao Lingyun.

He was like a villain in a novel. No matter how he struggled, he would face the punishment of the protagonist.

Li Zhen seemed to see his own death approaching, and his fear of Xiao Lingyun continued to deepen.

Li Zhen began to recall a sentence in his mind. No matter how the plot is changed, no matter how the difficulty of the protagonist is increased, the author of the novel will be like the way of heaven. Since the protagonist turns on the plug-in, defeat the villain, and let the protagonist win the final victory.

Li Zhen suddenly felt like a jumping clown, as if the purpose of coming to this world was that the author of the novel was not satisfied with the difficulty created for the protagonist, and deliberately created himself to increase the difficulty for the protagonist!

His death has long been a foregone conclusion. What he did was just to move forward according to the progress of the novel. He could not stop the progress of the novel at all.

Because everything that was sorted out was pieced together by a pair of big hands on a keyboard, and it was not transferred because of his will at all.

Thinking of this, Li Zhen felt a sudden chill on his body.

The eyes looking at Xiao Lingyun were full of anger after fear. This anger was not anger, but a kind of thorough hysteria!

Li Zhen's face was red, his eyes were wide open, his veins were bulging, and his eyes were looking at Xiao Lingyun without turning.

Li Zhen's powerful aura scared the girls around Xiao Lingyun so much that they all hid behind others, hoping to avoid Li Zhen's terrifying gaze.

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