This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 116: you have a new email

  Chapter 116 You have a new email

  Back in the tomb, the map has been updated again. The pupils have the yin energy provided by Zhangliu, so the qi machine map for yin qi has been added, and the qi machine that can use the aura to help him hang up and absorb also adds yin qi.

   As for Zhangliu itself, it seems that because it belongs to the ear report category, only the game log has been enhanced, and the game map has not changed.

This made Chen Xiyi have to complain, that is, he is a big living person, but he just doesn't have the yang energy and popularity that a living person should have, and now he has a yin energy. How should I explain it.

  The invisible primordial spirit who perceives the constant entanglement of his five energy mechanisms feels a little helpless about this.

  My own development direction is getting more and more strange.

   Touching his ears, there are some kind of weird ornaments like wood grain wrapped around his ears, which is the appearance of camphor willow.

  This camphor willow is not as casual as the pupils. It can be turned into tattoos and possessed casually. It can only be attached to his ears in the form of accessories.

   Otherwise, Chen Xiyi would have transferred it to his own mouth long ago.

   "Is my hearing more sensitive? No, I share the hearing of Zhangliu. As an ear report fairy, my hearing is naturally better than mine." Chen Xiyi could vaguely hear the wriggling sounds of various insects in the soil around the tomb.

   What's more important is that he can hear the flow of these qi mechanisms, which seems to be an additional function, just like the pupil's eyes watching qi can see the qi mechanisms.

   Then it was blocked, he had nothing to do to listen to these things, he didn't think it was noisy enough, and with camphor willow, he didn't have to pay attention to these things at all.

   Taking a deep breath, a large amount of Yin Qi in the tomb was sucked into his body by him, and then transformed into the resources needed by the primordial spirit.

   "This should be regarded as the affinity of Yin Qi, the Yin Qi blessed by Zhangliu is really powerful."

Of course, he can not only absorb Yin Qi in this way, he can also do it with Earth Qi, Water Qi, and Purple Qi, but for the Earth Qi to be so strong, it needs Feng Shui treasure land, and the water vapor has to enter the eyes of the water, and the Purple Qi is even worse. Difficult.

   It is only Yin Qi that can be provided in such a large amount. Of course, this tomb is also a treasure of geomantic omen.

   "When I make this place into a shelter, and then transform the surroundings, the ability to gather yin will be stronger."

   In this way, not only will his cultivation speed be faster, but he will also be able to raise the experimental product of his carriage.

  If he didn’t have Yin Qi before, he would only have some simple ideas, but now that he has Yin Qi, he has bigger ideas about these experimental products.

   "It's a pity that I don't have yang energy and popularity, otherwise I can study further, but this road is going step by step, otherwise it will be easy to talk about it."

  Chen Xiyi glanced at the corpse that was still in the dead body, and immediately began to excavate and replace the entire tomb. Since he planned to settle here for a period of time, he naturally had to do this quickly.

  The Eye of Hope flew out, explored in all directions from the corridor opened by Chen Xiyi, and gave back to Chen Xiyi the floor plan of the entire tomb.

  Zhang Liu's shared hearing allowed Chen Xiyi to judge the location, architecture, etc. in the entire tomb that needed to be adjusted.

  Especially after superimposing the core skill of qi movement, which is the core skill of qi movement in the sky, and the abilities of Tongmu and Zhangliu, his insight into the qi mechanism of the whole world is more detailed, which can be said to be a higher level.

   "I seem to have underestimated these elves who can only take effect with possession. I can only say that they are indeed top-level elves."

   "It's just eyes and ears, if you get all the possessed fairies with five senses."

  Chen Xiyi discovered that most of the goblins obtained from the enchanted items in this world seem to be possessed, unlike the three goblins obtained in the previous world, they are more like independent types.

  Perhaps because of the nature of these items.

  In the previous world, the Shanhe Sect was the Cultivation of Immortals sect, and they had spells without magic weapons.

  But the Magical Artifacts of this world are one of the tools used by Qi Refiners to survive, basically they have a wide range of uses.

   Therefore, the frequency of use must be relatively frequent, and it is precisely this kind of experience that causes the enchanted fairies to be possessed.

Chen Xiyi even guessed that the magic weapons of the immortal cultivators in the previous world might have things like weapon spirits, while the magic weapons in this world are just simple tools, so they cannot be separated from the user. One of the reasons for its power.

  However, Chen Xiyi didn't care about this aspect. Anyway, as long as he was a top-level fairy, he could strengthen himself to the greatest extent.

  Using the imperial talisman to control the alloy pickaxe is much more efficient than digging with bare hands.

  However, this time Chen Xiyi didn't want to search, but to build. After he knocked down the building materials of the tomb, he installed them again.

   This will make the building materials home. At that time, as long as the shelter of the home is put down, it can be turned into a shelter and completely homed. There is also a protection measure of the air wall.

  The Eye of Hope will return soon, this tomb is not big.

   This made Chen Xiyi a little strange. It stands to reason that this is either rich or expensive, so why is it not big.

   Moreover, according to the feedback and the direction of Yin Qi, Chen Xiyi also found that there are no funerary objects here, but the tomb chamber and site selection are very particular.

   "Maybe it's because the builders are those Feng Shui masters and warlocks who have not become Qi refiners?"

  Chen Xiyi can only guess like this, otherwise he can't explain the irrationality of this tomb. At first he thought it was the tomb of some princes and nobles, but judging from this specification, it is not at all.

   But whether it is or not, it does not affect Chen Xiyi, who regards this tomb as his underground shelter.

  He even thought of using the yin-gathering ability in this cemetery to fish, attracting those ghosts and ghosts to come to him automatically as experimental subjects.

   This is not impossible. Although most of his formation abilities are theoretical, he has had practical experience at least once, so it is not a big problem at all.

  【You have a new email, which has been stored in your mailbox, please check it】


  Chen Xiyi, who was working, had black lines all over his head. Why did he receive an email all of a sudden? Who sent it?

   It can't be said that there are other players, this is simply impossible, and it is not displayed on the map at all.

   And shouldn't the mailbox be just a decoration? Why is it still available.

   In this regard, he could only put down his work, took out the workbench and made a mailbox on the spot.

  【You made a mailbox on the workbench, consumption: 1 unit of wood】

  Put the mailbox down and take out the mail from it.

  【A letter from Li Zhao, the chairman of the chamber of commerce】

   "Fuck, how did you send it to me? It's unscientific."

  Chen Xiyi clicked to read this letter. It looks like it is in paper form, but it is actually an electronic version.

  【Brother Chen, long time no see, I miss you very much. Since I heard that Brother Chen likes it, I found a rare item for you】

  【Attachment: Yunzhuan Daolu (not received)】

  It was quite normal before, I talked with him heart to heart, and then said that the chamber of commerce was established with the money he sponsored, and introduced some friends I made recently, and finally gave him an inheritance.

  Chen Xiyi received this inheritance called Yunzhuan Daolu and opened it, and he was completely stunned.

   What the **** is this?

   This inheritance must be true, and it was certified by Homeland Games, but the question is why Li Zhao knew that he liked this game, and could still find it, and even more unscientific, he could still send it to him by email.

   "Wait, I seem to be able to reply." Chen Xiyi opened the mailbox, and indeed saw the word "Reply" on the email, and there was an additional function of sending emails.

   "Friends can still give me things, but it seems that they need enough favorability."

  Chen Xiyi didn't expect this friend to have this function at all.

  Click to open the mailbox, only some friends can send emails, and cannot send to strangers or enemies.

  Since friends can give him substantial benefits, Chen Xiyi feels that this is no longer a useless function, but can bring him a lot of benefits.

  So he replied decisively.

   Seeing that he could send attachments by mail, he thought that he could not treat the other party badly. After all, now that Li Zhao has been promoted to a friend who can help him find the inheritance, the treatment must be improved.

   "Send him some fruit products that can restore health, and I have to make a few for him. It just so happens that I also have purple energy, or what if I die halfway."

  Chen Xiyi thought about it, and started to make it.

   "Give me more things, let him help me get more friends, and by the way, give those friends who are already in the friend column more favorability."

   "I guess at least a 4-star favorability can give me something."

  In his friends column, apart from Li Zhao with 4-star favorability, there is also Mi Hong with 3-star favorability.

The name seems to be a woman, and the prefix of this woman has also changed from a bank manager to a vice president of the chamber of commerce. Obviously, she should have worked with Li Zhao, and Li Zhao and Mi Hong talked about him the most. The relationship between the two should be closer. One step further.

   As for which step he has reached, he doesn't know, but it can be seen from the fact that Mi Hong has been mentioned many times in the letter. As for the other friends in the friend column, he has also mentioned it several times.

   This happened to be Chen Xiyi's insertion point, using this to get in touch with these people faster.

  After stuffing ten fruit products and two amulets into the attachment, I began to conceive how to reply to the letter.

   After thinking about it for the last minute, I started typing.

  【Long time no see, I..., I like what you gave me very much, you must accept my gift in return】

  During this process, Chen Xiyi also explained the effects of these foods. He didn't say that they could restore blood, but only that they could replenish blood and nourish Qi.

  You don’t need to give too much for the first time. If you give too much, the other party will feel that it’s too cheap, and you won’t know how valuable it is if you haven’t experienced it yourself. Wait for the effect to show up next time, and then gradually give more.

   There is also the purple air amulet, which is a life-saving thing for ordinary people.

  The magic weapon he made by himself, ordinary monsters and ghosts dare not approach it, and if they approach it, they will be shocked to death by the purple energy.

  However, it can only protect against demons and ghosts, and guns and artillery can't handle it. This is not the right profession.

  In the letter, he also specifically asked Li Zhao to carry it with him so that he would not lose it.

   After finishing these, Chen Xiyi sent the email.

   "It's getting more and more like a game, but it doesn't look bad."

There are many weird bugs in this incident, but Li Zhao probably didn't feel it, otherwise he wouldn't even know where to send the letter, so how could it possibly come to his mailbox, let alone send it to him? a legacy.

  It can be said that he and Li Zhao just met once, and he never said that he needs to inherit it. It is probably because of the influence of favorability that he spontaneously looked for these things.

  【Li Zhao, the president of the chamber of commerce, received your reply letter and received the attachment. The favorability of Li Zhao, the president of the chamber of commerce, towards you +10, current favorability: 4 stars]

   "Is it so fast? But it only adds ten points of favorability, is it because of the icing on the cake?"

  Before he saved Li Zhaohe and supported him when he was down, that was a timely help, so the favorability increased terribly, but now it can only be regarded as the icing on the cake between friends, so the increase is not much.

   Fortunately, Chen Xiyi's purpose was not to increase his favorability, but to give Li Zhao some means to save his life.

   "I'll do some more research, and then I'll send some magical artifacts for body protection."

Among other things, this Yunzhuan Daolu is enough for Chen Xiyi's follow-up investment. Although the things sent before are a little less, Chen Xiyi will make up for them in the future. It became the sweet pastry in Chen Xiyi's eyes.

And friends can also form a larger circle of friends. In this way, as long as the favorability increases, maybe after the number of follow-up friends increases, you can directly send him an item with historical background. After all, this is also his preference. .

   This is not impossible, after all, even the inheritance can be sent to him, so there is nothing impossible.

  (end of this chapter)

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