This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 115: Fairy ear - camphor tree

  Chapter 115 Ear Report Fairy - Camphor Willow

   "So, we have to dig down again this time?" Chen Xiyi looked around with black lines.

  I came to the blue dot on the map after traveling through mountains and rivers. I just sat in the alloy carriage for several days, but there was nothing here. Chen Xiyi can be sure that this thing is definitely not in the sky.

   If it's not in the sky, then it must be underground. I can't still escape into the void. If he really has this ability, Chen Xiyi really doesn't want it.

  Take out the alloy pickaxe, and after setting up a phantom array around, start digging.

   This illusion formation is much stronger than illusion, thanks to the large number of formations in Soul Returning Realm, otherwise Chen Xiyi really couldn't arrange it.

There are also formations in Nine Chapters of Dinglong, but the formations here are all large-scale formations, which are used to strengthen one's own home environment, not for personal use. In this way, the conditions for use are much harsher. Its power is also stronger than the formation of Soul Returning to One Realm.

  The formation of soul returning to one realm is essentially a soul formation engraved on the primordial spirit, not a simple formation, but it is universal.

  Chen Xiyi used wooden ladders and torches to dig all the way down, relying on five alloy picks. He estimated that it would take about 100 meters, but he didn't know how much.

  Seeing the sudden collapse of his feet, Chen Xiyi was holding on to the wooden ladder tightly, and his eyes froze.

   "Oh my god, it really looks like this again. If I hadn't fallen once last time, and I was prepared this time, I might have to suffer again."

  Chen Xiyi finally understood, he didn't take the usual path every time, he just dug down, and if the bottom was hollow, he would fall straight down.

   A fall in the Shanhe Sect directly deducted 99% of his life points, and another fall may not be much worse.

  His equipment is not resistant to falling, after all, this is his homework injury rather than being attacked.

   He casually took out two alloy shields that were assisted by imperial talismans, and just stepped on them and flew down.

   Not to mention, this is really easy to use. Although it may not be as flexible as flying by yourself, it is cheap and money-saving, very practical.

  Take out a flashlight, and the next instant, all darkness is driven away.

  His flashlight is not the small flashlight of Shanhezong before, but an enchanted alloy flashlight. In fact, he thinks that there is no problem in changing the alloy to nuclear energy.

  【Alloy Flashlight】

  【Durability: 1000/1000】

  【Lighting: 1000】

  【Strong Light: Lighting Increase】

  【Strong Light: Lighting Increase】

  【Strong Light: Lighting Increase】

  That’s right, whether it’s orichalcum, mithril or pure gold, the enchantment on the flashlight has the same function, that is, to increase the lighting property.

  The original lighting attribute of 100 points was forcibly changed to 1000 points, which caused Chen Xiyi to open it up, like a little sun, lighting up the underground where he was located as a bright hall.

  He suspects that even vampires can't handle such a scourge

"It's a tomb, and it still looks like the main tomb." Chen Xiyi looked around: "The whole thing seems to be very extraordinary. Judging from the qi mechanism inside, it should be to deal with the effect of gathering yin. There is only yin qi inside and no other qi mechanism. interesting."

   This tomb seems to be a large tomb. He dug it from the top himself, so he doesn't have to walk through those messy tombs to get in. Otherwise, ordinary people would definitely not be able to judge where the main tomb is so accurately.

   There are many corridors around this tomb, but they are closed. Obviously, this is not an ordinary tomb. It can even be hollowed out and built without collapsing. If the builder is incapable, it must not be possible.

   "It should be done by those lower-ranking professions of gas refiners with real talents, and there may be quite a few people who co-planned it."

  This is indeed shocking to ordinary people, but to a Qi refiner like Chen Xiyi, it is much simpler, and the structure of the entire tomb can be judged based on the flow of Yin Qi in the tomb.

  Of course, he has nothing to judge what this thing does, and he doesn't take this place as his home

   "Hiss, it seems possible, no one comes in here, and there is a ready-made space, it is completely possible to make another underground shelter."

   As for this is a cemetery?

  What does it matter? There are no blood bars nearby, which means that the surrounding area is very clean.

   And if there is a blood bar, then he will be even less afraid.

   "Okay, go and get the things first." Chen Xiyi set his eyes on the coffin in the center of the tomb.

   "This is still a bronze coffin. How do you say that? It's a sinking coffin, with a bronze outer coffin. If you don't have a hard character, you can't get close."

   Regarding these words, if they were placed in the previous life, they would be useful to Chen Xiyi, but for the current Chen Xiyi, where did he come from.

  He stretched out his hand and just pushed, but Chen Xiyi didn't push.

   "Is this thing welded to death by me? Why can't I push it?"

  Chen Xiyi was a little embarrassed. After careful observation, he realized that it was impossible to weld the coffin. After all, this is an ancient tomb, and there was no electric welding technology in that era.

   And it wasn't crucified, so that says something.

  That is simply because Chen Xiyi doesn't have enough strength to push the coffin.

This is a very normal thing. His body is no different from that of an ordinary person. The Qi Refining System only strengthens the primordial spirit but not the body. Otherwise, why would the Qi Refiners only take the body and rebirth instead of relying on their own bodies? longevity.

  However, it is not without a solution. As a response, the spells, talismans, formations, and magic tools of the Qi Refiners make up for this.

   "Fortunately, I prepared a Nine Bulls and One Tiger Dali Talisman before coming here."

   As he spoke, Chen Xiyi took out a talisman and stuck it on his body. This talisman was a powerful talisman, from the Nine Chapters of Dinglong, and its specific purpose was very clear, that is, it was used as a porter.

  Feeling the yang energy surrounding his body being continuously consumed by the yin energy, Chen Xiyi hurriedly pushed the coffin away.

   This is essentially a use of yang energy, and in an environment of yin qi, it will naturally be consumed at an accelerated rate, just like demons and ghosts entering a city that gathers a large number of humans and exudes yang energy.

  If a monster or ghost came to this big tomb, it would be equivalent to finding a treasure land of geomantic omen, that's why those monsters and ghosts like to look for tombs everywhere.

  Human tombs are generally surveyed by Feng Shui masters, so the quality is very high, which is much better than that of demons and ghosts.

   After pushing open the coffin lid, a mummy inside was revealed, holding a guqin in its arms.

  【Items with historical heritage: Funeral Guqin】

"It seems to be another magic weapon, but it seems to be broken. Maybe it's a beloved thing. It must be old enough." Chen Xiyi started to pull out the guqin, but after pulling it out, he found that the feel of the mummy seemed a bit small right.

Although he has never touched other mummy, he can be sure that the skin of the mummy is absolutely impossible to be so tough, tougher than ordinary cowhide. He squeezed it with his hands, and watched the name and blood stripes gradually emerge from the top of the mummy's head. .

  Chen Xiyi was in a trance at the time, didn't he just try your hand, so he wouldn't be so angry that he would cheat.

  【Resuscitated corpse, HP: 1%, Status: Evolving】

  【Ability 1: Absorb Yin Qi】




  Chen Xiyi guessed that this mummy was turning into a zombie. The reason was very simple. He opened the bronze coffin, causing the dead air contained in the mummy to come into contact with Yin Qi, and then began to transform from an ordinary corpse into a zombie.

  At the beginning, the death energy was only a small group, and then it began to absorb Yin Qi instinctively and grow stronger. When the death energy completely filled the whole corpse, the transformation should be completed.

   During this period, if resentment, blood, evil spirits, etc. are integrated into the body, the final zombie should be more powerful.

   "Okay, let's just let it go and evolve, I'll go back first." Chen Xiyi didn't dislike that Guqin was pulled from the mummy, so he hugged the mummy tightly and said this.

   As for killing the forming zombie in front of you?

Chen Xiyi is not stupid, this is double happiness, not only is he about to get a goblin, but also a zombie experimental product, even those years-old water monkeys, tiger demons and the like are no match for him, let alone a There are only new zombies.

   Looking at the speed of the corpse transformation, he estimated that it would take a lot of time, so he went back to his homeland first, and began to enlighten the goblin.

  【You used the skill attunement psychic on the funeral Guqin】

  【1% in Spiritual Awakening of Funeral Guqin】

  【You get the Ear Fairy: Camphor Willow】

  【Ear Fairy: Camphor Willow】

  【Saturation: 100/100】

  【Ability 1: Wind Ear Report】

  【Ability 2: Good and Bad Forecast】

  【Ability 3: Dodge for life】

  【You are blessed by the Ear Report Fairy: Camphor Willow, and you get the status: Yin Qi】

  【The bond list of all things has been updated】

  【Qin and Se: Harmony: Qin (Ear Fairy: Camphor Willow), Se (vacant)】

  【Qin, Chess, Calligraphy and Painting: Qin (Ear Fairy: Camphor Willow), Chess (Mountain and River Fairy: Mountain), Book (Vacant), Painting (River Fairy: Jianghu)]

  【Five Senses: Eyes (Air-watching Fairy: Eyes), Tongue (vacant), Mouth (vacant), Nose (vacant), Ears (Ear Fairy: Camphor Willow)】

【Five Senses:】

  Chen Xiyi looked at the strange-shaped goblin camphor willow in front of him. It looked like a wood carving and grew naturally. It was covered with leaves, rhizomes and fruits. It was only the size of a palm, and it rubbed against Chen Xiyi's hand affectionately.

  Although it looks a bit strange, Chen Xiyi likes it very much, and took the camphor willow to make him a garden and food for him.

   It’s just that there are a lot of flaws. He always feels that his painting style is a bit crooked. Before, the rivers and lakes, mountains, and royal power were very serious. Now it’s the eyeballs and the ears. Is this going to let him integrate all five senses?

  That's right, don't look at this camphor willow that looks like wood, but it's actually ears, and a goblin with the same pupils needs to be possessed.

Zhaofeng Ear Report can allow the game log to randomly obtain a piece of news that has nothing to do with Chen Xiyi. It may be a trivial matter in the family of some people, or it may be the secret communication of a certain Qi Refiner. It will also strengthen the news related to itself. Two functions.

  The good and bad forecast is more vague, it can predict good and bad, but it is not sure whether it is accurate, but this ability needs to be possessed by Chen Xiyi like the pupil to take effect.

The last one who dodges for life is powerful. All attacks cannot kill Chen Xiyi at once, that is to say, even if it can cause 100% damage to his health, even if the damage is overflow, he will be forced to lock his health. At 1%, a second hit is required to kill.

  It's a pity that more than 10% of the life value is required to function. If it is lower than 10%, there is no other way but to go back and resurrect.

  Of course, this ability also needs to be possessed before it can take effect.

   "However, why is it Yin Qi that blesses me? Is it because of the attributes of goblins?"

   "There is still a new bond. The five senses and the five senses have already been assembled. The only thing left is a book, and there is a piano and a piano. Maybe next time you can give priority to finding book-type items to form a bond."

   After Chen Xiyi finished making the box garden in his hand, he made some food for Zhangliu.

  【Flavor Syrup (Fairy Food)×100】

  【Saturation +100】

  【Fairy growth +1】

  【Fairy Heart +1】

  (end of this chapter)

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